Fantastic, I feel this one, I am there with you, deadly musical imagination you have. You sure there are only two Regs. sounds like a room full of the damn Reg dudes.
Shout out to Tom Waits, one of my favs. Rumor has it, he has had a similar problem with his piano.
I didnt think I would make it signing this way to the end of the song, lol.
Throat lozenge anyone??
I am happy to post this first rough version of a song I wrote yesterday after a really long creative drought. It cracked me up because I'd woken up with this idea on my mind first thing after watching a stupid TV show the night before where…
I thought I'd share this studio version with everyone of a song that Greg Connor, Scott Zosel and I wrote and had posted here earlier as a rough coffee table cut. In this studio version, you'll hear Greg on guitars and vocals, and we added live…
When we were kids, my brother used to wake me up before dawn and we would schlep across this field and wait for the unobstructed sunrise. At that time, it seemed like the coolest thing ever!
I saw the sunrise this morning walking the dog it felt special too .... maybe because there’s not many left , well less than that have already been .... let’s hope I’m wrong
Merry Christmas all!. This is a collab I did with Wrinkled shirt a while back. was originally released under Wreathwlaker.
i played 4 different guitars over WS's frosty tune, each with their own personality.
When we were kids, my brother used to wake me up before dawn and we would schlep across this field and wait for the unobstructed sunrise. At that time, it seemed like the coolest thing ever!
Another recent song somehow not posted to AT (?) cleaning house this weekend.
Had the privilege of playing around with a cello in the house.
Dont know how to play the damn thing but too fun not adding it in the mix
The inner joy that comes from the fact that Sunday morning comes. Ahead are lights, and new challenges, and happiness of knowing the world. I see the glittering event horizon, I'm on the way to.
Für Leon
Bad Münder am Deister
Why does in rain on a sunday
why is not sunny every sunday
Why does the day not act according to its name
why oh why does it have to rain
I had plans
131 BPM 1/2 Step Down
And so as it begins
I turn the page
And stumble in...
Time was once my friend
Passing by
An enemy
I feel so alone
And I need, to feel you breathe
So far from home
Monument achieved
Awake through the night…
Comments on thetworegs's stuff
Pretty cool. Really like the backing vocals. Great feel to this! Thanks for recent comment on my song Tuba Man!
Fantastic, I feel this one, I am there with you, deadly musical imagination you have. You sure there are only two Regs. sounds like a room full of the damn Reg dudes.
love this!
Great tune you nailed it.
Unhinged is a great way to make super fine music. This rocks hard for such a quite track.
Thats the kind of song I like, sure do, sure do.
Comments made by thetworegs
A super hero theme for sure with a Tarintino feel ....Love it !!
Great stuff!! Hic!! Burp!!
Beautifully written and performed
It’s been a while since listening to a tune of your Richard a moment to think and contemplate thank you
Love the riff Chris
Beautifully sung Colleen a lovely collab love the pedal steel
Loving it too never know you may get your name in lights !!
I saw the sunrise this morning walking the dog it felt special too .... maybe because there’s not many left , well less than that have already been .... let’s hope I’m wrong
two new ones from Reef it must be Christmas..... loving that singing guitar thingy thing going on.....
I feel im getting to that age where i'm beginng to be grateful for each and every sunrise....
I'm surfing the net and i'm naked YAAAaaahh! Happy new year!!!!
loving it !! Have you a lyric/vocal for it ????
Love it Kavin.......
All ways a pleasure!!
You kick it like beating a habit.....
Sunday Why does in rain on a sunday why is not sunny every sunday Why does the day not act according to its name why oh why does it have to rain I had plans
I think this ones my fave but a great album through and through...Bravo!!
Superb loved it especially the vocal
Another Fab Album