Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
I stole part of the chord sequence ,anyone guess which classic its from ? Anyway just getting over a bout of flu and ventured down to the cellar and this one came out....Thanks for listening You are who you are No one can answer all the…
Mike Denison (Lumberfork)'s avatar
Mike Denison (Lumberfork) said

Sticking with Stairway. And this is still stuck in my head.

thetworegs's avatar
I stole part of the chord sequence ,anyone guess which classic its from ? Anyway just getting over a bout of flu and ventured down to the cellar and this one came out....Thanks for listening You are who you are No one can answer all the…
Mike Denison (Lumberfork)'s avatar
Mike Denison (Lumberfork) said

Or even Hotel Cali... you are so evil.

thetworegs's avatar
I stole part of the chord sequence ,anyone guess which classic its from ? Anyway just getting over a bout of flu and ventured down to the cellar and this one came out....Thanks for listening You are who you are No one can answer all the…
R. J. Garn's avatar
R. J. Garn said

I can hear what song it is in my head but can't put a name too it..

thetworegs's avatar
I stole part of the chord sequence ,anyone guess which classic its from ? Anyway just getting over a bout of flu and ventured down to the cellar and this one came out....Thanks for listening You are who you are No one can answer all the…
Mike Denison (Lumberfork)'s avatar
Mike Denison (Lumberfork) said

The progression in the verses is dangerously close to Stairway, but without the augmented transition. You are an evil soul for such a puzzle, but the song itself is haunting and I really like.

thetworegs's avatar
I stole part of the chord sequence ,anyone guess which classic its from ? Anyway just getting over a bout of flu and ventured down to the cellar and this one came out....Thanks for listening You are who you are No one can answer all the…
Guest said

sounds a little like the golden brown sequence, but i can't put my finger on it.

thetworegs's avatar
Its been a while since I jammed with Norm so i've used his mile of sorrow and turned it into a Christmas song........Merry Christmas Norm ..... Christmas it is here Christmas everywhere On a moonlight drive with the midnight sun The…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Your the greatest Reg! Many thanks and Merry Christmas! 12 years to the day that I uploaded that one...

thetworegs's avatar
The wife was on a work call and I got bored so I ventured down to the cellar and a couple of hours passed and this is what came out ....Thanks for listening You need a dream cause your barely living Now open your eyes and go try make it…
Eternals's avatar
Eternals said

some real good lyrics man. you storyteller you. Much love.

thetworegs's avatar
Testing a new bit of kit, well new to me an ART Preamp with a mic straight into Focusrite with a lot of doodling seems to work well
Eternals's avatar
Eternals said

You do doodle well. Is that the Scarlett box?

thetworegs's avatar
The wife was on a work call and I got bored so I ventured down to the cellar and a couple of hours passed and this is what came out ....Thanks for listening You need a dream cause your barely living Now open your eyes and go try make it…
Wayne Webster's avatar
Wayne Webster said

Same sort of thing happens to me when I am bored and venture down to the cellar...

thetworegs's avatar
Testing a new bit of kit, well new to me an ART Preamp with a mic straight into Focusrite with a lot of doodling seems to work well
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Sounds great!

thetworegs's avatar
another afternoon of rain ..... Its dark outside and the wind does howl The rain is coming up through the ground Down on my knees I’m Partitioning the lord To save me through these dark times please once more Dark is night as black as…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Epic! I can feel the storm in that piano indeed

thetworegs's avatar
The wife was on a work call and I got bored so I ventured down to the cellar and a couple of hours passed and this is what came out ....Thanks for listening You need a dream cause your barely living Now open your eyes and go try make it…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Nice one!

thetworegs's avatar
How was Reg to know she was a plant.... Sexy Suzie Its told sexy Suzie knows the story way to well She looks you in the eye and your under that spell The mystery of the meeting disappears from your mind How could such a beauty ever be unkind…
Eternals's avatar
Eternals said

You so CrAzY! Love it ole' buddy.

thetworegs's avatar
How was Reg to know she was a plant.... Sexy Suzie Its told sexy Suzie knows the story way to well She looks you in the eye and your under that spell The mystery of the meeting disappears from your mind How could such a beauty ever be unkind…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Ohh Ohhh! hopefully the story ends well...... Great song!!

thetworegs's avatar
What can I say......
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

Rockabilly Awesome!

thetworegs's avatar
I'm sick of those wise guys that lead us .... Wise Guys I tell you I want something I need it right now Something to take me whey up above the clouds I want to get high I want to learn how to fly So I can get away from all these wise guys…
oldfolks2's avatar
oldfolks2 said

Had to come back .....

thetworegs's avatar
Had a bit of time this morning so I thought id write a song about it ...... Time The pink of the sky it fires up my mind It wakes me up to realise the limit of time Where I’ve watched my life turn into this pantomime Where time is no longer…
oldfolks2's avatar
oldfolks2 said

Real deal mate ....

thetworegs's avatar
When a daughter is not having it so good....... Other days I can argue with you, till I’m blue in the face man Or I can conversate with you, like your a friend I tell you I’m lost, on this lonely road of life There ain’t no sign to show…
Dirty Spirits's avatar
Dirty Spirits said

great build up. nice work

thetworegs's avatar
Here Another for this years RPM 2022 Walking in the park I was walking in the park just the other day And along walked this pretty babe Her hair so long it reached her bum I just had to talk to her I said hello and then a little bit more…
Eternals's avatar
Eternals said

you devil you!

thetworegs's avatar
Well poor old Reg is broken hearted again and back on the bottle lets hope he finds the wagon soon …. YOU SAY YOUR THE HARDEST DONE BY BUT THAT JUST AIN’T RIGHT YOU SAY YOU WANTED MY LOVE BUT THEN NEVER PUT UP A FIGHT MY HEART IT BLED YOU…
Eternals's avatar
Eternals said

I feel you man.
