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thetworegs's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by thetworegs


04 Over The Wall

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from the album “Flooded” featuring Ash Reynolds on vocals

You could have bought everything you wanted
In the world there is nothing you need
You could have saved everyone from this
The water’s over the wall and it’s up to our necks
You should have stopped when they all caught on
Your words became our disease
And when they tried to get out of the rain
The water was over the wall, and up to our knees
To follow no matter the danger
Blind faith leads to a tragic demise
Deniers will suffer your anger
your sermon was nothing lies
Open your eyes
You might have got everything you wanted
If only everyone had never come out
but when the water went over our head
we had to tear down the wall, and let the truth in

Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Another great song - and some really nice touches with the vocal arrangement.

The Missed Connections's avatar
The Missed Connections said

