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thetworegs's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by thetworegs


Mississippi Moon

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I wrote this one in response to a song writing challenge from the Minnesota Association of Songwriters. The title had to be Mississippi Moon and it had to have a I V VI I II chord progression somewhere in the song. Over 20 writers have signed up to write their version by mid-September, so it’ll be fun to see how many ideas spring from the title phrase.

This is the first song I’ve written that I’ve recorded all the instruments myself, including the organ, bass, mandolin, ukulele, and even the footsteps and shakes! Musical learning progress for me!!!! It might be clunky and too much, but on a rainy day here in MN I swung for the fences.

So thanks for listening - here’s my version of….

Mississippi Moon

One night last week
I couldn’t sleep
So I thought I’d take a walk
By the river

If these hills would share
With that moon hanging there
This ribbon of ink would laugh
Without a care

Mississippi moon shining down on me
I’m been such a fool
My heart just could not see
Mississippi moon don’t you laugh at me
I thought your love was true
but it wasn’t meant to be

You left me by
This very river high
Now you’re back in that
Bayou delta

You’re under the spell
of that southern belle
This river swept your love away
Straight to hell

Mississippi moon shining down on me
I’m been such a fool
My heart just could not see
Mississippi moon don’t you laugh at me
I thought your love was true
but it wasn’t meant to be

© August 2020 - Colleen Dillon, All Rights Reserved

Paul Matthews's avatar
Paul Matthews said

Hi there from across the pond! Thank you so much for your kind words about a couple of my tracks....really appreciated. Been listening to few of your recent the voice and sentiments - are you influenced by artistes such as Joan Baez, Joni Mitchell etc?

RayBrookes's avatar
RayBrookes said

Oh yeah, a lovely song and perfectly performed. Nothing overdone, no smoke and mirrors just a lovely vocal and accompanied plaintively. Nice lyrics too. BTW, I love that expression "swung for the fences"

slkrell's avatar
slkrell said

hi this a great progression for your vocal the use is so warm. return : the area is my home and you killed that southern feel

Jeff Gordon's avatar
Jeff Gordon said

Pretty melody, catchy chorus. Good job writing to the title.

Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

oh wow, this sounds like a cool challenge. Nice rendition. fav.

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

I had to stop for another listen.

Anton's avatar
Anton said

Love your voice, great job with the instruments too!

oldfolks2's avatar
oldfolks2 said

Oh, Colleen, how wonderful ...... watch out for you, I reckon you could be a bad ass producer, He, He ...

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Oh yes. Love this. Gorgeous song.

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

A good job on this Colleen beautiful song

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Beautiful song, and production.
