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thetworegs's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by thetworegs


Soldiers Marching Onward

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An old one remastered. Thought I’d be posh and call it that !!!! Didn’t realize I wrote this 7 years ago, it is a bit of a rant, quietly !!! I apologise in advance if any one is offended by the Lyrics, just my opinion !!!!

Merry Bear's avatar
Merry Bear said

Roger, this is Gene Eric Mann, using one of my alternative accounts on AloneTone (4 altogether). Anyway, you've done it again (although this is 7 years old for you, it's new to me). I love the way you write and record -- you've been one of my all-time favorites ever since I found you on ezFolk. This is a great tune. Hey, do you still have a copy of the song about the guy escaped from jail that you did to an instrumental track I composed? I'd dig hearing that one again.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Great groove. Very nice...
