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thetworegs's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by thetworegs


Anthem Tantrum

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First track of my, now defunct EP RPM challenge effort. It has not gone well :)
Week 1 - road being resurfaced outside…. noise noise noise!
Week 2 - got some tracking done
Week 3 - Bad tooth infection needing extraction for week 4
Week 4 - enough is enough.. their back doing more road repairs!
I have completed 2 tracks with 3 more on the way… 2 requiring vox, which I’m not physically up to
Ah what fun… the album title ‘Destined to Fail’ is my sarcastic response to circumstances… not negative really.
I will prevail!

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Great intro!

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Just been reading your blurb - oh man... what I nightmare. I've been recording acoustic demos for the FAWM challenge, I gave up worrying about noise in the end, otherwise I'd have destroyed more than one guitar!. The noise from outside (and from significant other snoring on the other sofa one afternoon... I kid you not, it's in there somewhere!) has been somewhat worse than usual. No tooth infection... although I do have a crown that fell off months ago that maybe I should get fixed before I get an infection!

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Cool track. Love that guitar.

kavin.'s avatar
kavin. said

The only failure is not trying. So you win!
