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thetworegs's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by thetworegs


Where I Was Grown v2

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I’m finally happy with this track - v1 was too much of a nothing song and it’s been bugging me all the way to the last night of the challenge.
1 more to mix

World War Nine's avatar
World War Nine said

Some skiffleheads I know dig this real well.

Mike Mclaren's avatar
Mike Mclaren said

I tell my students to keep things simple—couple o' chords, not to many notes, and just tell a good story. That's what makes a best songs. This fits that definition.

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Love this really over. A year ago time flows

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

We need some more from you because what you do you do so well...i have everything on the i-pod doing there rounds....Thanks

corbinSound's avatar
corbinSound said


Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

Love it from the first pluck. Your music is always so endearing. Love your vocal and everything about this.

Geir's avatar
Geir said

love it ! great happy feel to it !

A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

s'far from nothing now chappy

stoman's avatar
stoman said

Finally happy ... and you have a good reason to be! Good old times folk. :)

Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

this is so good...catchy rustic goodness!

Guest said

I think you were blown there from N'orleans! Cracking track!

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Great stuff even better second time around. A perfect guitar vocal mix.......
