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Ilesa with Norm


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I heard this beat of Norms this morning bright and early an had to jump all over ilesa in my mind she was her instead of a town it was fun but it didn’t last…..the same old story… was her fault she was too hot…….What can i say

jip's avatar
jip said

i need ya!

Guest said

Yeah! I think she got the message. Poor Reg, I do wish he could have some luck.

Guest said

If I half close my ears, it sounds like you're saying "Tessa, I need ya baby". Which works for me on some kind of primitive level.

Guest said

You "BEAT" me to it. Man, I am so clever...though, clearly not quick enough! Very cool!

Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Did I just hear "beat that meat"?........damn man thats down with it........

Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

come to daddy baby.............

Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Norm on drums.........its gonna be huge.........Reg on organ and vocals and other assorted crazyness.........well, its gonna blow my fine guys.......this is the new groove for the masses.....this is the sound that will save the world from disaster............Reg and Norn, Captains of the our souls your work for good....only for good.....

Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

Damn fine work!!

Norm's avatar
Norm said

"I'm dancin'! Ilesa I'm dancin'!". Come to Daddy!! Let's beat it down! Love the Rhodes as always and Reg had me crackin' up with this one! Ilesa never saw him coming when she walked into that disco, but I doubt she will ever be able to forget his "classic moves".

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