by gosh, this a real piano?
beautiful sound. slightly out of tune or something, it's eerie, nostalgic and dangerously large.
keep on doing what you're doing.
This is a solo piano piece performed on a M-Audio 88es driving pianoteq which was re-tuned to Gene Ward Smith's 17 per octave equal beating dwarf(<17 27 40|). The piece was originally recorded in pianoteq using the standalone mode and then…
This is a solo piano piece performed on a M-Audio 88es driving pianoteq which was re-tuned to Gene Ward Smith's 17 per octave equal beating dwarf(<17 27 40|). The piece was originally recorded in pianoteq using the standalone mode and then…
Winter 1977 / 1978 - band is Clay percussion, Evan guitar and guitar pedals (synth sounds), Mike Barry piano, Mike Craddock bass, and Chris guitar (with echo / volume pedal)
This was the next to last jam of the night
Andrew, sorry - I wasn't even think of that even though I saw a live show video by HAIM where some young ladies from southern California ripped that cover song up! Worth a search!
just like it says
I moved my headphones and the wires connecting them to the mixer .. the wires in turn turned down the sound on the headphones to nothing.. --- I was fumbling with the settings the power the levels the plugs where they were…
(Remastered 22/10/2021)
Here it is in all of its glory...
THIS is the song that Mrs R and I had decided was a suitable response to a request to "Upload something HAPPY, stat!!!!!!!!!"
I tried to record it back in 2013 when I wrote it…
AKA New Wave or "Unknown #1"
As always, apologies to the band for the guesswork.
New wave
because I said so that's
because I said so
I wrote this song as a way to process some of the feelings of sadness, dismay, anger, fear and love that were brewing inside my heart this past week. I live in Minneapolis, where the terrible killing of George Floyd occurred, and the subsequent…
This is a recording from my i phone off my back deck at home in Mill Valley tonight. Everyone howls at 8 pm for 1 minute in solidarity for the healthcare providers during this pandemic with COVID 19. its been going on for over 2 weeks now…
Ukulele and vocals performed by Jazz, 12.
She's starting to write her own stuff (proud!) but just to get her in the studio for the first time, here is a cover of a song by Vance Joy.
the first Acid pro 10 stuff where I rework a recent work using the stretch effect and algorithms
this is the original work here
this is the selection that resulted in stretching, in high resolution…
Comments on vaisvil's stuff
by gosh, this a real piano? beautiful sound. slightly out of tune or something, it's eerie, nostalgic and dangerously large. keep on doing what you're doing.
Crunchy! Bravo!
Lovely hearing the jazzier chords on an acoustic.
*explodes with cute*
Gentle, lovely, and very welcome. Like a sweet cuppa rosie.
What Kavin said- Lovely! Sweet tone from that Seagull
O lovely, really good improv!
mesmerising piano
Oh little dear!
I like your melody and sensitive piano playing. Lovely Chris.
nice playing!
Chris,,, well played, the piano has a very nice deep sound
Faved.. Genius!!!!!
This track has a strange but compelling kilter! Very cool stuff!
Whoa....... Beautiful!
Gorgeous. I hear vocals. :)
very very nice treat
Comments made by vaisvil
Andrew, sorry - I wasn't even think of that even though I saw a live show video by HAIM where some young ladies from southern California ripped that cover song up! Worth a search!
Good work! And yeah a mask is the only way to fly
Some really interesting music that obvious had its own life!
Wow... this is such touching melancholy. It has touch of gospel but so, so sad.
Excellent! I love the drive and the feeling that this is music about to explode from its own intensity.
got chills listening to this!
Great textures!
certainly Clapton has nothing on you!
this is great!
There is something compelling about your calm reflective pieces like this :-)
every cat has at least one... its were the 9 lives are stored...
Nice sample! You gotta put it in a tune!
This is great!
great performance!
I like this one a great deal. The sections are more defined than usual And I like the character of each. I too listened several times.
Cool sounding!
amazing work!
really good composition with excellent production. I heard sounds coming from beyond my monitors - phase shifting?
great music, it is like a speech. Prodding, pleading, shouting.