Comments on vaisvil's stuff

vaisvil's avatar
I dreamed I met a Galilean; A most amazing man. He had that look you very rarely find: The haunting, hunted kind. I asked him to say what had happened, How it all began. I asked again, he never said a word. As if he hadn't heard. And…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Everything's alright, yes, everything's fine.

vaisvil's avatar
I dreamed I met a Galilean; A most amazing man. He had that look you very rarely find: The haunting, hunted kind. I asked him to say what had happened, How it all began. I asked again, he never said a word. As if he hadn't heard. And…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

One of my favourite musicals too........

vaisvil's avatar
I dreamed I met a Galilean; A most amazing man. He had that look you very rarely find: The haunting, hunted kind. I asked him to say what had happened, How it all began. I asked again, he never said a word. As if he hadn't heard. And…
Guest said

Absolutely fantastic Chris!

vaisvil's avatar
I found the image at Rinkie's Blog From this past weekend's improvfriday Lovely piano from Norbert Oldani - 5 string bass from me. We only wish we could have performed it live for you...
corbinSound's avatar
corbinSound said

soo kool

vaisvil's avatar
Norm's percussion strummed electric mandolin ebow electric mandolin piano voice snippet
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Yep. Still.

vaisvil's avatar
Guest said

Hey i remember that....#1 on youtube lol as for the music....mighty fine!

vaisvil's avatar
I found the image at Rinkie's Blog From this past weekend's improvfriday Lovely piano from Norbert Oldani - 5 string bass from me. We only wish we could have performed it live for you...
Guest said

A feast of bass and piano.

vaisvil's avatar
I found the image at Rinkie's Blog From this past weekend's improvfriday Lovely piano from Norbert Oldani - 5 string bass from me. We only wish we could have performed it live for you...
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

that's one lonely dark wet street.........loving the bass and piano together......

vaisvil's avatar
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

just love it......

vaisvil's avatar
Guest said

Whoa, I was almost expecting the Wagner choir! Very dramatic! The vikings are coming again!

vaisvil's avatar
My Fender Mustang + Marshall Amp + I dragged out the whammy bar - AKG D950 mic behind the amp and Zoom H2 in front - dropped the tracks into sonar and panned a bit. I also midi recorded the guitar and used the midi to drive upright bass, albino…
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

speak up Norm I can't hear you!

vaisvil's avatar
My Fender Mustang + Marshall Amp + I dragged out the whammy bar - AKG D950 mic behind the amp and Zoom H2 in front - dropped the tracks into sonar and panned a bit. I also midi recorded the guitar and used the midi to drive upright bass, albino…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

What can I say?

vaisvil's avatar
Only my Fender Mustang + Marshall Amp + I dragged out the whammy bar - AKG D950 behind the amp and Zoom H2 in front into sonar and panned a bit. Yes I reach for that E to G movement again. If you are dissatisfied I will refund your money.
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

I want to be able to do that beginning ....... love the wild sound of it... one day (Reg learning guitar) where was I 1st finger on the 5th string 2nd fret and 2nd finger on the 4th string 2nd fret and pluck ....ha ha Em I'm my fingers may be a while Chris before were dueting with guitars .......I think I'll stick to the singing...this excellent enjoyed that sound of Fender and Marshall with a little help from Vaisvil...

vaisvil's avatar
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

the planet of the apes comes to mind ..."70s it....congures some great imagery of intrigue and to hear this live....excellent ...

vaisvil's avatar
Please see the blog page for the complete blow-by-blow description of this collaboration with drummer / composer Peter Thoegersen
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

now that's some drumming the ominous bass.....and what ever that is creeping in guitar mid will have check the blog.....great sounds....nice ending back to ominous bass and space.........

vaisvil's avatar
A composition from my 1999 album Alien Air
Guest said

I love the way the effects flow from one ear to the other.

vaisvil's avatar
Apologies to John Strings (scored) Session Drummer 3 (no loops, scored) 5 string bass fretless guitar * 2 electric piano Vocals * 2
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Watch out Chris it looks like Desirea's homing in on you...keep your cards close to your chest......or is she already there ??????

vaisvil's avatar
My friend Frank Miller did a drum improvisation track at my request - and I then improvised lyrics, vocal, and guitar with a bit of touch up. This was the first track we did together since 1979.
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Cool jam out! Like the drums as well, but your guitar and vox sound nice to Chris.

vaisvil's avatar
My friend Frank Miller did a drum improvisation track at my request - and I then improvised lyrics, vocal, and guitar with a bit of touch up. This was the first track we did together since 1979.
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

ooh liking that guitar Chris.....great vocal too...very Ozzy.... it suits you...great drumming too Frank....Bravo

vaisvil's avatar
My friend Frank Miller did a drum improvisation track at my request - and I then improvised lyrics, vocal, and guitar with a bit of touch up. This was the first track we did together since 1979.
Guest said

Storming vocals - hitting some awesome notes there, Chris!!
