Comments on Wildgeas Music's stuff

Wildgeas Music's avatar
This is a tune I picked up from alonetone a while back. Johnny did a piano version of "I'd Love to Change the World", and Michael Thomas from Cave Street added the outstanding vocals. When Michael told me he was doing the vox on it, I wanted…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

Great track, well done.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
This is a tune I picked up from alonetone a while back. Johnny did a piano version of "I'd Love to Change the World", and Michael Thomas from Cave Street added the outstanding vocals. When Michael told me he was doing the vox on it, I wanted…
Guest said

Love the whole collab. I see twinkle fingers was well at it here. Go Johnny go!! Thanks Paul.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
I haven't tried the vox pipes in a few months. I've been sickly and singing was out of the question. After 24 days of instrumental RPM, I started getting back to 99%. Might as well sing right? Better yet , let me trash the greatest song of…
Guest said

Stormin' cover! Loving your 12 string stuff. We will have no shooting of Geas, wild or otherwise. I saw UH supporting Yngwie Malmsteen in the 90s - total entertainment.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
This is a tune I picked up from alonetone a while back. Johnny did a piano version of "I'd Love to Change the World", and Michael Thomas from Cave Street added the outstanding vocals. When Michael told me he was doing the vox on it, I wanted…
Guest said

Dig it mate, nice one. :)

Wildgeas Music's avatar
This is a tune I picked up from alonetone a while back. Johnny did a piano version of "I'd Love to Change the World", and Michael Thomas from Cave Street added the outstanding vocals. When Michael told me he was doing the vox on it, I wanted…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Most excellent! That Rocks!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
I haven't tried the vox pipes in a few months. I've been sickly and singing was out of the question. After 24 days of instrumental RPM, I started getting back to 99%. Might as well sing right? Better yet , let me trash the greatest song of…
Cave Street's avatar
Cave Street said

Paul, I think this is your best vocal yet, it sounds as if you're exploring a new range! The backing vox add a whole other dimension.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
This is a tune I picked up from alonetone a while back. Johnny did a piano version of "I'd Love to Change the World", and Michael Thomas from Cave Street added the outstanding vocals. When Michael told me he was doing the vox on it, I wanted…
Cave Street's avatar
Cave Street said

cheers mate

Wildgeas Music's avatar
This started as a homegrown piano loop. I cut it to 40 seconds, pasted 4 times, then I added 2 cups of confectioner's sugar, and a dash of salt.
Endicott Road's avatar
Endicott Road said

I like this. Nice atmosphere to the song, and the echoing guitar solo is great. ER

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Field Fresh - Texas Cow Patties are yummy little milk chocolate carmel peanut patties that come in this neat little wooden box..... Not really cow shit!
Endicott Road's avatar
Endicott Road said

Do you have them with a serving of Rocky Mountain Oysters? Or are Texas Cow Pies somehow different than, say, Ohio road apples? Nice song. ER

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Kickin' off RPM this year with instrumentals. I don't feel much like singing. Or trying for that matter. I may put some vox on this when I'm feeling a bit better. Enjoy!
Endicott Road's avatar
Endicott Road said

If this song is peanut butter, maybe your vocals would be jelly? Just wondering. Good instrumental. ER

Wildgeas Music's avatar
This is a tune I picked up from alonetone a while back. Johnny did a piano version of "I'd Love to Change the World", and Michael Thomas from Cave Street added the outstanding vocals. When Michael told me he was doing the vox on it, I wanted…
Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

ahhh man, this is a great collab tune. the piano lead is cool and made me smile.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
This is a tune I picked up from alonetone a while back. Johnny did a piano version of "I'd Love to Change the World", and Michael Thomas from Cave Street added the outstanding vocals. When Michael told me he was doing the vox on it, I wanted…
Guest said

Very nicely done.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
This is a tune I picked up from alonetone a while back. Johnny did a piano version of "I'd Love to Change the World", and Michael Thomas from Cave Street added the outstanding vocals. When Michael told me he was doing the vox on it, I wanted…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

What a team! Good call on 2:12. Whoa, this is a great one.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
I haven't tried the vox pipes in a few months. I've been sickly and singing was out of the question. After 24 days of instrumental RPM, I started getting back to 99%. Might as well sing right? Better yet , let me trash the greatest song of…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Nice Man! One of my favorite Heep tunes as well!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
I haven't tried the vox pipes in a few months. I've been sickly and singing was out of the question. After 24 days of instrumental RPM, I started getting back to 99%. Might as well sing right? Better yet , let me trash the greatest song of…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Great cover Paul dig ti mate.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
I remember when we were young I remember waiting for the sun you said you loved me you said you need me you said you want me and that was forever I remember the stories of our days I remember the tears in your eyes you said…
Anton's avatar
Anton said

That song made my evening, nostalgic and relaxing, great!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
I haven't tried the vox pipes in a few months. I've been sickly and singing was out of the question. After 24 days of instrumental RPM, I started getting back to 99%. Might as well sing right? Better yet , let me trash the greatest song of…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Thats a great voice you have there geas.... great cover

Wildgeas Music's avatar
I haven't tried the vox pipes in a few months. I've been sickly and singing was out of the question. After 24 days of instrumental RPM, I started getting back to 99%. Might as well sing right? Better yet , let me trash the greatest song of…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

All my drum work is done in fruity loops, with a boatload of *live* samples, and a lot of patience and love.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
I remember when we were young I remember waiting for the sun you said you loved me you said you need me you said you want me and that was forever I remember the stories of our days I remember the tears in your eyes you said…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Very cool, really clean mix!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
I haven't tried the vox pipes in a few months. I've been sickly and singing was out of the question. After 24 days of instrumental RPM, I started getting back to 99%. Might as well sing right? Better yet , let me trash the greatest song of…
Guest said

I love this song great job man!
