Comments on Jason Earls's stuff

Jason Earls's avatar
I wanted to record something funky. I hope you like it.
Guest said

Thank you!

Jason Earls's avatar
This is from the movie Crossroads, a guitar piece from the head-cutting guitar duel near the end. I put background music to it, which makes it sound quite a bit different from the original version. Below I also have a video of me playing it solo…
Guest said

Where I come from from if you don't blow no harp you don't get no P*ssie. IAA

Jason Earls's avatar
I wanted to record something funky. I hope you like it.
sixmilewide's avatar
sixmilewide said

Funky, bluesy it all sounds fantastic to me!!.

Jason Earls's avatar
613 is a prime number, 136 is triangular, and 361 is a square number - I didn't know what to name it ( but I wrote a math book once called Mathematical Bliss). Anyone want to put some metal vocals on this?
Jean-Luc Thomas's avatar
Jean-Luc Thomas said

I think it needs some "Rush" styled vocals, or maybe like Prog metal High pitched kind of stuff.

Jason Earls's avatar
613 is a prime number, 136 is triangular, and 361 is a square number - I didn't know what to name it ( but I wrote a math book once called Mathematical Bliss). Anyone want to put some metal vocals on this?
Jean-Luc Thomas's avatar
Jean-Luc Thomas said

You remind me of Dream theater and some great metal mixed together into it (even more than dream already has)

Jason Earls's avatar
613 is a prime number, 136 is triangular, and 361 is a square number - I didn't know what to name it ( but I wrote a math book once called Mathematical Bliss). Anyone want to put some metal vocals on this?
Jean-Luc Thomas's avatar
Jean-Luc Thomas said

I could try, lmao, my mic isnt good enough to pic up any awesome vocals though..

Jason Earls's avatar
I watched a documentary recently on Miles Davis when he was in his electric period and it inspired me to record this little jam. I hope you like it.
Jean-Luc Thomas's avatar
Jean-Luc Thomas said

awesome, very funky.

Jason Earls's avatar
On youtube there's a short video clip of guitarist Shawn Lane (R.I.P) executing an extremely difficult chord voicing that requires extensive finger stretching, which Shawn calls "the hardest chord in the world." I altered the chord a little bit…
Jean-Luc Thomas's avatar
Jean-Luc Thomas said

To freaking cool man, lol, you got alot that i love musically. You take the music where it should go.

Jason Earls's avatar
This is from the movie Crossroads, a guitar piece from the head-cutting guitar duel near the end. I put background music to it, which makes it sound quite a bit different from the original version. Below I also have a video of me playing it solo…
Jean-Luc Thomas's avatar
Jean-Luc Thomas said

Im jamming to this one on my keyboard

Jason Earls's avatar
This is from the movie Crossroads, a guitar piece from the head-cutting guitar duel near the end. I put background music to it, which makes it sound quite a bit different from the original version. Below I also have a video of me playing it solo…
Jean-Luc Thomas's avatar
Jean-Luc Thomas said

woah ho. Bad ass.

Jason Earls's avatar
I wanted to record something funky. I hope you like it.
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Swampy! Very nice.

Jason Earls's avatar
This is from the movie Crossroads, a guitar piece from the head-cutting guitar duel near the end. I put background music to it, which makes it sound quite a bit different from the original version. Below I also have a video of me playing it solo…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Great chops!

Jason Earls's avatar
This is from the movie Crossroads, a guitar piece from the head-cutting guitar duel near the end. I put background music to it, which makes it sound quite a bit different from the original version. Below I also have a video of me playing it solo…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Hey thanks for the vids man, it's always good to get a quick lesson :)

Jason Earls's avatar
No plan, just start playing around and this came out.
Guest said

phenom. technique. I'd like to check out some of your books. Do alonetoners get free copies? grin.

Jason Earls's avatar
I've been listening to Dillinger Escape Plan recently, which inspired this.
Mannequin Races's avatar
Mannequin Races said

Oh yeah, this is rocking. Great riffs. Nice production. The bottom end sounds a bit boomy but other than that it's all good. Fantastic shredding.

Jason Earls's avatar
I've been listening to Dillinger Escape Plan recently, which inspired this.
launched's avatar
launched said

Badass, man!! Love those bass runs!

Jason Earls's avatar
No plan, just start playing around and this came out.
launched's avatar
launched said

Dude, this is infectious!

Jason Earls's avatar
No plan, just start playing around and this came out.
launched's avatar
launched said

Holy smokes, bro! Shush is "Lush". I get kind of an Andy Summers vibe to this - One of my favorite guitarists. I frickin' love it!

Jason Earls's avatar
I've been listening to Dillinger Escape Plan recently, which inspired this.
Guest said

yeah thats rockin! Sweet! Total kick ass riffs and solos!

Jason Earls's avatar
I've been listening to Dillinger Escape Plan recently, which inspired this.
Guest said

Hey Jason, slick man, slick. Damn good track! Nice to know you.
