Found this little chappie while I was preparing my latest original for loading.
It was a quick demo recorded on my Boss Micro BR sometime in October or so last year (2011) while I was working on Shine.
It was a sort of "blow the cobwebs out…
New original from me, hot off the old wotsit.
When it was half written yesterday, I was considering binning it as a throwaway exercise - I do that quite often. But I played the songwriting demo to someone else and, er, apparently I should finish…
Found this little chappie while I was preparing my latest original for loading.
It was a quick demo recorded on my Boss Micro BR sometime in October or so last year (2011) while I was working on Shine.
It was a sort of "blow the cobwebs out…
Found this little chappie while I was preparing my latest original for loading.
It was a quick demo recorded on my Boss Micro BR sometime in October or so last year (2011) while I was working on Shine.
It was a sort of "blow the cobwebs out…
New original from me, hot off the old wotsit.
When it was half written yesterday, I was considering binning it as a throwaway exercise - I do that quite often. But I played the songwriting demo to someone else and, er, apparently I should finish…
Found this little chappie while I was preparing my latest original for loading.
It was a quick demo recorded on my Boss Micro BR sometime in October or so last year (2011) while I was working on Shine.
It was a sort of "blow the cobwebs out…
New original from me, hot off the old wotsit.
When it was half written yesterday, I was considering binning it as a throwaway exercise - I do that quite often. But I played the songwriting demo to someone else and, er, apparently I should finish…
New original from me, hot off the old wotsit.
When it was half written yesterday, I was considering binning it as a throwaway exercise - I do that quite often. But I played the songwriting demo to someone else and, er, apparently I should finish…
This is a remix of this song.
It was recorded in 2010, and I was in a hurry to post it elsewhere because I'm so fond of the song itself. But I've always hated the old mix - I lost the essence of the guitars and choirs during mastering because…
New original from me, hot off the old wotsit.
When it was half written yesterday, I was considering binning it as a throwaway exercise - I do that quite often. But I played the songwriting demo to someone else and, er, apparently I should finish…
:) don't let that inner puppy get sunburned.
Some of what you've been doing yourself recently went into the ability to create this one. And I nearly even posted the songwriting demo!!! :0
New original from me, hot off the old wotsit.
When it was half written yesterday, I was considering binning it as a throwaway exercise - I do that quite often. But I played the songwriting demo to someone else and, er, apparently I should finish…
New original from me, hot off the old wotsit.
When it was half written yesterday, I was considering binning it as a throwaway exercise - I do that quite often. But I played the songwriting demo to someone else and, er, apparently I should finish…
New original from me, hot off the old wotsit.
When it was half written yesterday, I was considering binning it as a throwaway exercise - I do that quite often. But I played the songwriting demo to someone else and, er, apparently I should finish…
Found this little chappie while I was preparing my latest original for loading.
It was a quick demo recorded on my Boss Micro BR sometime in October or so last year (2011) while I was working on Shine.
It was a sort of "blow the cobwebs out…
New original from me, hot off the old wotsit.
When it was half written yesterday, I was considering binning it as a throwaway exercise - I do that quite often. But I played the songwriting demo to someone else and, er, apparently I should finish…
Hey Andrew, Inspite of yourself, this revealing love song is going straight to the top. I would know when its real . This is really real. Faved and listened too over and over. Get it , Its Great!!!!!This is what song writing is all about.25 stars
New original from me, hot off the old wotsit.
When it was half written yesterday, I was considering binning it as a throwaway exercise - I do that quite often. But I played the songwriting demo to someone else and, er, apparently I should finish…
New original from me, hot off the old wotsit.
When it was half written yesterday, I was considering binning it as a throwaway exercise - I do that quite often. But I played the songwriting demo to someone else and, er, apparently I should finish…
New original from me, hot off the old wotsit.
When it was half written yesterday, I was considering binning it as a throwaway exercise - I do that quite often. But I played the songwriting demo to someone else and, er, apparently I should finish…
New original from me, hot off the old wotsit.
When it was half written yesterday, I was considering binning it as a throwaway exercise - I do that quite often. But I played the songwriting demo to someone else and, er, apparently I should finish…
Found this little chappie while I was preparing my latest original for loading.
It was a quick demo recorded on my Boss Micro BR sometime in October or so last year (2011) while I was working on Shine.
It was a sort of "blow the cobwebs out…
Yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future, but today is a gift.
The cat is on the chair
And I watch him as he stares
The sky is changing fast
I see the boats sail past
And the winter's closing in
I can feel the changes from within
this is my take on Joe Bonamassa's version of Blind Faith's "Had To Cry today"
a much shorter version...just wanted to record that cool lick and am trying to work on my vocals ... oh well ..what a time to try to learn to sing at my age...63 next…
Well heres the ballad of the younger other Reg who has found himself in trouble trying to do a deal with the devil.....why didn't he listen?.....Reg told him not to trust him............I got the acoustic out for this one and a little guitar fx…
I love the creativity that's going on here. Personally, I'm not that engaged with what's going to happen to Moonbee (although, how ARE you going to get him an invite to the ball??!?! lol). But I'm loving the tunes and harmonies. Guitar sounds cute too.
Here's request Carry on my Wayward son by Kansas we had.... again Gene has outdone himself with some superb musicianship ......and i've again had the easy job with the vocals...thanks Gene
Pete Thompson on percussion and Angie Thompson on bass. Produced with Pete 123112
They sent me a letter. A ticket to ride
Portland to Frisco on that Big Overnight
Brand new clothes. New pants and new shirt
Brand new boots to kick…
Well Reg still hasn't cheered up ...memories of Desirea keep coming back to haunt him he thought it would be a new year a new start .....which it would be if he could only leave the past behind he got the acoustic down of the wall…
I started this thinking it would be a tune with the emphasis on my guitar but as it progressed I heard horns and then all these other things happened and this is what I ended up with.
A complete re-vamp of a 6 year old song. Sure I wrote the lyrics while on holiday in Majorca, rewrote a couple of lines, picked up me ole guitar last week & just played this tune & it all seem to fit. Could need a lay down now !!!!
For the grandchildren, when I get some!
Moonbee started life as a doodle, then he was turned into a little story, then a song!
This is Part 1 of the series - I have no idea how many there will be in total!
Enjoy! xox
P.S. This is…
Reg is always sure the grass is greener...i'm not so sure as i watch him going through conflict every time he goes to see...
The Tangled web (Lyrics)
i’ve got something to tell you and it will soon all come clear
i want to hold you so close and…
Tack on the soles of our two shoes,
Walk until we can find the dam.
And if the water is shallow enough,
Maybe you wouldnt mind wading in.
Waist deep, and it's getting cold,
Still you refuse to go home.
You're convinced that I want to stay…
Found a interesting sounding indian instrument via the computer world and strummed out chords on my lil midi guitar. Added some percussion, strings and a flute.
Ooh yeah. Like this one a lot.
With what you've been doing recently, you're starting to make me think that perhaps I ought to midi-enable one of my guitars.
While I was going through my old stuff I found this forgotten tune. I think it was the first or second collab I've ever done with Billy Playle. We met at a long gone collaboration site called OMF (OpenMusicFactory, run by Alessandro da Lisca…
Comments on Andrew Russe's stuff
You should see these dancing slippers the Eric Clapton vocal.....
I like....I like this song
Haha, growly and lots of fun! Quite cheeky actually.
Excellent track mate really enjoyed this one.
Oh yes....White suit unpacked !!!!
I love this song !!! Subject of the song....Spot on :)
I like this song.
The harmonies toward the are striking!
@guest :) don't let that inner puppy get sunburned. Some of what you've been doing yourself recently went into the ability to create this one. And I nearly even posted the songwriting demo!!! :0
sitting by the pool in crete pollee kala, braw tell yer maw.
I like this song. I am always right.
Yeah, well I like this song. Lovely backing vocals, nicely rhythmic and a great song.
Oh, I had better not be nice then! You must do some more! Love it!
Hey Andrew, Inspite of yourself, this revealing love song is going straight to the top. I would know when its real . This is really real. Faved and listened too over and over. Get it , Its Great!!!!!This is what song writing is all about.25 stars
pleasantries abound
That is that gnarly bass line.
Always a pleasure listening to your music. Great arrangement on the background vocals. I like , I like , I like this song...he he
I think this is a masterpiece! You have captured the essence. My wife brings order to my chaos too, 36 years now.
Well played. After reading your notes I've decided to be nicer to you. Just kidding.
Comments made by Andrew Russe
I didn't realise how much I was enjoying this until it ended. Mightily good stuff.
Oh yeah, love it
But this one just shades it for me...
I also like 'em both...
Nice :-)
Love how this little beauty swings along. A big ole rocking riff.
I love the creativity that's going on here. Personally, I'm not that engaged with what's going to happen to Moonbee (although, how ARE you going to get him an invite to the ball??!?! lol). But I'm loving the tunes and harmonies. Guitar sounds cute too.
Oh SUPERB!!! I knew you guys could do it :-)
Oh, wondrous... Gorgeous melodies and sounds fabulous.
Superb lyrics. Wonderful song.
Works for me!
Yep, smooooth. Tasty stuff.
Does the same for me - makes me feel like the sun is actually shining! Nice one.
Wonderful. And those harmonies are superb.
Oh this is a goodie.
Fave from the start. Gorgeous sound. Just noticed that I love how you always seem to get "movement" out of slow songs.
Ooh yeah. Like this one a lot. With what you've been doing recently, you're starting to make me think that perhaps I ought to midi-enable one of my guitars.
Nice one.
Cool sounds
Well, that was a very enjoyable quarter of an hour. And there was indeed a flush, would have been disappointed if there hadn't been!