Comments on NO Id's stuff

NO Id's avatar
Pasha's avatar
Pasha said


NO Id's avatar
kavin.'s avatar
kavin. said

A nice breeze coming off my subwoofer.

NO Id's avatar
MF Hot Wheels Spaulding esq's avatar
MF Hot Wheels Spaulding esq said

i think your last song erased my memory.

NO Id's avatar
Nirvana - the perfect state of bliss from pain & suffering.
c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
c}{imps 8 my ears said

im going to listen to this behemoth,because evryone else did. extremely high quality sounds. really awesome panning. creepy opera vocals get my attention. four minutes in and im thinking it one of the best black wave songs ever, but is it blackwave?

NO Id's avatar
Nirvana - the perfect state of bliss from pain & suffering.
Breaking Light's avatar
Breaking Light said

I like this dynamic approach you have to your ambient compositions, the scenes always changing.

NO Id's avatar
Guest said

Cool tones ,sub woofers going nuts here.

NO Id's avatar
Breaking Light's avatar
Breaking Light said

Great sounds all thru this playlist. Wish you success in your efforts.

NO Id's avatar
Whales's avatar
Whales said

Hell yeah that didgeridoo sounds sick

NO Id's avatar
Nirvana - the perfect state of bliss from pain & suffering.
Guest said

Stirring and compelling. Ambience nothing short of spectacular.

NO Id's avatar
Another track done for "THE RPM CHALLENGE". I like the favor of this one,it's really different from the stuff I'v done before. It's also the "bed" for another tune that will be up later. "IN THE SKY".
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

yeah!! dum dega dum dea Good

NO Id's avatar
Like "Jungle Rain",I'm going for that "being there" feeling.'Cept that when I did this piece the fight in Libya broke out.You can hear the dust being kicked up,but duck when you hear the jets!
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

s'great this one

NO Id's avatar
Another track done for "THE RPM CHALLENGE". I like the favor of this one,it's really different from the stuff I'v done before. It's also the "bed" for another tune that will be up later. "IN THE SKY".
fallingupart's avatar
fallingupart said

Dang! Damned fine job. I like it. :) Did you do the Indian raga scat (I don't recall what that "drum language" singing is actually called!) as a looping sample or is this track built in something like ACID?

NO Id's avatar
Something I did for the "RPM CHALLENGE" A mix of music loops & live recorded sounds to make what I feel might be a "dream sound track".
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

I wasn't too sure of this when it started and I read the "about"... But after 5 minutes I found that I was still listening and that I was likely to stay til the end. Well put together. For me, it does what you set out to do. Fascinating and strangely calming, all the way through to the end.

NO Id's avatar
Something I did for the "RPM CHALLENGE" A mix of music loops & live recorded sounds to make what I feel might be a "dream sound track".
Guest said

Wow, that was believeable. Really well done. And I like the background subtle breathing. Clever stuff!
