Comments on Colleen Dillon's stuff

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I wrote this song as a way to process some of the feelings of sadness, dismay, anger, fear and love that were brewing inside my heart this past week. I live in Minneapolis, where the terrible killing of George Floyd occurred, and the subsequent…
Rickey Tate's avatar
Rickey Tate said

Good therapy. Best medicine for the soul.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I wrote this song as a way to process some of the feelings of sadness, dismay, anger, fear and love that were brewing inside my heart this past week. I live in Minneapolis, where the terrible killing of George Floyd occurred, and the subsequent…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Colleen, You said you wanted to know ,ore about JUNK. Here's another song about Russell:

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I wrote this song as a way to process some of the feelings of sadness, dismay, anger, fear and love that were brewing inside my heart this past week. I live in Minneapolis, where the terrible killing of George Floyd occurred, and the subsequent…
Nick P's avatar
Nick P said

Very touching. Very nice.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Update: Gene offered to improve the Mix on this song! This is that improved version. Thanks so much Gene! You are awesome!!! I wrote this song earlier this summer, and had played it a few times with Greg Connor, fellow alone toner, and…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Nice one. Sounds very real and spontaneous... Looks like I missed this first time round. I was thinking about Gene the other day, talking about him to my wife.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Update: Gene offered to improve the Mix on this song! This is that improved version. Thanks so much Gene! You are awesome!!! I wrote this song earlier this summer, and had played it a few times with Greg Connor, fellow alone toner, and…
oldfolks2's avatar
oldfolks2 said

Love it Colleen, and bless Gene, a kind loving soul he was.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Update: Gene offered to improve the Mix on this song! This is that improved version. Thanks so much Gene! You are awesome!!! I wrote this song earlier this summer, and had played it a few times with Greg Connor, fellow alone toner, and…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

I just discovered your Colab-O-Rama playlist. I listed to most of and just enjoyed every moment.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I wrote this song as a way to process some of the feelings of sadness, dismay, anger, fear and love that were brewing inside my heart this past week. I live in Minneapolis, where the terrible killing of George Floyd occurred, and the subsequent…
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

got chills listening to this!

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I wrote this song as a way to process some of the feelings of sadness, dismay, anger, fear and love that were brewing inside my heart this past week. I live in Minneapolis, where the terrible killing of George Floyd occurred, and the subsequent…
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
jimgoodinmusic said

Very positive and uplifting and a feel between Dolly and Emylou. Lovely coming out of the darkness of your Twin Cities. I'm sorry there has been so much hurt there, clash that sadly is like 50 years ago again because it is. Change has to come in the unnecessary loss of George. Thanks for the kind words to my track earlier Colleen. It's good to discovery you and Andrew also in your circle.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I wrote this song as a way to process some of the feelings of sadness, dismay, anger, fear and love that were brewing inside my heart this past week. I live in Minneapolis, where the terrible killing of George Floyd occurred, and the subsequent…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

This is still making me tingle. Those first two lines... I want everyone to feel it.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I wrote this song as a way to process some of the feelings of sadness, dismay, anger, fear and love that were brewing inside my heart this past week. I live in Minneapolis, where the terrible killing of George Floyd occurred, and the subsequent…
oldfolks2's avatar
oldfolks2 said

Beautiful Colleen, beautiful.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I wrote this song as a way to process some of the feelings of sadness, dismay, anger, fear and love that were brewing inside my heart this past week. I live in Minneapolis, where the terrible killing of George Floyd occurred, and the subsequent…
Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Peace anthem, and so beautifully performed. Magical!

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I wrote this song as a way to process some of the feelings of sadness, dismay, anger, fear and love that were brewing inside my heart this past week. I live in Minneapolis, where the terrible killing of George Floyd occurred, and the subsequent…
Guest said

thank you

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I wrote this song as a way to process some of the feelings of sadness, dismay, anger, fear and love that were brewing inside my heart this past week. I live in Minneapolis, where the terrible killing of George Floyd occurred, and the subsequent…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

You had me with "If I start by making a better me / It will help to make a better we" ... I was listening without reading what it was about. In fact, I didn't make the connection until after I had finished the first listen. But it was "wooooo" ... You've created a song that gets to the heart of a thing without being tied to the thing that made the writer write it... that's magical... I agree with Greg - it's an anthem... wow... many thanks for saying what many of us think, feel, and wanted to say....

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I wrote this song as a way to process some of the feelings of sadness, dismay, anger, fear and love that were brewing inside my heart this past week. I live in Minneapolis, where the terrible killing of George Floyd occurred, and the subsequent…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Woah... Superb

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I wrote this song as a way to process some of the feelings of sadness, dismay, anger, fear and love that were brewing inside my heart this past week. I live in Minneapolis, where the terrible killing of George Floyd occurred, and the subsequent…
Dave Grebin's avatar
Dave Grebin said

Nice song Colleen. Great lyrics!

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I wrote this song as a way to process some of the feelings of sadness, dismay, anger, fear and love that were brewing inside my heart this past week. I live in Minneapolis, where the terrible killing of George Floyd occurred, and the subsequent…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

This is like an Anthem! We need to share this with someone. Outstanding message and perfectly delivered.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I wrote this song as a way to process some of the feelings of sadness, dismay, anger, fear and love that were brewing inside my heart this past week. I live in Minneapolis, where the terrible killing of George Floyd occurred, and the subsequent…
Ron's avatar
Ron said

outstanding !! my wife and I were thinking of you with all the crazy news.. was not sure how close you were to all of the riots....hope you are doing well and it sounds like everyone in your neighborhood is making the best of a very tough and sad situation....

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I wrote this song as a way to process some of the feelings of sadness, dismay, anger, fear and love that were brewing inside my heart this past week. I live in Minneapolis, where the terrible killing of George Floyd occurred, and the subsequent…
Guest said

Beautiful! I love Colleen!

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I wrote this song as a way to process some of the feelings of sadness, dismay, anger, fear and love that were brewing inside my heart this past week. I live in Minneapolis, where the terrible killing of George Floyd occurred, and the subsequent…
slkrell's avatar
slkrell said

You make a difference to me, heartfelt to the point. so many good souls so shocked by the visious acts of the cruel few.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
MN Homebrew Radio show has a monthly writing contest. This month it was to use the word "wait" or "waiting" in your song. So the hook line of the chorus popped into my head at 5:30 in the morning and the rest of the song came pretty quickly…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Yes. Very very cool.
