Comments on Colleen Dillon's stuff

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I wrote this song about 2 years ago and shared it here on Alonetone back then. I decided to do a studio recording of it recently. With the help of the team at F5 Soundhouse here in Minneapolis we've created this updated version. I hope you enjoy…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Enjoying this again. Such a fine song. So well done.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Well here's my contribution to the Pirate challenge from Robert Palomo. I think you'll agree it was time to call it a night on this one, but it was a lot of fun writing and recording it! Hope it gives you a chuckle or two. Why Do Parrots…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

What a lovely song. Perfect for a Broadway musical about an old parrot looking back on it's life. Or an old pirate, too, I guess.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Here's the second song I recently decided to do with a studio recording from one I wrote and posted here a while ago as a purely vocal version. It's one of my favorites.... I hope you'll enjoy it too Singing In The Silence Verse 1: Singing…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

What a fine lyric. You speak for all of us from the first line...

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Here's my last studio effort of the summer, as we roll into fall! I wrote this one earlier in the year sipping mojito's at the proverbial beach bar and then posted it here.... I thought I'd give it a little sprucing up with the help from my…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Pegging the Jimmy Buffet scenery with a country song. Love the steel and your solid lyric.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I decided this was a good song to post on Thanksgiving as a way to say thanks to all the folks on AloneTone for listening to my music over these past few years. This is another song in the studio work I've been doing this year. We're still tinkering…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Great chorus.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I was having my share of PESS (post election stress syndrome) and headed to northern MN to shake it off and wrote this one while watching a beautiful quiet snowfall happen. I recorded it finally today on my little TASCAM that we often use around…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Such a sweet song and message.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I was having my share of PESS (post election stress syndrome) and headed to northern MN to shake it off and wrote this one while watching a beautiful quiet snowfall happen. I recorded it finally today on my little TASCAM that we often use around…
doktordoktor's avatar
doktordoktor said

Lovely song Colleen. Great lyrics and wonderful singing.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I was having my share of PESS (post election stress syndrome) and headed to northern MN to shake it off and wrote this one while watching a beautiful quiet snowfall happen. I recorded it finally today on my little TASCAM that we often use around…
4barrelcarb (4BC)'s avatar
4barrelcarb (4BC) said

Very nice! love your vocals!

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I decided this was a good song to post on Thanksgiving as a way to say thanks to all the folks on AloneTone for listening to my music over these past few years. This is another song in the studio work I've been doing this year. We're still tinkering…
Guest said

Colleen, We really loved the song. You have a great voice. Too bad you couldn't sing on one of our contry songs! Anyhow, keep up the good work.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I was having my share of PESS (post election stress syndrome) and headed to northern MN to shake it off and wrote this one while watching a beautiful quiet snowfall happen. I recorded it finally today on my little TASCAM that we often use around…
Ron's avatar
Ron said

love it colleen great lyrics!!

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I was having my share of PESS (post election stress syndrome) and headed to northern MN to shake it off and wrote this one while watching a beautiful quiet snowfall happen. I recorded it finally today on my little TASCAM that we often use around…
The Proods's avatar
The Proods said

I Don't want to sound like a broken record, but I like the simplicity of your first takes.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I was having my share of PESS (post election stress syndrome) and headed to northern MN to shake it off and wrote this one while watching a beautiful quiet snowfall happen. I recorded it finally today on my little TASCAM that we often use around…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Beautiful message! I particularly like the last verse. Merry Christmas Colleen!

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I decided this was a good song to post on Thanksgiving as a way to say thanks to all the folks on AloneTone for listening to my music over these past few years. This is another song in the studio work I've been doing this year. We're still tinkering…
Radio Roswell's avatar
Radio Roswell said

This is wonderful ! my favorite of your collection.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I decided this was a good song to post on Thanksgiving as a way to say thanks to all the folks on AloneTone for listening to my music over these past few years. This is another song in the studio work I've been doing this year. We're still tinkering…
anna31's avatar
anna31 said

wonderful song, beautiful vocals !

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I decided this was a good song to post on Thanksgiving as a way to say thanks to all the folks on AloneTone for listening to my music over these past few years. This is another song in the studio work I've been doing this year. We're still tinkering…
Nick P's avatar
Nick P said

Very nice.... really like the chorus!

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I decided this was a good song to post on Thanksgiving as a way to say thanks to all the folks on AloneTone for listening to my music over these past few years. This is another song in the studio work I've been doing this year. We're still tinkering…
Ed Craig's avatar
Ed Craig said

To find a heart that feels like home - awesome lyric :).

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I decided this was a good song to post on Thanksgiving as a way to say thanks to all the folks on AloneTone for listening to my music over these past few years. This is another song in the studio work I've been doing this year. We're still tinkering…
slkrell's avatar
slkrell said

Sweet uke playing, I just got into Ukulele and find I always smile. Great vocals you are so into your natural voice here. the lyrics are universal, Thought maybe you saw into my life. that's great song writing!! 10 lovely Stars from Me.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I decided this was a good song to post on Thanksgiving as a way to say thanks to all the folks on AloneTone for listening to my music over these past few years. This is another song in the studio work I've been doing this year. We're still tinkering…
Ron's avatar
Ron said

outstanding lyrics and vocals...and again the mix is excellent...

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I decided this was a good song to post on Thanksgiving as a way to say thanks to all the folks on AloneTone for listening to my music over these past few years. This is another song in the studio work I've been doing this year. We're still tinkering…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Beautiful .... The perfect sentiment for Thanksgiving.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
I decided this was a good song to post on Thanksgiving as a way to say thanks to all the folks on AloneTone for listening to my music over these past few years. This is another song in the studio work I've been doing this year. We're still tinkering…
doktordoktor's avatar
doktordoktor said

What a beautiful song! Thanks for sharing Colleen, and Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
