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chimps8myears's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by c}{imps 8 my ears


Circuit Bent Fun (working title)

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I think this is the first song that I’ve posted here under Mannequin Races that actually has a guitar in it. You can’t really tell that it’s a guitar but it’s in there (middle section around the 1:50 mark). The guitar is heavily modulated but it makes a nice noisy backdrop. Most of the electronic warped samples came from a sample CD. Comments and critiques are welcome. Thank you for listening!

World War Nine's avatar
World War Nine said

What I mean is, your Circuit Bending outshines that of World War Nine. But check out my old, old AloneTone page ( ) & listen to Skeleton Key 73 or Around & Aboot as good examples of what kinds of synth sounds I've managed; maybe you can give me some advice on how to get some better sequencer software into my flow so I'm not trying to play five instruments at once. Keep up the good work.

World War Nine's avatar
World War Nine said

Wow, the overall structural & textural aspects of this have me shaking my head out of wonder. I play the guitar for World War Nine ( ) but I also play electric bass & fill in on the Yamaha DD55 Drum Druid when necessary ( usually 'cause Miroslav is too hungover to come to band practice, but I digress ) but one thing I haven't ever gotten the hang of is keys/synths & such. I've settled for using various filters & Nyquist plugins in Audacity to modify my guitar sound until it's pretty hard to distinguish from an ( amateur ) keyboardist circuit bending his way through some analogue modeling synthesis software, then jazz it up by using found sound object art as a form of collage, and if I get desperate, I'll set up PixiTracker or another tracker on my phone & hook it up to the line0 on the computer with a god damned eighth inch stereo mini jack, god damn it. And, the hell if that don't work most of the time, just to make sound collages & have something to talk about besides the Trump White House or the Russians or the Wall to Keep Mexicans Out or...

Guest said


kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

What fun! Somehow missed this one of yours

Guest said

another great track! cool sounds all tru it.

c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
c}{imps 8 my ears said

it is fun!

Guest said

Adam, I'm looking forward to yer new ventures!

Guest said

Very cool!

quill's avatar
quill said

Wow, those sounds are just beautiful. Really interesting and dense, with a fascinating structure and great movement. Maybe a bit short ;-)

Lyndell's avatar
Lyndell said

Impressive mixing. With all the clashing around with all the different noises and textures, nothing gets lost.

K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said

...dig it, bro. yUp.

Guest said

Agree with Jason! Trippy!!!!!

Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

nice beat, cool panning on the electronic sounds. this one really tripped me out, good job.

launched's avatar
launched said

Dissonant cohesion. Didn't think it was possible, but you managed! Stays interesting the whole way through which is important to me anyway. Great stuff!

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Wow great sounds great mix. This is really cool. Thanks for your recent comment cheers.

frostbite251's avatar
frostbite251 said

damn.....what do you use for those sounds dogo? that shits fucking chaos.
