Comments on Greg Connor's stuff

Greg Connor's avatar
Bethan Mathis on Uke and Vocals. Now we got some class!
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Oh Cool! This is sweet!

Greg Connor's avatar
Bethan Mathis on Uke and Vocals. Now we got some class!
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

this is just lovely!!

Greg Connor's avatar
"The Bridge" was written for the 100 year celebration of the Ariel Lift Bridge in Duluth MN.
Merry Bear's avatar
Merry Bear said

You are sooo good at what you do. you sing the especially well, just perfect for the music, which itself is just perfect for the lyrics. Again, it's that Connor magic!

Greg Connor's avatar
Bethan Mathis on Uke and Vocals. Now we got some class!
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

As punch said to Judy " That's the way to do it"....

Greg Connor's avatar
Always Thinking
Merry Bear's avatar
Merry Bear said

Some sweet banjo, and that low-noted lead break was very cool, and the lyrics just tickle me.

Greg Connor's avatar
Bethan Mathis on Uke and Vocals. Now we got some class!
slkrell's avatar
slkrell said

Yup A tele for sure, Nice move way to pull the community card. You gotta know when to hold em.

Greg Connor's avatar
Bethan Mathis on Uke and Vocals. Now we got some class!
Guest said

Oh Guys, thank you! This is my Uke debut so that's why it's not wonderful. Thank you Greg for letting me have a go! x

Greg Connor's avatar
Bethan Mathis on Uke and Vocals. Now we got some class!
Guest said

I'll be right over. Nice collaboration!

Greg Connor's avatar
Bethan Mathis on Uke and Vocals. Now we got some class!
Merry Bear's avatar
Merry Bear said

This version is sooo groovy! VERY GOOD JOB! "Come and get it" -- love it!

Greg Connor's avatar
Bethan Mathis on Uke and Vocals. Now we got some class!
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Oh Bee, you found a great melody line for this fun-tastic tune. Tip of the hat Greg. I'm gettin' a real kick out of this project.

Greg Connor's avatar
Bethan Mathis on Uke and Vocals. Now we got some class!
slkrell's avatar
slkrell said

Sweet Cherry Pie, oh my!

Greg Connor's avatar
Bethan Mathis on Uke and Vocals. Now we got some class!
Guest said

Nice harmonies. Sweet Tune ! :) c

Greg Connor's avatar
Bethan Mathis on Uke and Vocals. Now we got some class!
Guest said

Well I had the best time but I'm no Wildgeas! Thanks Greg! Cheers Bee

Greg Connor's avatar
Bethan Mathis on Uke and Vocals. Now we got some class!
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Puts my back in the 50s. Recognized Bethan's sweet voice instantly.

Greg Connor's avatar
Bethan Mathis on Uke and Vocals. Now we got some class!
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Excellent contribution Bethan! The Uke is a fun surprise. Added to the Playlist:

Greg Connor's avatar
Thanks to Robert Palomo for giving this a little sound engineering. Robert said " I mixed thru my mastering plugin (Ozone 5). WordsMightBethe Weapon ToCreateThePerfect Crime If I had a dollar for everything I done To help you through…
Guest said

A really good song, loving the guitar! Cheers Bee

Greg Connor's avatar
Thanks to Robert Palomo for giving this a little sound engineering. Robert said " I mixed thru my mastering plugin (Ozone 5). WordsMightBethe Weapon ToCreateThePerfect Crime If I had a dollar for everything I done To help you through…
Guest said

I don't mind jumping on the bandwagon Greg - great job. Buck

Greg Connor's avatar
#RPM Challenge 2014# First Song of the Challenge . . . Here We Go!
Merry Bear's avatar
Merry Bear said

Sooooo gorgeous! Groovy lyrics. So tastefully done -- I'm eating it up! Especially delicious is that harmonica.

Greg Connor's avatar
Thanks to Robert Palomo for giving this a little sound engineering. Robert said " I mixed thru my mastering plugin (Ozone 5). WordsMightBethe Weapon ToCreateThePerfect Crime If I had a dollar for everything I done To help you through…
Merry Bear's avatar
Merry Bear said

Oh my, GREG! I'm with Ron -- I love all your stuff, but this one really tops them all. A whole new. different level for you! Wow! I am totally impressed and blown. A damn fine song, well strummed and sung, and great lyrics. Love the harmonica too. A really fabulous, great job -- Rock the hell on, friend, Rock the hell on!

Greg Connor's avatar
Thanks to Robert Palomo for giving this a little sound engineering. Robert said " I mixed thru my mastering plugin (Ozone 5). WordsMightBethe Weapon ToCreateThePerfect Crime If I had a dollar for everything I done To help you through…
Ron's avatar
Ron said

This is my favorite song of yours to date...I love all your stuff Greg, but this one is right up there....# 1 with a bullet!!! Harmonica is the feel of this and the lyrics are right on...great
