Comments on Greg Connor's stuff

Greg Connor's avatar
Written by Greg Connor Lyrics: River run away with me I got my paddle in my hand Take me far away from here Take me to the sea Take me somewhere I don’t know Take me where the water goes Start out fast, then go slow Closer to the…
G-no's avatar
G-no said

Sweet, you always had a nice touch. Your flute playing is sounding good, better then I remember, but I don't recall a lot of songs with you playing it. What are you using for the percussions. I got a bamboo guiro and one that I think is made from some kind a of food that is hollow inside and no openings. Your sound similar to the bamboo guiro.

Greg Connor's avatar
Written by Greg Connor Lyrics: River run away with me I got my paddle in my hand Take me far away from here Take me to the sea Take me somewhere I don’t know Take me where the water goes Start out fast, then go slow Closer to the…
Guest said

Sets My spirit free. great whistle solo

Greg Connor's avatar
Written by Greg Connor Lyrics: River run away with me I got my paddle in my hand Take me far away from here Take me to the sea Take me somewhere I don’t know Take me where the water goes Start out fast, then go slow Closer to the…
terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

That wistful traveling feeling get at all of us sometimes

Greg Connor's avatar
Written by Greg Connor Lyrics: Old Country Songs Wooden Chair by the window Gibson on my lap And the time I spend strumming Is never coming back The sun is shining on me Evening won’t be long I’m living in the city Singing…
Nick P's avatar
Nick P said

Real nice song

Greg Connor's avatar
Written by Greg Connor Lyrics: Old Country Songs Wooden Chair by the window Gibson on my lap And the time I spend strumming Is never coming back The sun is shining on me Evening won’t be long I’m living in the city Singing…
Guest said

Back for another listen. I love this one

Greg Connor's avatar
In memory of my Friend who was bigger than life, and an ego the size of Lake Superior. Lyrics: High stepping, loud talking Crazy S.O.B. A self proclaimed ladies man That know one else could see I wish I would have had the chance To…
Roger M. Harris's avatar
Roger M. Harris said

I guessing, but did that cold blast of winter air create this good ole song ? If it did, lets hope the DAMN COLD I'm suffering brings out one as good as this.

Greg Connor's avatar
In memory of my Friend who was bigger than life, and an ego the size of Lake Superior. Lyrics: High stepping, loud talking Crazy S.O.B. A self proclaimed ladies man That know one else could see I wish I would have had the chance To…
Ron's avatar
Ron said

Now that is a great name!!! and a great the harmonica Greg...outstanding!

Greg Connor's avatar
In memory of my Friend who was bigger than life, and an ego the size of Lake Superior. Lyrics: High stepping, loud talking Crazy S.O.B. A self proclaimed ladies man That know one else could see I wish I would have had the chance To…
Guest said

Well my comment is on the home page but not on yours Greg. "Curiouser and curiouser"!

Greg Connor's avatar
In memory of my Friend who was bigger than life, and an ego the size of Lake Superior. Lyrics: High stepping, loud talking Crazy S.O.B. A self proclaimed ladies man That know one else could see I wish I would have had the chance To…
terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

This one gives me a good feeling, I hope somebody remembers me as well someday. (smile)

Greg Connor's avatar
In memory of my Friend who was bigger than life, and an ego the size of Lake Superior. Lyrics: High stepping, loud talking Crazy S.O.B. A self proclaimed ladies man That know one else could see I wish I would have had the chance To…
terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

This one gives me a good feeling, I hope somebody remembers me as well someday. (smile)

Greg Connor's avatar
In memory of my Friend who was bigger than life, and an ego the size of Lake Superior. Lyrics: High stepping, loud talking Crazy S.O.B. A self proclaimed ladies man That know one else could see I wish I would have had the chance To…
terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

This one gives me a good feeling, I hope somebody remembers me as well someday. (smile)

Greg Connor's avatar
In memory of my Friend who was bigger than life, and an ego the size of Lake Superior. Lyrics: High stepping, loud talking Crazy S.O.B. A self proclaimed ladies man That know one else could see I wish I would have had the chance To…
Guest said

Goodness, there's a name to be reckoned with! I love everything about this track but I really love the harmonica. So perfectly in keeping with the song. Well, I think you made an excellent and truthful tribute.

Greg Connor's avatar
In memory of my Friend who was bigger than life, and an ego the size of Lake Superior. Lyrics: High stepping, loud talking Crazy S.O.B. A self proclaimed ladies man That know one else could see I wish I would have had the chance To…
Robert Palomo's avatar
Robert Palomo said

Another crazy S.O.B. takes his hat off and goes, "Pilgrim, that sez it right there, yessiree." As fine a tribute to a friend as I've seen.

Greg Connor's avatar
In memory of my Friend who was bigger than life, and an ego the size of Lake Superior. Lyrics: High stepping, loud talking Crazy S.O.B. A self proclaimed ladies man That know one else could see I wish I would have had the chance To…
Guest said

I am faved out.Super tune A story song always hits me right in the sweet spot!!!!!! I love it

Greg Connor's avatar
Written by Greg Connor Lyrics: Old Country Songs Wooden Chair by the window Gibson on my lap And the time I spend strumming Is never coming back The sun is shining on me Evening won’t be long I’m living in the city Singing…
Guest said

Greg - beautiful. You amaze me with your talents for writing, playing the music and singing! Phil

Greg Connor's avatar
Written by Greg Connor Lyrics: Old Country Songs Wooden Chair by the window Gibson on my lap And the time I spend strumming Is never coming back The sun is shining on me Evening won’t be long I’m living in the city Singing…
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

what a fantastic song. One of your best

Greg Connor's avatar
Written by Greg Connor Lyrics: Old Country Songs Wooden Chair by the window Gibson on my lap And the time I spend strumming Is never coming back The sun is shining on me Evening won’t be long I’m living in the city Singing…
epimeison's avatar
epimeison said

Really nice song, Greg.

Greg Connor's avatar
Written by Greg Connor Lyrics: Old Country Songs Wooden Chair by the window Gibson on my lap And the time I spend strumming Is never coming back The sun is shining on me Evening won’t be long I’m living in the city Singing…
Lisa D's avatar
Lisa D said

Heartfelt and beautiful! That clean, "exposed" style is very courageous, if you know what I mean. (love the whistle too )

Greg Connor's avatar
Written by Greg Connor Lyrics: Old Country Songs Wooden Chair by the window Gibson on my lap And the time I spend strumming Is never coming back The sun is shining on me Evening won’t be long I’m living in the city Singing…
Guest said

Just another great one Gregg. I really like the lyrics ...things I have thought many times, but not able to get it down like you can. Verne

Greg Connor's avatar
Written by Greg Connor Lyrics: Old Country Songs Wooden Chair by the window Gibson on my lap And the time I spend strumming Is never coming back The sun is shining on me Evening won’t be long I’m living in the city Singing…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

The sound is very Townes Van Zandt... I was listening from the other when it first came on and I thot it WAS TVZ. Like an Irish TVZ.
