"Hey Motorman" was written for the 100 year celebration of the Ariel Lift Bridge.
The bridge was originally built in 1907 with a gondola that went from side to side carrying passengers and vehicles. It was later replaced with a lift system.
We got motivated to write something a bit light hearted about our Covid-19 Times.... I hope you'll laugh and sing along with Roger , Colleen, Greg and Steve on this one... any maybe raise a glass of your personal moonshine!!!
A simple guitar groove. Haven't sat in a coffee shop since before the lockdowns, and I miss the atmosphere and the music! This tune feels to me like sitting in a cafe.
(Every time I think it's done, I end up tweaking it a bit more in Audacity…
Update: Gene offered to improve the Mix on this song! This is that improved version. Thanks so much Gene! You are awesome!!!
I wrote this song earlier this summer, and had played it a few times with Greg Connor, fellow alone toner, and…
Antoinette plays keys, Anonymous plays drums, Evan is guitar left, Chris is guitar right (sorry I was a jerk and too loud) - This dates from 1977 when I was a classical major and Antoinette a piano major. Even though this improvisation was from…
I wrote this song as a way to process some of the feelings of sadness, dismay, anger, fear and love that were brewing inside my heart this past week. I live in Minneapolis, where the terrible killing of George Floyd occurred, and the subsequent…
Original song by my friend and music partner Randy Arneson.
Recorded in Garageband using a pickup plus condenser mic on a vintage Gibson 12 string (2 channels of guitar). I have a couple different versions of this one recorded...
Due to climate change we've had little rain in the last couple of years
The day after I had written this song it rained all day :-)
The third year of drought
Three summers in a row
A relentless…
I wrote this one morning but gave up tryin to sing it . then I asked my buddy Steve Schostal to do vocals . His Canadian accent was perfect for this . Notice how he leads the beat ‘wow perfect.
I love Colabs
(Remastered 22/10/2021)
Here it is in all of its glory...
THIS is the song that Mrs R and I had decided was a suitable response to a request to "Upload something HAPPY, stat!!!!!!!!!"
I tried to record it back in 2013 when I wrote it…
Well done! The title is very inviting. I couldn’t help but listen.
I never found the humor, but rather a poignant feeling of loss, eloquently described.
A song that sort of wrote itself, quite quickly, wouldn't say it's a happy song, but
sometimes you can't help what pops out.
One man might buy cigarettes and waste it all in smoke
Another marijuana and share a friendly toke
Another, with more money, might invest in antique cars
I buy guitars
A man might buy a baseball card
Keep it…
Comments on Greg Connor's stuff
Great tune, great lyrics, great swing!
Comments made by Greg Connor
Rita and I are giggling this morning. You guys are a lot of fun to hang around with.
This is addictive! I love it.
I just discovered your Colab-O-Rama playlist. I listed to most of and just enjoyed every moment.
Sweet Memories
Great interpretation! ( I have typed and erased several times and now . . . . I'll just leave it at that)
Yes I could hear Colleen breathing, and as far as I can tell, it sounds like you were far behind trying to catch up while recording.
Is that a mandolin? Nice song.
Ahhhh ...... The good old days!
Rita and I are listening together. She wants to know why I never wrote a song about HER !
This is like an Anthem! We need to share this with someone. Outstanding message and perfectly delivered.
I love that 12 string! Great singing, nice song.
That guitar track is addictive. Your songs alway have a great groove. And this one, It’s a real foot tapper.
Is that's what living in Arkansas will do for you? You are getting some nice clear recordings with your new set up.
Perfect blend Roger! I think we got the formula now. We’re headed for the stars ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This is one of my absolute favorites of all time
Well done! The title is very inviting. I couldn’t help but listen. I never found the humor, but rather a poignant feeling of loss, eloquently described.
Very pretty! Great message. I think this is my "current" favorite of your songs.
Ah the good old days . . . . We are all better behaved now.
This is a gem! I’ve been a member of the 12 step Guitar Buyers Anonymous for years.
Sounds like you are on a roll ! Way to pluck on them strings. If you play long enough you'll work off that caffeine rattle.