Crazy people, wander round all night
Looking toward the Heavens
At little specs of light
Dragging round their telescopes
And Binoculars
All the tools they need to gaze among the stars
Crazy people, look at what they do…
Written for a song challenge to bring awareness to the flooding this past Spring in Australia.
The song was required to have the phrase "water is rising".
Crazy people, wander round all night
Looking toward the Heavens
At little specs of light
Dragging round their telescopes
And Binoculars
All the tools they need to gaze among the stars
Crazy people, look at what they do…
When you look up at the night sky from where you live does the milky way burn bright. Clusters of stars glowing from time that passed us by. Are there certain crisp, clear, windless nights, the moon hanging on the dark side and every star seemed just a little brighter then before. As far as you could see there was shimmering light flickering from the faintest and most distant stars. I try to imagine what the night sky would have looked like 30,000 years ago or a million years. How much more did stars shine before we were here. Before electricity people probably paid more attention to the night skies
Cool song Greg. I never had a convertible Mustang but had a blue 1967 2 door. I had it for over 10 years and it was a neat car, but like most cars of that era began to cost big bucks to keep it running like it should, to say nothing of rust. I sold it to a teenager who did some body and engine work and I'd see it around town once in awhile. Never had had the itch for a convertible, but hey, have fun!
Dave Peterson, Riverton, MN
Crazy people, wander round all night
Looking toward the Heavens
At little specs of light
Dragging round their telescopes
And Binoculars
All the tools they need to gaze among the stars
Crazy people, look at what they do…
Crazy people, wander round all night
Looking toward the Heavens
At little specs of light
Dragging round their telescopes
And Binoculars
All the tools they need to gaze among the stars
Crazy people, look at what they do…
Crazy people, wander round all night
Looking toward the Heavens
At little specs of light
Dragging round their telescopes
And Binoculars
All the tools they need to gaze among the stars
Crazy people, look at what they do…
One of my offspring is a keen astronomer, with a huge telescope. She is also extremely knowledgeable
on the subject. Don't know about your title there, but absolutely love the song and the music is gorgeous.
Crazy people, wander round all night
Looking toward the Heavens
At little specs of light
Dragging round their telescopes
And Binoculars
All the tools they need to gaze among the stars
Crazy people, look at what they do…
In memory of my cousin Mike, nicknamed Shovel Head, because of the Harley Davidson Shovel Head motorcycle he drove.
I can feel the wind blow
Lean into that winding road
Setting Sun against my skin
Shift into that high gear
So sweet, so beautiful. ROCK ON! You're such a soul man, you're layin' the grooves with so much love and color and warmth -- it's good to know I can always find a Greg Connor tune when I need it, right here on alonetone -- fabulous!
I dig how you mixed and and mastered all the instruments in this song to support each other just so. Your picking style, executed and delivered with such sweetness, is down-right sexy! Always enjoy your voice too.
First song for the Dirty Thump II CD from Krakow, Poland!!!
kind of heavy compared to Sunset Dadeze, my band here in the good ole US
a retelling of every musician that wanted to deal with the devil to be a star…
Summer Grass- I didn’t originally intend for this to be the title track, but since most, though not all, of the songs on this album sound like summer to me, I decided, why not? The guitar even sounds humid and warm, but in that nice July way…
Second Original Sea Tale featuring Bowed Banjo for the Whale Sounds.
The world was lit by Whale oil Lamps and It made being a Whale Very Treacherous.
You wont find this on Google.
Circa 1843
You wont find me on Google Either.
whew, well it does upload eventully.
new look , very quirky
Blind Blake
It took two weeks to learn this syncopated
Picking style, Well worth the effort.
While wiring up a new FX processor in my studio I was messing around with this classic traditional sea shanty. Probably because at this time last week I was playing at the Harwich (UK) International Sea Shanty Festival. Anyway, while messing around…
Glad to get some inspiration from new friends and an old video of Jackson Browne's speech accepting his induction into the rock and roll hall of fame.... As usual a first draft and a rough cut, but glad to be feeling the muse again...
Collaboration between Carl Unbehaun and Myself.
Introducing Carl Unbehaun, the host of Minnesota Homebrew Radio Show. Pioneer Radio 90.1 Thief River Falls MN
I had the words, and Carl had the melody plus the ability to deliver the song…
Hello friends!
I'm happy to submit this studio version of a song I wrote in early spring. It became the title track for my latest EP release of 5 songs. I hope you enjoy it!
Thanks to everyone who has listened and given feedback. I…
It has long been the role of the troubadour to challenge and lampoon Authority through music. This is one such piece, written following a speech by the U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), in which he spoke of African slaves…
Comments on Greg Connor's stuff
Big grins for your lyrics. Been there, thinking that. Gawd but I'm glad we sold that old box of a minivan years ago. ER
Go Greg.
Looooong road, yup thats a real deep feel. Wow love it, Slidey right into Faved
Slip slidin' away, holdin' on just a little farther down that road
well played.
I love me some Greg Connor music in the morning.
Love the laid back approach. Great lyrics! John B.
My mom was an avid bird watcher. The clip of the cardinal finch reminded me of her... it was her favorite of favorite birds.
Nice work....
When you look up at the night sky from where you live does the milky way burn bright. Clusters of stars glowing from time that passed us by. Are there certain crisp, clear, windless nights, the moon hanging on the dark side and every star seemed just a little brighter then before. As far as you could see there was shimmering light flickering from the faintest and most distant stars. I try to imagine what the night sky would have looked like 30,000 years ago or a million years. How much more did stars shine before we were here. Before electricity people probably paid more attention to the night skies
Cool song Greg. I never had a convertible Mustang but had a blue 1967 2 door. I had it for over 10 years and it was a neat car, but like most cars of that era began to cost big bucks to keep it running like it should, to say nothing of rust. I sold it to a teenager who did some body and engine work and I'd see it around town once in awhile. Never had had the itch for a convertible, but hey, have fun! Dave Peterson, Riverton, MN
Stargazing does have a way of putting things in perspective.
If your head is in the syars, your hearts in thr right place.(smile)
One of my offspring is a keen astronomer, with a huge telescope. She is also extremely knowledgeable on the subject. Don't know about your title there, but absolutely love the song and the music is gorgeous.
Crazy People.....did you write that about me? I represent that!!!! another it
I do love these lyrics! And I can't type in these varifocals
yeaaaa! not only I find your music really good, it's just the inspiration I need right now
So sweet, so beautiful. ROCK ON! You're such a soul man, you're layin' the grooves with so much love and color and warmth -- it's good to know I can always find a Greg Connor tune when I need it, right here on alonetone -- fabulous!
I dig how you mixed and and mastered all the instruments in this song to support each other just so. Your picking style, executed and delivered with such sweetness, is down-right sexy! Always enjoy your voice too.
Hey Vern! Have you heard what Greg is singing now? We should sell the cow and get us one of these!
Comments made by Greg Connor
Oh . . . . . This is Beautiful !!! I love it!
Beautiful song Gary!
Sad song to match a sad situation.
Beautiful, another masterpiece.
Good story put to music.
Bowed banjo? Nice touch!
Ohhhhhhhh, I like the one.
Beautiful Tribute Roger
This song sounds a lot warmer than the weather we've been having lately.
Been a long time Peter. I can still hear Australia in your voice, but that Northern influence is creeping in.
I like that 12 string!
Pretty Song!
Ahhhhhhhhh , Peaches told me you were about to loose $5 on a psychic reading. Looks like that prediction came true!
I Love It . . . .I can almost taste the salt in the air.
This is beautiful
Wow! This is beautiful! Outstanding Colleen .... well done.
Great Song! Happy Retirement
Home Run Carl! This is GREAT Fun.
Outstanding . . . . You have captured it!!!
I love it! Let's keep them all honest. We have a few "TALL TALE TELLERS" in our midst right now.