155 tracks by Dweeb

Dweeb's avatar
An RPM Album needs to have at least 10 tracks. So this one was included. I had been kinda itching to do an "acoustic lead", this is probably the best I can do.
Dweeb's avatar
I am not sure anyone will like this track but me, but I think I did a decent songwriting job here. Lyrics: 16 hours a day upon my seat Never walk a step I’m feelin beat Temp me with a little food Put me in a better mood Waiting for another…
Dweeb's avatar
I set my gear up on Feb 1 with the intention of recording a number that I had “ready to go”. I recorded this instead, which just popped up out of nowhere…
Dweeb's avatar
This song started off as a dream, and I was miles away from a guitar and any sort of recording device when it came together in my head. Somehow I was able to recall it and put it together into a song. This song includes my first attempt at slide…
Dweeb's avatar
I had some trouble with this one, but I think I have wrestled it into shape. The guitar solo at the end was supposed to fade out after 10 or 15 seconds, but I had such fun doing it that I left the whole thing in. What the heck…
Dweeb's avatar
I had a difficult time with this, and all the vocal and electric guitar parts needed to be re-done several times. I’m still not completely happy with it, although I feel like it’s the best song I wrote this year…
Dweeb's avatar
Yes, I’m learning about “The Circle of Fifths”. Decided to blow some Harmonica again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I finally realized what I been doing wrong all these years But everything I say…
Dweeb's avatar
This year's pointless instrumental.
Dweeb's avatar
I still love the old version of Ugo Rez, and think of a reason to use it every year. ------------------------------------- I love to wake on a monday puttin my clothes on Startin my day I love to drive on the highway smiling people…
Dweeb's avatar
My annual ritual of torturing myself by trying to play C7 on guitar. I think these are the best vocals I’ve done in several years. --------------------------------------- You spend the day just loungin watchin the tv that don't bother…
Dweeb's avatar
I set up my antique Roland TR-707 Beatbox, a vocal mic, an amp, and tried to play this “live”. It came out pretty bad, and I thought I’d have to toss it. But after a couple day’s retrospection, I decided to save the rhythm guitar and drum tracks…
Dweeb's avatar
This was recorded “Live” (even if it was the fourth take), and did no “fixes” to anything. So this is what I “really sound like”. I am happy with the bridge, which I came up with about 5 minutes before hitting “record…
Dweeb's avatar
A song about the upcoming End of the World. They tell me that the world is almost ended the calender runs out and there's nothing more to say The sun will flicker out and leave us all to die So many things will be left undone You and I will…
Dweeb's avatar
A song I wrote when I was about 19 years old. I never thought it was good enough to record. Maybe I was wrong! I float around in a pool of slime I can't be seen with the naked ey You know it's gonna be lotsa fun To munch out on a bacterium…
Dweeb's avatar
I wanted more songs that WEREN'T about death and destruction. This song is not really autobiographical. I go down to my basement room To get away from everything To forget forgettable days Try to find something interesting Got a big comfy…
Dweeb's avatar
An oldie, which I recorded very badly on a 4-track back in the 20th century. I have always wanted to do a "full" version with the bombastic fanfare I always envisioned. Here it is. I grind my butt into the sand where the ocean meets the…
Dweeb's avatar
Another song I once recorded badly on a 4-track. This one is not so much changed from the original, just a better performance (I hope!) and recording. Well I'm rusting away and I'm soon gonna die 'cause my body is slowly being oxidized and I…
Dweeb's avatar
I found out I could make this weird noise scratching over the center pickup on my strat. I looped it and built an "instrumental" over it.
Dweeb's avatar
This song IS autobiographical. I been thinkin about what they call the best-case scenario And it's 20 more years of this shit, don't you know dealing with stuff I don't give a damn about in return for a certain pecuniary amount ref: can't…
Dweeb's avatar
I recently read Walden, and spent a lot of time thinking about Thoreau's idea that it is folly to suffer to put away against future suffering. But of course that would be silly advice to follow. Save my money for a rainy day It’s the way so they…