Comments on Gary Fox's stuff

Gary Fox's avatar
I used to play a lot more funk. This is kind of funk, but it was enough to bring back my love of the groove. ;)
Nick P's avatar
Nick P said

Great tune

Gary Fox's avatar
This was supposed to be keyboard only, then the gtr part came and just kind of took it over. You should hear the original demo, it is very, very different. I happen to really like this song though, and for some reason love my little keys solo…
Guest said

love it

Gary Fox's avatar
Jump! Dance! Jump some more! Get excited! Play it again, it's already over!
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

feel good album.. nailed.

Gary Fox's avatar
I used to play a lot more funk. This is kind of funk, but it was enough to bring back my love of the groove. ;)
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

funky. with lennon-like wisdom. I'm avin' this album. Avin' it I tells thee

Gary Fox's avatar
This is a rallying cry! Get up, move a little! There, you'll feel better, trust me.
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

This is such a triumph Gary. Jealous. Again.

Gary Fox's avatar
Nothing like guitar FX with a beat.
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

catchy as hell!!!

Gary Fox's avatar
Nothing like guitar FX with a beat.
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

dandy warhols meets slade (in my humble) - should have happened sooner!!! Love the mental synth!

Gary Fox's avatar
It's Top Of The Pops from 1970!
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

powerful as hell Gary chum

Gary Fox's avatar
Ok, let's kick it into gear...
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

Ouch!!!! That's how to start an album! Good lord.. I'm going to enjoy this party

Gary Fox's avatar
More grooves for your hooves...
Endicott Road's avatar
Endicott Road said

Just stopped by for a listen. I'm a fan. I'll be back for more from time to time. ER

Gary Fox's avatar
Ok, let's kick it into gear...
JR James's avatar
JR James said

Dig the compression and analog dirt.

Gary Fox's avatar
Here, I hope this helps you out a little, my friend.
FDR's avatar
FDR said

Great album Mr Fox,rocked me socks off!

Gary Fox's avatar
It's Top Of The Pops from 1970!
FDR's avatar
FDR said

Oh yeah now we're totaly hands free!

Gary Fox's avatar
Ok, let's kick it into gear...
FDR's avatar
FDR said

Well that stopped me scratching my balls for a sec,that f*@%£?g rocks!

Gary Fox's avatar
Nothing like guitar FX with a beat.
AMUC's avatar
AMUC said

I am so jealous of the production. It's absolutely flawless. Good work. The vocals remind me a lot of Neil Morse formerly of Spock's Beard.

Gary Fox's avatar
Here, I hope this helps you out a little, my friend.
Guest said


Gary Fox's avatar
This one has a good groove, but I admit you won't dance as much to this one. Grab a drink and just listen and tap your feet. Turning yourself around with conviction drives through every beat...
Guest said


Gary Fox's avatar
I don't know why, but this makes me think I should have called the record Gary's Space Rock and Soul Revue. However, that name is really cheesy, so I am glad I restrained myself. You probably are too.
Guest said

Lovin' all the horns!

Gary Fox's avatar
More grooves for your hooves...
Guest said

So cool!!

Gary Fox's avatar
Ok, let's kick it into gear...
Guest said

