Comments on haz's stuff

haz's avatar
Guest said


haz's avatar
I song I made a while ago while obsessed with The Books. It's centered around guitar harmonics with some strummage and beatzz. Never finished it of course so it doesn't go anywhere...
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Very nice!

haz's avatar
I song I made a while ago while obsessed with The Books. It's centered around guitar harmonics with some strummage and beatzz. Never finished it of course so it doesn't go anywhere...
childhoodsend's avatar
childhoodsend said

Like the feel of this.

haz's avatar
I returned to Palo Alto for Christmas where my Logic/Keystation combination reside and banged out a quick, big beat for the lulz of it.
Guest said

das da hott shit mayne!

haz's avatar
Also just for storage purposes. A track I made in high school when I was 16 or 17 with my sax buddy Matt Nelson.
Guest said

Who is fluting? Ia that Matt?

haz's avatar
Also just for storage purposes. A track I made in high school when I was 16 or 17 with my sax buddy Matt Nelson who is currently touring with tUnE-YaRdS.
Guest said

One of my favorite Harvey rifs... More please..

haz's avatar
Also just for storage purposes. A track I made in high school when I was 16 or 17 with my sax buddy Matt Nelson who is currently touring with tUnE-YaRdS.
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said


haz's avatar
Experimenting with my piano/keyboard skillz and a first attempt at record clapping. Needs a good go over with some quality drums and some better arranging. Everything sounds very "synthy" on account of I don't have any quality VSTi at the moment.
Landscapes in Motion's avatar
Landscapes in Motion said

Nice rhythm. The bass works well with it. The fullness of the rhythem gives a very full sound, yet the tune is quite minimal.

haz's avatar
A prototype. I recorded the banjo parts myself and the rest is all arranged in Logic. The mandolin that comes in halfway through is a chopped up loop until I can find a mandolin to record my own solo.
Landscapes in Motion's avatar
Landscapes in Motion said

Love the deep tone on that bass! Rockin' tune.

haz's avatar
A prototype. I recorded the banjo parts myself and the rest is all arranged in Logic. The mandolin that comes in halfway through is a chopped up loop until I can find a mandolin to record my own solo.
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Yeahh!!!!! a banjo jam just what i need to lift my spirits, on this new years eve thanks....

haz's avatar
A prototype. I recorded the banjo parts myself and the rest is all arranged in Logic. The mandolin that comes in halfway through is a chopped up loop until I can find a mandolin to record my own solo.
am/fm dreams's avatar
am/fm dreams said

loves me some banjo

haz's avatar
Something I'm working on. I'm a sucker for 5/4 time these days. The biggest issue is the vocals which are sort of a placeholder right now until I re-write and re-record them, or maybe even find someone who can actually sing to lay something down!
Guest said

Fantastic Voyage!

haz's avatar
Something I'm working on. I'm a sucker for 5/4 time these days. The biggest issue is the vocals which are sort of a placeholder right now until I re-write and re-record them, or maybe even find someone who can actually sing to lay something down!
ghst's avatar
ghst said

harvey harvey, where have you gone? make more music, or at least post it for the community to see. i can't get enough of this song.

haz's avatar
A prototype. I recorded the banjo parts myself and the rest is all arranged in Logic. The mandolin that comes in halfway through is a chopped up loop until I can find a mandolin to record my own solo.
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

I play washboard, I play washboard :)

haz's avatar
A prototype. I recorded the banjo parts myself and the rest is all arranged in Logic. The mandolin that comes in halfway through is a chopped up loop until I can find a mandolin to record my own solo.
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Very cool- That was a fun minute!

haz's avatar
A prototype. I recorded the banjo parts myself and the rest is all arranged in Logic. The mandolin that comes in halfway through is a chopped up loop until I can find a mandolin to record my own solo.
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Hell yes, get me my wash board and my JUG!!!

haz's avatar
A prototype. I recorded the banjo parts myself and the rest is all arranged in Logic. The mandolin that comes in halfway through is a chopped up loop until I can find a mandolin to record my own solo.
childhoodsend's avatar
childhoodsend said

A really great driving sound! woohoo!!

haz's avatar
Upbeat, pretty simple. Needs some interesting sampling or some lead instrumentation/vocals. Logic/Keystation Pro 88.
Guest said


haz's avatar
Upbeat, pretty simple. Needs some interesting sampling or some lead instrumentation/vocals. Logic/Keystation Pro 88.
Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

Cool - you can slur! I love slurring!

haz's avatar
Upbeat, pretty simple. Needs some interesting sampling or some lead instrumentation/vocals. Logic/Keystation Pro 88.
childhoodsend's avatar
childhoodsend said

Like the guitar-bass synch curves. Great build up!
