Growing up is hard.
For everyone.
I once had a Facebook Friend named Shannon Elizabeth Hardwick. A poet, from Midland, Texas, doing advanced studies at Sarah Lawrence. She was so good she could write a hundred pages about how she couldn…
One night after three month of no rain, as we were driving home from singing at Gringos in Grapevine a splash of water hit the windshield.
I said to myself, "Sweet Rain."
I went home and wrote the song. It's on the soundtrack of a movie called…
can you still get a copy of the recording of sweet rain by texas water? I did not see it on the soundtrack for vanishing? Please let me know-email me at
Something just broke and I think it's my heart
It wasn't an arrow. It wasn't a dart
It mighta been a meter that tore it apart
But, something just broke and I think it's my heart
A bedside bomb with no alarm…
We were shooting this movie one day when they needed a song for a dance scene. I said, "I wrote a song that might fit here." The director agreed and I ended up getting to write all the music for that movie, RED DESERT PENITENTIARY. directed by…
One night after three month of no rain, as we were driving home from singing at Gringos in Grapevine a splash of water hit the windshield.
I said to myself, "Sweet Rain."
I went home and wrote the song. It's on the soundtrack of a movie called…
Something just broke and I think it's my heart
It wasn't an arrow. It wasn't a dart
It mighta been a meter that tore it apart
But, something just broke and I think it's my heart
A bedside bomb with no alarm…
...after reading John Steinbeck's IN DUBIOUS BATTLE and watching the John Ford movie of GRAPES OF WRATH. The opening and closing statements are quotes from the Preacher in the movie.
A friend said he wanted to do a video of this track. I…
It aint like no ones done this before
But how can you tire of beautiful chords
In the fifties
In Tenessee
Where my love
was born
Two young men upped and
crossed the yard
both cold cos it was rainin hard.
One of them turned said…
I wrote this song while out hiking some awesome trails in Zion National Park... gave me some excellent inspiration. I also tried some different stuff with the mixing and using my keyboard... so trying to push a few of my envelopes...
Colleen, That goodbye song is just the final song on my new album I did for the RPM online thing where people try to do a whole album between the beginning and end of February.
But thank you for listening to my music. I'm not going anywhere.
j mt
A quick song I made up out of nowhere, hence the title "Somewhere out there" LOL... Everything you hear is me apart from the drums, as usual. I hope you enjoy my bedroom recording... Warm regards, Anna
I got touched by an article I read about an Irish chap that saw a girl on a plane he fell in love with at first sight (ha, I never knew that existed !!!) He could not forget about her, so decided to do a “Sherlock Holmes” and was determent to…
As requested, here are the lyrics.
On the night stand is a clock
counting down the waning hours
'til the fiery fingers of the dawn come crawling through
Burning eyes in morning sun
the engine turns more slowly now
driving down a silent…
As requested, here are the lyrics.
On the night stand is a clock
counting down the waning hours
'til the fiery fingers of the dawn come crawling through
Burning eyes in morning sun
the engine turns more slowly now
driving down a silent…
Kavin Allenson and I did a NinJam session the other night on a public server. Ninjam is a software which allows real time collaboration over the net. There are some public servers available which you often have 'guests' which you can choose…
Comments on James Michael Taylor's stuff
Just beautiful!!
can you still get a copy of the recording of sweet rain by texas water? I did not see it on the soundtrack for vanishing? Please let me know-email me at
Love it!
Your lyrics are wonderful. This is so poignant.
Another cracking song - love your voice!
Beautiful song.
Just don't break the vocal chords. Love it.
Awright yawl! JMT is here!
Comments made by James Michael Taylor
Digging it! Rock on. I would be adding a chant with this with cool harmonies...
What program are you using.
It aint like no ones done this before But how can you tire of beautiful chords That really says it.
Takes me back to the late 60s.
Right up there with YOU GOT ME.
What Gene said. Major production.
Colleen, That goodbye song is just the final song on my new album I did for the RPM online thing where people try to do a whole album between the beginning and end of February. But thank you for listening to my music. I'm not going anywhere. j mt
So lush. That 1968 vibe again. Is this several people or are you doing it all?
Welcome to our little family. What a big full sound! Very nice blend. Very interesting combination of sounds. It's very 1968.
ASK CODY! It's what he told me. We report. You decide.
intriguing story deserves further developement
That ELO comment was supposed to go here.
ELO all over the place.
Love the blend of voices. Very Beatlesque.
...and tell us more about yourself in the profile.
Please include the words. I want to hear every word. Beautiful.
Love the naked voices...harmony.
Beautiful...there are places the voice and instruments merge.
That's cool. Lots of layers. 3D.
It really has that driving-down-the-blvd feel.