Comments on kavin.'s stuff

kavin.'s avatar
An improvisation on the resonator, played lap style. Tuning CGCEBE
corbinSound's avatar
corbinSound said

wow you are amazing

kavin.'s avatar
Fooling around with a friend's mandolin. tech: Epiphone mando, direct in, 2 tracks, Logic spaces small hall setting.
Guest said

Fooling around with a mandolin? Pretty neat fooling around!

kavin.'s avatar
Dedicated to the great Jack Rose, who left last December.
Guest said

Ha ha, I'm breathless! Wow!

kavin.'s avatar
An improvisation on the resonator, played lap style. Tuning CGCEBE
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Beautiful mate, interesting tuning works well mate.

kavin.'s avatar
An improvisation on the resonator, played lap style. Tuning CGCEBE
c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
c}{imps 8 my ears said

smooth tones, nice tune.

kavin.'s avatar
It's a 100 degrees F in the shade here. Covering a John Fahey tune, which was inspired by Charley Patton.
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Brilliant mate well played.

kavin.'s avatar
It's a 100 degrees F in the shade here. Covering a John Fahey tune, which was inspired by Charley Patton.
kavin.'s avatar
kavin. said

thanks Rhonie! You may want to look up the original John Fahey version, too.

kavin.'s avatar
It's a 100 degrees F in the shade here. Covering a John Fahey tune, which was inspired by Charley Patton.
Rhonie's avatar
Rhonie said

I've listened to this several times and have it on my fav list - just gotta comment again how much I like this tune - you really nailed the title :)

kavin.'s avatar
It's a 100 degrees F in the shade here. Covering a John Fahey tune, which was inspired by Charley Patton.
Rhonie's avatar
Rhonie said

I've listened to this several times and have it on my fav list - just gotta comment again how much I like this tune - you really nailed the title :)

kavin.'s avatar
It's a 100 degrees F in the shade here. Covering a John Fahey tune, which was inspired by Charley Patton.
Rhonie's avatar
Rhonie said

sittin back - lazy summer day - sippin sweet tea or lemonaid... yep - could listen to this all day...

kavin.'s avatar
A sample tune from my 2006 cd "Texas Tonefreak" . Commercially available in all the usual places.
Guest said

Speaking as one who can only strum 6 chords, I am in awe!

kavin.'s avatar
Been carrying this around since 1982, finally recorded it. Composed when we were expecting our first child, hence the anxiety.
childhoodsend's avatar
childhoodsend said

like dis one!

kavin.'s avatar
An improvisation on the resonator, played lap style. Tuning CGCEBE
childhoodsend's avatar
childhoodsend said

ooh. Very good sound. Love the slides...

kavin.'s avatar
An improvisation on the resonator, played lap style. Tuning CGCEBE
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Deep man, very deep. Such a great sound.

kavin.'s avatar
dark ambient
Norm's avatar
Norm said


kavin.'s avatar
An improvisation on the resonator, played lap style. Tuning CGCEBE
dougsparling's avatar
dougsparling said

Quite stunning in it's beauty and complex simplicity...

kavin.'s avatar
An improvisation on the resonator, played lap style. Tuning CGCEBE
Guest said

beautific shades of faheyishness

kavin.'s avatar
An improvisation on the resonator, played lap style. Tuning CGCEBE
Guest said

That is an alternative tuning isn't it....I mean way alternative ....sounds good though!...was somebody rattling a crate of bottles at the mic? 80) Nice Job Jarvoid

kavin.'s avatar
An improvisation on the resonator, played lap style. Tuning CGCEBE
Guest said

Muy FNB!

kavin.'s avatar
An improvisation on the resonator, played lap style. Tuning CGCEBE
xenotolerance's avatar
xenotolerance said

Gorgeous tone, dig the tuning.
