Maybe I missed a career scoring for no budget spaghetti westerns, because this is what this reminds me of. Done live a couple weeks ago with the Taylor and a floor full of toys and loopers.
Mining the archives a bit. This is an alternate take of my "Jimi Jam" from a couple of years ago. Live to 2 tracks with the Jamman. Really only sounds OK when cranked up loud enough that your eardrums threaten to meet in the middle. LOL!!
Kinda rough. I'm uploading this mainly to share a guitar technique I've been working on. I'm wearing a slide on my picking hand and using it to alter pitches in single line phrases. There's a lot more can be done with this technique that I've…
Maybe I missed a career scoring for no budget spaghetti westerns, because this is what this reminds me of. Done live a couple weeks ago with the Taylor and a floor full of toys and loopers.
This track is from the 1986 Scartaglen album "The Middle Path". The first tune "Jezaig" was composed by Breton musician Gilles Le Bigot. The second tune is one of the "Cantigas de Santa Maria" and is attributed to King Alfonso X of Spain
Solo acoustic finger picking thing I've been working on for a while. Sometime around 1968 I started studying with Mr. George Bennett who taught me the rudiments of finger picking. Later when we played some gigs together he also taught me the rudiments…
Solo acoustic finger picking thing I've been working on for a while. Sometime around 1968 I started studying with Mr. George Bennett who taught me the rudiments of finger picking. Later when we played some gigs together he also taught me the rudiments…
Solo acoustic finger picking thing I've been working on for a while. Sometime around 1968 I started studying with Mr. George Bennett who taught me the rudiments of finger picking. Later when we played some gigs together he also taught me the rudiments…
Solo acoustic finger picking thing I've been working on for a while. Sometime around 1968 I started studying with Mr. George Bennett who taught me the rudiments of finger picking. Later when we played some gigs together he also taught me the rudiments…
Another Live performance with former band mates in Scartaglen back in 1988 on the NPR show Mountain Stage. This time a piece of Gaelic mouth music followed by 3 reels. Maybe the most complex arrangement of a set of tunes that we ever did.
I found a cassette tape the other day from 1991 which turned out to be live to 2 track demos that Scartaglen did in the studio in preparation for our 3rd and (as it turned out) final album. This tune didn't make the cut for the record but I always…
I found a cassette tape the other day from 1991 which turned out to be live to 2 track demos that Scartaglen did in the studio in preparation for our 3rd and (as it turned out) final album. This tune didn't make the cut for the record but I always…
This is one of those tracks that if you drift off to sleep while listening to it, you're almost guaranteed to have pleasant dreams. The fidelity of the recording is fantastic.
An experiment I recorded yesterday with a rig I put together for more or less ambient sounds using two loopers and nearly every effects unit I own. I have no idea who Clark was but he owned the '58 Harmony Stratotone that I used on this cut. His…
Maybe I missed a career scoring for no budget spaghetti westerns, because this is what this reminds me of. Done live a couple weeks ago with the Taylor and a floor full of toys and loopers.
Another Live performance with former band mates in Scartaglen back in 1988 on the NPR show Mountain Stage. This time a piece of Gaelic mouth music followed by 3 reels. Maybe the most complex arrangement of a set of tunes that we ever did.
Maybe I missed a career scoring for no budget spaghetti westerns, because this is what this reminds me of. Done live a couple weeks ago with the Taylor and a floor full of toys and loopers.
An experiment I recorded yesterday with a rig I put together for more or less ambient sounds using two loopers and nearly every effects unit I own. I have no idea who Clark was but he owned the '58 Harmony Stratotone that I used on this cut. His…
Thamyris invented the 8 string Cithara and challenged the muses to a musical duel. His punishment for losing was to have his hands cut off. Now all he can do is imagine one last chattar solo as he takes his last breath. The gods have taken away…
Now ye sons of the kraaken, let's get to some honest pillaging, shall we? Aaaarh!
The devil is an idle jest compared to what's within this chest
No hearts more black than ours they say
trust your own hide to be waterproof only
else they…
Here now, there be treasure to hide and we'll bury it full deep in the earth, and ye with it if you tell the tale. To the shovels lads, and dig down.
International Talk Like A Pirate day is upon us, so swab yer decks and break open the Rum…
Traditional Irish - Arranged by Doug Sparling
The last of my traditional Irish tunes for now...I learned both these tunes on my Kirk Lynch uilleann pipes when I had them - now I just play them on guitar best I can.
Buachaill On Eirne is…
This song was written long before it was recorded, though it stayed pretty much the same from day one of its creation until the studio about 4 years later. My favorite part is my guitar riffs near the end. My least favorite part is my crappy singing.
Comments on kirklynch's stuff
Love it! Beautiful piece
This is my Favorite
Cool approach....i like the singing quality to the lead....bending alot of notes....less is more.
i don't think yove missed anything at all,,,you seem to be right where you need to be,, very fine lota depth here loops and all
Love this music.
well-played, beautiful piece!
Great playing and tones.
Every time I Tune in I am Never Disappionted. The Harmonic was seemless. pro- play all the way.......
Why have I never heard this before? It's beautiful.
hey, my heart is dancing!
wonderful, such incredible melodies!
Old World Lovely
This is one of those tracks that if you drift off to sleep while listening to it, you're almost guaranteed to have pleasant dreams. The fidelity of the recording is fantastic.
this song made me pick up my guitar . thanks for inspiring.
This is sooooooo good. Quick thanks to Kavin for bringing my attention back to this Kirk Lynch masterpiece.
This is very cool. I forgot I had listened to this. There's this warm familiarity. Your Palette is very broad.
Agree - it's a score tune - and not just spaghetti westerns (whatever the heck that is). Luv the backwards delay.
cool! I enjoyed this live performance very much.
Every time I hear that guitar first come in, it's so sweet. Kudos, friend.
I have no idea how this is done,its great
Comments made by kirklynch
Lovely- wish it were longer! Great!
Beautiful- Haunting. Like a lullaby for the damned
Wow- excellent production and song writing. Love all the little subtle parts in the background! Great stuff!
Nice- I see what you mean with the vocals comment- that would be even better. Really nice the way it is though
Nice one Doug! Love how it develops from the acoustic intro to the more electric sound
strangely beautiful! I like
Lovely relaxing atmosphere!
Didn't know there was this side to your musical personality! Nice!
Does me black heart good to hear such as this it does!
Looking forward to more from you. Welcome to alonetone
Lovely moody piece. Really like that build after the 3 minute mark!
Nice crunchy guitar sounds!
What SS said. Love those sax breaks too
Killer groove!
One more Aaaarrrhhh! Would seem appropriate - Now where's me rum?
What fun! Love that synth bass sound
Nice! Smooth, but with a bit of an edge.
Nice one man! great old tunes these
nice one! Very relaxing
Nice hard hitting tune!