An experiment I recorded yesterday with a rig I put together for more or less ambient sounds using two loopers and nearly every effects unit I own. I have no idea who Clark was but he owned the '58 Harmony Stratotone that I used on this cut. His…
Started out be an innocent little jazzy study in quartal harmony, but the DL4 was still in my signal path and things went downhill from there! Another done with my beloved '58 Stratotone
Solo acoustic guitar recorded January 2nd 2009. Hope to do a longer more developed version at some point ,but for now just a short version to learn more about using new DAW software.
Solo acoustic guitar recorded January 2nd 2009. Hope to do a longer more developed version at some point ,but for now just a short version to learn more about using new DAW software.
Started out be an innocent little jazzy study in quartal harmony, but the DL4 was still in my signal path and things went downhill from there! Another done with my beloved '58 Stratotone
Started out be an innocent little jazzy study in quartal harmony, but the DL4 was still in my signal path and things went downhill from there! Another done with my beloved '58 Stratotone
Started out be an innocent little jazzy study in quartal harmony, but the DL4 was still in my signal path and things went downhill from there! Another done with my beloved '58 Stratotone
My first attempt at a Blumlein or Mid/Side recording. This one is actually a mid/side recording as I used a directional mic in combo with a figure 8 ribbon mic set at 90 degrees from the main mic. Thanks to Pat Broaders for the loan of the ribbon…
Started out be an innocent little jazzy study in quartal harmony, but the DL4 was still in my signal path and things went downhill from there! Another done with my beloved '58 Stratotone
Started out be an innocent little jazzy study in quartal harmony, but the DL4 was still in my signal path and things went downhill from there! Another done with my beloved '58 Stratotone
Started out be an innocent little jazzy study in quartal harmony, but the DL4 was still in my signal path and things went downhill from there! Another done with my beloved '58 Stratotone
Started out be an innocent little jazzy study in quartal harmony, but the DL4 was still in my signal path and things went downhill from there! Another done with my beloved '58 Stratotone
A moody solo acoustic thing that I came up with playing in a long forgotten tuning. Just got a new Zoom H4N, so this was recorded in my shop sitting at my reedmaking bench may 12 2009
Started out be an innocent little jazzy study in quartal harmony, but the DL4 was still in my signal path and things went downhill from there! Another done with my beloved '58 Stratotone
Started out be an innocent little jazzy study in quartal harmony, but the DL4 was still in my signal path and things went downhill from there! Another done with my beloved '58 Stratotone
Started out be an innocent little jazzy study in quartal harmony, but the DL4 was still in my signal path and things went downhill from there! Another done with my beloved '58 Stratotone
An unusual traditional tune from the first Scartaglen album way back in 1984. Going through stuff the other day and ran across the LP and couldn't even remember the tune or having recorded it. I played guitar on this track
Started out be an innocent little jazzy study in quartal harmony, but the DL4 was still in my signal path and things went downhill from there! Another done with my beloved '58 Stratotone
Started out be an innocent little jazzy study in quartal harmony, but the DL4 was still in my signal path and things went downhill from there! Another done with my beloved '58 Stratotone
Started out be an innocent little jazzy study in quartal harmony, but the DL4 was still in my signal path and things went downhill from there! Another done with my beloved '58 Stratotone
The Hollow Men
Sad Hippie Thing
Greg Melvin: Vocals, Rhythm Guitars, Keyboards
Doug Sparling: Lead Guitars
David Albrecht: Bass
Terry Adams: Drum Kit
All songs written by Greg Melvin
Arrangements by Greg Melvin and The Hollow Men
The Hollow Men
Sad Hippie Thing
Greg Melvin: Vocals, Rhythm Guitars, Keyboards
Doug Sparling: Lead Guitars
David Albrecht: Bass
Terry Adams: Drum Kit
All songs written by Greg Melvin
Arrangements by Greg Melvin and The Hollow Men
The berimbau is a brazilian percussion/string instrument that is the foundation for this tune.
Thanks to Dana (Alontoner) who added the sweet backup vocals to make this a much better piece.
And thanks also to K. Scot Sparks (Alonetoner…
Nothing like a good gtr riff to inspire a song. This one is backwards in a way. The first verse has a lot of layers, the second one is much cleaner...
I had fun doing the backing vox on this one, it was the first day I really had my voice back…
Using the microKORG, GarageBand drum kits, and a cheap acoustic guitar. Beware, it is far from done. The final version will likely be longer and less repetitive (if possible).
The close friend of mine who helped engineer this session said my gtr sounded like a swarm of angry bees. That's the best compliment I can think of. This was a mayhem producer when played live. I barely was able to keep it together in the studio…
Solo acoustic finger picking thing I've been working on for a while. Sometime around 1968 I started studying with Mr. George Bennett who taught me the rudiments of finger picking. Later when we played some gigs together he also taught me the rudiments…
Comments on kirklynch's stuff
you create a nice athmosphere!
Very cool!!
jezzum what a sound. that was only one day?
Really nice - thanks
.... very nice!!!!!!
Very Very Cool! Impressive Playing Bro!
Beautiful!!Great work here!
Glorious wonderfulness! Bee
cool and mellow. nice work.
Hey, thank you so much for the warm comment! Great tune, very trippy.
Excellent mate very cool indeed.
@Goose: I know nothing about guitars but I think Kirk's Stratotone is named "Clark". And not red.
Great tone on the recording: I have much to learn about recording Acoustic guitar.
aaaah improv the freedom to be,, to play, to explore,,, this is a very beautiful journey/study into one of the many musical side streets,,, very fine
Never mind the jazzy quartal thingy, I want to see the guitar man. Is it red?
While I know nothing about harmony, I will say that I prefer an augmented fifth, but seem to always end up with a diminished fifth. Sweet piece Kirk!
Very pretty melody!
... I'm digging into this space you have carved in time...
i love playing with FXs that keep me in time.this is an interesting guitar sound and effect K. i can get lost in that signal. love it
Way to improv it my friend. Loved it.
Comments made by kirklynch
These are all great man. Where you been hiding this stuff?
Very cool- that could have been twice as long.
This was always a favorite of mine from this record
Great to hear this old stuff again. I made a lot of set of pipes while this was blaring in my shop. Nice guitar work there "scenic overlook"
One of your most beautiful so far! Great!
Lovely! Nice to hear new tracks from you
Really nice one man!
What a cool track!. Great mix of percussion sounds and synth.
Great rocking tune! Nice stuff!
Love the melodies- hypnotic
I forgot about this one. Lovely wall of sound
Hauntingly beautiful!
Looking forward to the finished track- this is nice!
Awesome vocals ! Great song
Great playing! I missed this one of yours
Woo Hoo- Love the energy!
@ Sister Savage- Thank you- much appreciated!
Lovely! I could get lost in this all day
Dig those twangy guitars! Nice!