Comments on kirklynch's stuff

kirklynch's avatar
Had these backing tracks laying around on my drive for a while and didn't know what to do with them, so grabbed my Ebow and a fretless electric that I built for myself a couple years ago and had a go. My fretless playing is really in its infancy…
Les's avatar
Les said

Slide guitar!? Of course!

kirklynch's avatar
Had these backing tracks laying around on my drive for a while and didn't know what to do with them, so grabbed my Ebow and a fretless electric that I built for myself a couple years ago and had a go. My fretless playing is really in its infancy…
Les's avatar
Les said

Reminds me of blade runner! Is that a fretless guitar? (Do they exist?) Or a bass played up high? I thought it was a synth at first! Love it :)

kirklynch's avatar
I'm a complete idiot when it comes to all things midi related. Recently got myself a midi keyboard though and came up with this short piece just messing with sounds in Proteus. Really looking forward to the possibilities of combining this sort…
Welcome to Forever's avatar
Welcome to Forever said

Great, this is fantastic!

kirklynch's avatar
More stuff from the ancient archives rescued from the same cassette tape as Last Nights Fun. This time a set of 3 Irish reels Live at a concert back around 1992
Don Blackburn's avatar
Don Blackburn said

Love it!!!

kirklynch's avatar
Had these backing tracks laying around on my drive for a while and didn't know what to do with them, so grabbed my Ebow and a fretless electric that I built for myself a couple years ago and had a go. My fretless playing is really in its infancy…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Cheers Kirk, yep I had to upload it again the girls did such a good job on it.

kirklynch's avatar
Had these backing tracks laying around on my drive for a while and didn't know what to do with them, so grabbed my Ebow and a fretless electric that I built for myself a couple years ago and had a go. My fretless playing is really in its infancy…
Guest said

Really quite excellent....I sometimes wonder why I bother when the wealth of talent stacks up....but hey someones gotta give us all a laff ! really enjoyed this,bravo. Chris

kirklynch's avatar
Rough sketch of a proposed dreamy 12 string piece that I couldn't pull off on the 12 string so did this quick electric version with vocal pads. Not sure of the recording quality- sounds OK in my cans and kinda crappy on my monitors. Recorded march…
Welcome to Forever's avatar
Welcome to Forever said

I posted a mix with partions of this tune to my page. Hope you like.....I had fun with it. Thanks for the great playing! mecreos

kirklynch's avatar
Solo acoustic guitar recorded January 2nd 2009. Hope to do a longer more developed version at some point ,but for now just a short version to learn more about using new DAW software.
Guest said

beautiful guitar melody!

kirklynch's avatar
Had these backing tracks laying around on my drive for a while and didn't know what to do with them, so grabbed my Ebow and a fretless electric that I built for myself a couple years ago and had a go. My fretless playing is really in its infancy…
Smooth Around The Bend's avatar
Smooth Around The Bend said

Love this!

kirklynch's avatar
Had these backing tracks laying around on my drive for a while and didn't know what to do with them, so grabbed my Ebow and a fretless electric that I built for myself a couple years ago and had a go. My fretless playing is really in its infancy…
another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

Well, I'm sooo glad you found something to do with it! Wonderful! w;-)

kirklynch's avatar
Had these backing tracks laying around on my drive for a while and didn't know what to do with them, so grabbed my Ebow and a fretless electric that I built for myself a couple years ago and had a go. My fretless playing is really in its infancy…
Lalo Oceja's avatar
Lalo Oceja said

hey Kirk! those changes of harmony makes me feel just good... this one is awesome!!

kirklynch's avatar
I swore that I would NEVER upload this. Was having a bad day trying to loop "nice" acoustic guitar sounds and got frustrated so grabbed my Taylor and plugged it into a cheesy Effects box and straight into the looper. Started twiddling knobs and…
K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said

-cool! ...n' groo0ovy title!

kirklynch's avatar
Had these backing tracks laying around on my drive for a while and didn't know what to do with them, so grabbed my Ebow and a fretless electric that I built for myself a couple years ago and had a go. My fretless playing is really in its infancy…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Thanks for listening and commenting mate.

kirklynch's avatar
A bit of fun for the holiday. This one features guest vocalist R.I.P otherwise known as the cheap battery powered talking tombstone
Guest said

Hi RIP, see you in about 4 weeks then?

kirklynch's avatar
Several years ago I had a short lived duo with an oboe and English horn player named Nat. This is a demo from that period. It's an old old chord progression of mine that never really had a melody and Nat improvised this melody in the studio to…
Guest said

One of the most beautiful things I have ever heard!

kirklynch's avatar
Had these backing tracks laying around on my drive for a while and didn't know what to do with them, so grabbed my Ebow and a fretless electric that I built for myself a couple years ago and had a go. My fretless playing is really in its infancy…
Guest said

you know how to make that axe cry man.. tastey keyboard chording

kirklynch's avatar
I swore that I would NEVER upload this. Was having a bad day trying to loop "nice" acoustic guitar sounds and got frustrated so grabbed my Taylor and plugged it into a cheesy Effects box and straight into the looper. Started twiddling knobs and…
MusicManiac 's avatar
MusicManiac said

very touching..

kirklynch's avatar
Had these backing tracks laying around on my drive for a while and didn't know what to do with them, so grabbed my Ebow and a fretless electric that I built for myself a couple years ago and had a go. My fretless playing is really in its infancy…
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

this is great!!! I love the jazz / spaces blues vibe. The harmony leads are seriously impressive! How'd did you make your fretless? I recently made one myself - amazing how low the action is now.

kirklynch's avatar
Had these backing tracks laying around on my drive for a while and didn't know what to do with them, so grabbed my Ebow and a fretless electric that I built for myself a couple years ago and had a go. My fretless playing is really in its infancy…
Guest said

Well, how's that done then? I am astounded. What a sound, is it unique? Nice and dippy divey, cool baybeh!

kirklynch's avatar
This is probably the last of this stuff from the archives that I'll upload. Rescued from a cassette tape of a live performance with former band mates in Scartaglen. These tunes are popular down in the Southwest of Ireland. Michael(Fiddle) and…
sixmilewide's avatar
sixmilewide said

