Just me and my acoustic.
I've just learned how to record both at the same time.
I didn't know this song the day before this recording.
It was done in one take, with dodgy guitar playing, wrong lyrics and sore throat :)
Just me and my acoustic.
I've just learned how to record both at the same time.
I didn't know this song the day before this recording.
It was done in one take, with dodgy guitar playing, wrong lyrics and sore throat :)
Just me and my acoustic.
I've just learned how to record both at the same time.
I didn't know this song the day before this recording.
It was done in one take, with dodgy guitar playing, wrong lyrics and sore throat :)
Just me and my acoustic.
I've just learned how to record both at the same time.
I didn't know this song the day before this recording.
It was done in one take, with dodgy guitar playing, wrong lyrics and sore throat :)
Just me and my acoustic.
I've just learned how to record both at the same time.
I didn't know this song the day before this recording.
It was done in one take, with dodgy guitar playing, wrong lyrics and sore throat :)
Just me and my acoustic.
I've just learned how to record both at the same time.
I didn't know this song the day before this recording.
It was done in one take, with dodgy guitar playing, wrong lyrics and sore throat :)
Just me and my acoustic.
I've just learned how to record both at the same time.
I didn't know this song the day before this recording.
It was done in one take, with dodgy guitar playing, wrong lyrics and sore throat :)
Just me and my acoustic.
I've just learned how to record both at the same time.
I didn't know this song the day before this recording.
It was done in one take, with dodgy guitar playing, wrong lyrics and sore throat :)
Just me and my acoustic.
I've just learned how to record both at the same time.
I didn't know this song the day before this recording.
It was done in one take, with dodgy guitar playing, wrong lyrics and sore throat :)
Just me and my acoustic.
I've just learned how to record both at the same time.
I didn't know this song the day before this recording.
It was done in one take, with dodgy guitar playing, wrong lyrics and sore throat :)
I had to listen to this one. I had a good friend and former band mate whom we lost about a year ago. The title of this tune was one of his favorite insults, especially delivered to drunks who'd request 'Rocky Top'. I think he would have like this.
For everybody who wanted to hear my voice!
I love rainbows. I originally uploaded this as a dedication to my Dad :)
Recorded with a £4.99 Asda SmartPrice headphone/ mic, using just the metronome you can hear ticking away there. I then…
I thought I'd uploaded this ages ago!
Less chaotic 'Chaos' after I found a melody I was happy with, and the delay button :)
Enjoy! xox
P.S. I knew I'd seen it on here somewhere - it was uploaded by Jip under Third Quarter of the Moon :)
Straight cover, from a backing track, just because I had the urge and I don't think the neighbours would appreciate me thrashing the guitar so late!
The backing track pretty much sums up where my head was at when I recorded it :)
I thought I'd uploaded this ages ago!
Less chaotic 'Chaos' after I found a melody I was happy with, and the delay button :)
Enjoy! xox
P.S. I knew I'd seen it on here somewhere - it was uploaded by Jip under Third Quarter of the Moon :)
This is a little ditty I did for a local songwriting group I'm in. The prompt was "No instruments" and a previous prompt was "One chord only", so I combined the two.
The haikus were written for a creativity group I'm in, so I used them for…
Straight cover, from a backing track, just because I had the urge and I don't think the neighbours would appreciate me thrashing the guitar so late!
The backing track pretty much sums up where my head was at when I recorded it :)
Straight cover, from a backing track, just because I had the urge and I don't think the neighbours would appreciate me thrashing the guitar so late!
The backing track pretty much sums up where my head was at when I recorded it :)
Straight cover, from a backing track, just because I had the urge and I don't think the neighbours would appreciate me thrashing the guitar so late!
The backing track pretty much sums up where my head was at when I recorded it :)
Straight cover, from a backing track, just because I had the urge and I don't think the neighbours would appreciate me thrashing the guitar so late!
The backing track pretty much sums up where my head was at when I recorded it :)
Not 'Two Fingers' to the establishment, but getting maximum effect from minimum effort. two fingers on the left hand do all the running around whilst all other digits just 'keep fort'. Made sense to me G:)
Another in the 'Stream of Consciousness' ideas that I have - whereby I start with no lyrics, no tune, but just grab the wood and strings and strum for a while. Just an idea G:)
billy boy where did you go
sittin in a pile of snow
come on down its gettin cold
for the time is getting old
well we made our way to the old wigwam
frozen lake and wind was calm
standing bow did strike a deer
to feed the tribe…
January challenge songwriting fun...
So near the surface
So near the end
So near the purpose
Time and again
Just barely breathing
I’ll need you when
I’m floating in the water under water
Holding on loosely
Without letting…
Jip1965 came round to kick my ass into gear and played a bit of rhythm i did the rest and then sent it off to the good Lady Jane to do her stuff and very nice stuff indeed! Cheers Me Lady!!! x
I started this thinking it would be a tune with the emphasis on my guitar but as it progressed I heard horns and then all these other things happened and this is what I ended up with.
All's well in Reg's world at the moment .......he woke this morning after meeting his new love last night down at the Dog & Bone it was Kareoke night....in she walked and Reg was hooked it only took one look........
Sweet Love (Lyrics)
For the grandchildren, when I get some!
Moonbee started life as a doodle, then he was turned into a little story, then a song!
This is Part 1 of the series - I have no idea how many there will be in total!
Enjoy! xox
P.S. This is…
Comments on Lady Jane's stuff
Ah, nice one janey! Lovely to hear you as always. Good version, I agree with hearts of mars. x
A cool laid back version. Nice!
Fantastic !!! Mia x
Good one. Tad of blues in there.
Very nice.
As wonderful as ever, now I'm feeling good too. X
outstanding! i dont like the original. i enjoyed your take very much.
Oops! Wrong account... that was me :-) Yeah... love the vocal
Sore throat or not... MIGHTY FINE vocal.
Nice vocal. Sweet song.
I had to listen to this one. I had a good friend and former band mate whom we lost about a year ago. The title of this tune was one of his favorite insults, especially delivered to drunks who'd request 'Rocky Top'. I think he would have like this.
Step aside, Kermit!
Beautiful. Everything has been said in the previous comments. I particularly agree with Reg about a lullaby. xox
I don't know whether you played the instruments, but if so, I'm real impressed! Nice vocals, too!
Absolutely beautiful!
I love this a lot! This could be from a soundtrack of a French film in 1960's!
I never knew about he poster till now, amazing what you can learn on this site. Nice song.
and what a wonderful urge it was,,, this is really great
great vocal cover and on a side note, ever since I saw the movie I can't help but think of Mr. Izzard's performance. cracked me up. Him not you.
Comments made by Lady Jane
Put their socks back on before they catch a cold! :P
Yes, I think we can safely say you're off your rocker - not necessarily a bad thing! :)
Love, love, love this :)
Oh yes, I have one inside my guitar right now!
Interesting entrance!
This is simply gorgeous :)
I feel I need to belt another one out (not a euphemism) :)
We need more jam! :)
Oh wow! I'd forgotten about these! x
I may play with this :)
Rawr! :)
Yeeeahh :)
Love this :)
This is lovely. :)
This is... interesting... I wish I could favourite I.O.C's comment too lol
I drifted off to a very nice place listening to this - it's Beautiful x
Sweet and lovely :)
Thank you :) I'm hoping that's my 'children's TV presenter' voice :P
Happy Winterfest, everyone :) xox