Comments on Lady Jane's stuff

Lady Jane's avatar
I did it! Starts off a little cheesy, but I really was on a train, going in a westerly direction, when I wrote that! Enjoy! xox
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Woo... I heard the original, but hadn't noticed that the search for the lyrics had been successful - must have been asleep or something at the time... Like it :)

Lady Jane's avatar
I've been trying to put another one of Mike's poems to music, but not getting anywhere. Then jip threw this music at me, saying he hated it and asking if I could do anything with it. Pieces of Mike's poem went in and I sent it back to jip with…
Guest said

It's great, Auntie Jane :D oooooh lalalalala, oooooooooh lalalala - amy xx

Lady Jane's avatar
Lyrics have been adapted from a poem Mike wrote when he was in his teens. Enjoy! XOX
Guest said

So brilliant.

Lady Jane's avatar
I've been trying to put another one of Mike's poems to music, but not getting anywhere. Then jip threw this music at me, saying he hated it and asking if I could do anything with it. Pieces of Mike's poem went in and I sent it back to jip with…
jip's avatar
jip said

Bravo ladyjane. I hadn't understood the depths of the lyrics before. Very moving. Bless ya both. Well sung, reckon I could coach you on some of those ooos, lol. You made the song great. Thanks. X

Lady Jane's avatar
I've been trying to put another one of Mike's poems to music, but not getting anywhere. Then jip threw this music at me, saying he hated it and asking if I could do anything with it. Pieces of Mike's poem went in and I sent it back to jip with…
Roger M. Harris's avatar
Roger M. Harris said

Great track... great ole feel to it ...

Lady Jane's avatar
I've been trying to put another one of Mike's poems to music, but not getting anywhere. Then jip threw this music at me, saying he hated it and asking if I could do anything with it. Pieces of Mike's poem went in and I sent it back to jip with…
Guest said

Oh this song is lovely and the music is super. A most enjoyable listen. Nice backing vox too. Terrific!

Lady Jane's avatar
I've been trying to put another one of Mike's poems to music, but not getting anywhere. Then jip threw this music at me, saying he hated it and asking if I could do anything with it. Pieces of Mike's poem went in and I sent it back to jip with…
Guest said

Wunderbar our kid :) I've been doo wopping. Love it!

Lady Jane's avatar
I've been trying to put another one of Mike's poems to music, but not getting anywhere. Then jip threw this music at me, saying he hated it and asking if I could do anything with it. Pieces of Mike's poem went in and I sent it back to jip with…
Mike Daish's avatar
Mike Daish said

Fantastic :)

Lady Jane's avatar
I've been trying to put another one of Mike's poems to music, but not getting anywhere. Then jip threw this music at me, saying he hated it and asking if I could do anything with it. Pieces of Mike's poem went in and I sent it back to jip with…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Excellent vocal & lyrics got a real 50's -60's vibe going .....Bravo....

Lady Jane's avatar
I've been trying to put another one of Mike's poems to music, but not getting anywhere. Then jip threw this music at me, saying he hated it and asking if I could do anything with it. Pieces of Mike's poem went in and I sent it back to jip with…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Ohh it's totally fabulous. A superb lead vocal performance, blissful to listen to. And I'm with La Savage on the backing vox - they are gorgeous.

Lady Jane's avatar
I've been trying to put another one of Mike's poems to music, but not getting anywhere. Then jip threw this music at me, saying he hated it and asking if I could do anything with it. Pieces of Mike's poem went in and I sent it back to jip with…
Guest said

Have to say also, the attention to detail in the backing vocal arrangement is absolutely fabulous. Great song, Lady!

Lady Jane's avatar
I've been trying to put another one of Mike's poems to music, but not getting anywhere. Then jip threw this music at me, saying he hated it and asking if I could do anything with it. Pieces of Mike's poem went in and I sent it back to jip with…
Guest said

Effortless classic sound! Beautiful, sweet vocal. Cheek-to-cheek wonderfulness.

Lady Jane's avatar
Based on a poem by William Sharp that I found while researching my family history. The poem has been put to music once already, by one Christopher Goldsack, but I wanted to put my own little…
Guest said

Really well done your ladyship! I like the way it funks up half way through! Bethan

Lady Jane's avatar
Based on a poem by William Sharp that I found while researching my family history. The poem has been put to music once already, by one Christopher Goldsack, but I wanted to put my own little…
georgiagoldsack's avatar
georgiagoldsack said

its great how you created the music yourself :-D

Lady Jane's avatar
Based on a poem by William Sharp that I found while researching my family history. The poem has been put to music once already, by one Christopher Goldsack, but I wanted to put my own little…
richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

family history engh? it will catch you up every time,, interesting mix/feel,,

Lady Jane's avatar
Based on a poem by William Sharp that I found while researching my family history. The poem has been put to music once already, by one Christopher Goldsack, but I wanted to put my own little…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Very interesting Jane :)

Lady Jane's avatar
Based on a poem by William Sharp that I found while researching my family history. The poem has been put to music once already, by one Christopher Goldsack, but I wanted to put my own little…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Nicely put together Lady......well read....good music ......excellent....

Lady Jane's avatar
Based on a poem by William Sharp that I found while researching my family history. The poem has been put to music once already, by one Christopher Goldsack, but I wanted to put my own little…
Guest said

Wild!!!! Excellent spoken word spinning this eerie tale, and the music is stirring and dramatic! Fun and scary!

Lady Jane's avatar
Based on a poem by William Sharp that I found while researching my family history. The poem has been put to music once already, by one Christopher Goldsack, but I wanted to put my own little…
Guest said

Wow, this is really well done. I can 'see' the story.

Lady Jane's avatar
Based on a poem by William Sharp that I found while researching my family history. The poem has been put to music once already, by one Christopher Goldsack, but I wanted to put my own little…
JR James's avatar
JR James said

Very cool with story and spoken word over electronica....unique and well done.
