Comments on launched's stuff

launched's avatar
I was drunk and feeling like a loser, so I wrote a song about it. It's the coolest song you ever heard... :)
Guest said

Drunken loser... story of my life... awesome riffs and chord progressions... love the singing and the story.....

launched's avatar
I was drunk and feeling like a loser, so I wrote a song about it. It's the coolest song you ever heard... :)
Guest said

Like your style! Sorry you felt so rubbish, but turning it in to a song (and this is the coolest song I ever heard) rocks.

launched's avatar
I recorded this one to a dimming flashlight on the 25th after a windstorm took out my power. I couldn't see the lyrics anymore so I ad libbed and hummed the rest out. My recording device is battery operated, which is cool. This predicament…
Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

had to listen to this one again, awesome.

launched's avatar
I was drunk and feeling like a loser, so I wrote a song about it. It's the coolest song you ever heard... :)
Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

great lyrics man, definitely one of the coolest songs ever.

launched's avatar
A little scratch track from a few months ago. A song about the trials and tribulations of being 11 years old. Watching Six Million Dollar Man, dodging bullies and pretending our bicycles were Harleys. I was at a friends house and saw a little…
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

This is the classic Launched style, the spook baby, its got it. I love this kind of sound you get here.

launched's avatar
I was drunk and feeling like a loser, so I wrote a song about it. It's the coolest song you ever heard... :)
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Finally getting to this song Mark. Are you teh man or what? This is really deadly. I find this to be a very serious song, killer. I love the lyrics, the part about the doggies in heaven, thats the deal. Its as real as it gets. Real, real real. Great song Mark.

launched's avatar
I was drunk and feeling like a loser, so I wrote a song about it. It's the coolest song you ever heard... :)
Guest said

right on screach? hmmm.. u lost me. hehe I am getting geared up to get back into it. I'm eating my veggies and fruits.

launched's avatar
I was drunk and feeling like a loser, so I wrote a song about it. It's the coolest song you ever heard... :)
Guest said

WILD G said... Wildgeas Music said about 9 hours ago :D There's always something to eat right there in the woods, where Mother Nature intended it to be. Just stay away from the mushrooms.... depends on what kind of mushrooms. hehe. A study found that shrooms can actually help with anxiety. I think u know which ones I mean....

launched's avatar
I was drunk and feeling like a loser, so I wrote a song about it. It's the coolest song you ever heard... :)
Guest said

and..sorry about your doggy. The girl..she's replaceable...but the hehe JUST kidding again.

launched's avatar
I was drunk and feeling like a loser, so I wrote a song about it. It's the coolest song you ever heard... :)
Guest said

You composed this very well..ESPECIALLY considering you were drunk! Thanks for lush. hehe just kidding.

launched's avatar
I was drunk and feeling like a loser, so I wrote a song about it. It's the coolest song you ever heard... :)
SonicLuke's avatar
SonicLuke said

It is damn cool! That guitar melody is sweet.

launched's avatar
I was drunk and feeling like a loser, so I wrote a song about it. It's the coolest song you ever heard... :)
dougsparling's avatar
dougsparling said

Catchy, I'm gonna be singing this in my head the rest of the day...

launched's avatar
I was drunk and feeling like a loser, so I wrote a song about it. It's the coolest song you ever heard... :)
Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

Whatta cool song. Catchy and funny!

launched's avatar
I was drunk and feeling like a loser, so I wrote a song about it. It's the coolest song you ever heard... :)
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Yup, it's the coolest song I ever heard.

launched's avatar
I was drunk and feeling like a loser, so I wrote a song about it. It's the coolest song you ever heard... :)
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

:D There's always something to eat right there in the woods, where Mother Nature intended it to be. Just stay away from the mushrooms....

launched's avatar
A little scratch track from a few months ago. A song about the trials and tribulations of being 11 years old. Watching Six Million Dollar Man, dodging bullies and pretending our bicycles were Harleys. I was at a friends house and saw a little…
alexisfromtexas's avatar
alexisfromtexas said

Second listening. Still like it. I've never been an eleven year old boy, but I have two boys, so I think I've seen them in this moment. Love when the guitar comes in. Love the vocals, too.

launched's avatar
I was drunk and feeling like a loser, so I wrote a song about it. It's the coolest song you ever heard... :)
Mannequin Races's avatar
Mannequin Races said

Wish I could write songs like this when I'm drunk. Hmmm... maybe I need to start drinking more. Excellent acoustic jam. This one has a sort of Adam Sandler feel to it. I think it's a combination of your voice and the lyrics. Well done!

launched's avatar
I was drunk and feeling like a loser, so I wrote a song about it. It's the coolest song you ever heard... :)
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Coolest song I ever heard. And to think that you nailed it on the first take! I was laughing through-out the song (well, except the part about your dog getting the blue tongue - I almost cried at that part).

launched's avatar
I was drunk and feeling like a loser, so I wrote a song about it. It's the coolest song you ever heard... :)
Guest said

always enjoy your acoustic tones. Nice work!!

launched's avatar
I was drunk and feeling like a loser, so I wrote a song about it. It's the coolest song you ever heard... :)
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

You don't sound like a loser mate you sound very cool. Great vocals and music mate dig it.
