Comments on mmi's stuff

mmi's avatar
Dark ambient unmastered track from my 2010 RPM Challenge submission.
Guest said

oooh, this is very nice. Are you using the Reichatron on this track by any chance?

mmi's avatar
Dark ambient unmastered track from my 2010 RPM Challenge submission.
Guest said


mmi's avatar
Dark ambient unmastered track from my 2010 RPM Challenge submission.
Guest said

Well, warm comfort for me with music like this to listen to

mmi's avatar
Dark ambient unmastered track from my 2010 RPM Challenge submission.
Galileo's Cough Drop's avatar
Galileo's Cough Drop said

Nice ambient track! I like the peeping of the robotic chicks, begging to be fed their regular meals of internet worms. :D

mmi's avatar
Dark ambient unmastered track from my 2010 RPM Challenge submission.
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Dark and ambient for sure. Is that an ebow I hear back there?

mmi's avatar
Dark ambient unmastered track from my 2010 RPM Challenge submission.
Guest said

Time. Indeed. But this is my favourite of your RPM tracks thus far! Very lovely.

mmi's avatar
Dark ambient unmastered track from my 2010 RPM Challenge submission.
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Dark, for sure M. Is that your guitar I hear in there?? Awesome sound man.

mmi's avatar
Where's all this sappy music coming from? The Olympics were on. I must have been watching too much figure skating or something. Unmastered track from my 2010 RPM Challenge submission.
Guest said

This is great! Well done! Watch more tv!

mmi's avatar
Where's all this sappy music coming from? The Olympics were on. I must have been watching too much figure skating or something. Unmastered track from my 2010 RPM Challenge submission.
Guest said


mmi's avatar
Where's all this sappy music coming from? The Olympics were on. I must have been watching too much figure skating or something. Unmastered track from my 2010 RPM Challenge submission.
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Sounds real sweet here. I wouldn't touch a thing. Plus, I think I could skate to it.

mmi's avatar
Where's all this sappy music coming from? The Olympics were on. I must have been watching too much figure skating or something. Unmastered track from my 2010 RPM Challenge submission.
Galileo's Cough Drop's avatar
Galileo's Cough Drop said

This is lovely! Extremely emotive tune. I agree with Kirk about the ebow solo.

mmi's avatar
Noodling around on my guitar one day, I started thinking about the role of my mother in my musical life. To the family, she brought music. She tried the piano lessons, didn't work. But she didn't give up. When school presented the opportunity…
Guest said

Thanks for sharing your feeling . Is a beautiful playing .

mmi's avatar
Where's all this sappy music coming from? The Olympics were on. I must have been watching too much figure skating or something. Unmastered track from my 2010 RPM Challenge submission.
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Beautiful! Love that ebow part at the end.

mmi's avatar
Where's all this sappy music coming from? The Olympics were on. I must have been watching too much figure skating or something. Unmastered track from my 2010 RPM Challenge submission.
Guest said

Great tune.

mmi's avatar
Unmastered track from my 2010 RPM Challenge submission.
Guest said

I like it.

mmi's avatar
Unmastered track from my 2010 RPM Challenge submission.
Galileo's Cough Drop's avatar
Galileo's Cough Drop said

The subtlety of this track is quite compelling. The synthy swells are, well, swell! :)

mmi's avatar
Getting my 7/8 groove on. Unmastered track from my 2010 RPM Challenge submission.
Galileo's Cough Drop's avatar
Galileo's Cough Drop said

Wonderful track! A couple of very minor rough spots, but the tune comes across quite well.

mmi's avatar
This is a track that I started and glu finished (more like knocked out of the park).
Licoresse's avatar
Licoresse said

I really liked this one!

mmi's avatar
Getting my 7/8 groove on. Unmastered track from my 2010 RPM Challenge submission.
Guest said

wow I have to say I feel refreshed after listening to this.

mmi's avatar
Getting my 7/8 groove on. Unmastered track from my 2010 RPM Challenge submission.
Guest said

oh sweet! The drums coming in is awesome!
