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Playlist cover

50/90 (50 songs in 90 days songwriting group)

by Jeff Gordon


Can We Go Back

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July 12 - Skirmish. Prompt: Such a thirst. Decided to take that as my first line and go from there, ending up being about the desire to return to normalcy.

Such a thirst
I’m yearning for some normalcy
It’s not coming
Have we been cursed
We should’ve handled this better
Been more forthcoming

If we all knew
Exactly what we know now
We’d be in a better place
Without a clue
We followed a madman
Who took us way off base

Can we go back
Erase the last few months
And start all over
On a different track
Take care of everyone
Move forward slower

I read the news
It’s just not looking good
For so many
With different views
Some think it’s a hoax
C’mon already

They don’t care
Lemmings follow blindly
Off the highest cliff
Doesn’t seem fair
Denying reality
Their minds too stiff

Can we go back
Erase the last few months
And start all over
On a different track
Take care of everyone
