The tune for this came to me in November of 2024 - the month of the holy souls. The arrangement of it came more gradually as I decided how I wanted to produce it.
Prayer for Eternal Rest (The Requiem Prayer)
Eternal rest grant unto them…
This recording is from August of 2023. I had meant to record a proper version of it but haven’f got round to it. The original thought came a number years ago when I was at Mass. I noticed that my vision is better when there are tears in my eyes…
This is one of three songs inspired by the book THE HEALING OF FAMILIES by Fr. Yosefu - B. Ssemakula.
Only One
The Lord gives, the devil takes
One is love, the other, hate
One will bless, the other, curse
One reigns in…
Nobody knows, nobody knows the pain You suffered
No one can know, can truly know the pain You suffered
The pictures show You hanging from The Cross
No marks but the five…
Nobody knows, nobody knows the pain You suffered
No one can know, can truly know the pain You suffered
The pictures show You hanging from The Cross
No marks but the five…
The Ave Maris Stella is a popular liturgical hymn of unknown origin. It can be dated back to at least the 9th century for it is preserved in the Codex Sangallensis, a 9th century manuscript now in the Swiss Monastery of St. Gallen. Its appearance…
Nobody knows, nobody knows the pain You suffered
No one can know, can truly know the pain You suffered
The pictures show You hanging from The Cross
No marks but the five…
Nobody knows, nobody knows the pain You suffered
No one can know, can truly know the pain You suffered
The pictures show You hanging from The Cross
No marks but the five…
Nobody knows, nobody knows the pain You suffered
No one can know, can truly know the pain You suffered
The pictures show You hanging from The Cross
No marks but the five…
This is the Sequence for the Mass for the Feast of Corpus Christi set to music. This is the short version because the long version has a lot of verses. In my recording I sing the first verse as an introduction and then go to the short version…
This is the Guardian Angel prayer that many Catholic children learn. I put it to music thinking about my grandchildren, especially little Declan who was having trouble sleeping at night.
Angel of God, my…
The line "There's nothing outside the shadow of the cross" came to me from Fr. Donald Calloway. It was something he said in an interview on EWTM with Marcus Grodi. I saw this in January of 2019 and made a note of it because i thought it would…
Nobody knows, nobody knows the pain You suffered
No one can know, can truly know the pain You suffered
The pictures show You hanging from The Cross
No marks but the five…
Thanks Kendra for your comment from a year ago! There’s no way to respond on here other than to leave a comment in response and hope the person returns to hear the song and sees it.
I wrote this song a number of years ago - perhaps some time in the mid 90's and recorded it at the time on cassette tape. This is a new recording of it but produced like the original. It's about someone I knew who was mentally ill with some form…
Thanks Sandra - glad to hear you enjoy the songs. I will pray for your friends - Bradley was the man’s name. Sorry I couldn’t send this privately -as far as I know there is no way to respond other through another comment
I wrote this song after reading the book, Immanuel's Veins by Ted Dekker. At the end of the story the main character recalls the first verse of a hymn. I looked it up on the internet and learned that it is a hymn by an Englishman, William Cowper…
I wrote this song after reading the book, Immanuel's Veins by Ted Dekker. At the end of the story the main character recalls the first verse of a hymn. I looked it up on the internet and learned that it is a hymn by an Englishman, William Cowper…
i wrote this for the Martin Guitar and Lifespan guitar strings contest and didn't get anywhere with it! it's a simple song with a simple message to love one another as Our Lord loves us. it easy to say but hard to do! i initially called the song…
More "love is mislabeled" music.
How many times have you heard someone say, "I thot it would go on forever"?
How many times have you scratched your head and thot, "How clever."?
There's a rock in Yosemite that will probably stand…
James, ThANKS for taking the time to comment on my songs. You are certainly a prolific writer and have so much uploaded. Isn't it a blessing to be gifted by God this way. There is tremendous satisfaction from making music!
Finally, finished this one. Its been a battle finding time and fending off a few bouts with allergies and colds etc...A very windy winter and early spring season in the desert was one of the worst in many years. Hoping to get to working on some…
Another Live performance with former band mates in Scartaglen back in 1988 on the NPR show Mountain Stage. This time a piece of Gaelic mouth music followed by 3 reels. Maybe the most complex arrangement of a set of tunes that we ever did.
First new one from me in a long time.
Kind of a love song, I guess.
Recorded in my new "studio" (3rd bedroom in the new house). Almost up and running now... shine and don't stop wondering!
**Shine - A A J Russe**
On my way…
New original from me, hot off the old wotsit.
When it was half written yesterday, I was considering binning it as a throwaway exercise - I do that quite often. But I played the songwriting demo to someone else and, er, apparently I should finish…
This is a remix of this song.
It was recorded in 2010, and I was in a hurry to post it elsewhere because I'm so fond of the song itself. But I've always hated the old mix - I lost the essence of the guitars and choirs during mastering because…
While I was writing 'Afterall' I was also putting this song together. This is about a ghost who is haunted by his own past and what mistakes he had made in his former life.
Recorded using Reaper DAW & Jamstix virtual drummer software.
This is an ode for a good friend of mine that had took his own life at the end of last year. I was in the midst of writing some other songs and it stopped me in my tracks. I just wrote basically how I felt about this tragic ending to a very special…
Comments on Paul Lisney's stuff
nice tune ,.....cheers tony cee
nice tune , like it .......cheers tony cee
Love this lyric and tune!
pretty and dark
Thanks guest 9618245210. Can I ask how you came upon the song?
Unbelievably beautiful! What a wonderful way to praise our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank you for this very moving song.
Absolutely lovely!
Very fine rhythm. Tom.
Very interesting version of The Apostles' Creed. Intro remind me R.E.M and chorus Morrissey. Great work ;)
Can give on youtube karaoke version of your song 5,480 (how many know) cause i want to sing that song i like it so much!
Guest ( Thank you
Wow, this is beautiful ☺️. Very powerful! You are very talented!!
Thank you, Paul. 🙏 God bless you. 🙏 Sandra
Aawww, I love it. I hope little Declan can sleep now. God bless his little heart. 😇 🙏 ♥️ Sandra
👏👏👏👏👏 I love it, Paul, as I do all your songs! I love the ukuleles! And of course, your voice and the song. God bless you. Sandra.
Thanks Kendra for your comment from a year ago! There’s no way to respond on here other than to leave a comment in response and hope the person returns to hear the song and sees it.
Thanks Sandra - glad to hear you enjoy the songs. I will pray for your friends - Bradley was the man’s name. Sorry I couldn’t send this privately -as far as I know there is no way to respond other through another comment
Thank you, Sandra. Often when I read poems or prayers a melody comes right away, especially if it is an uncomplicated meter.
Thanks, Sandra!
I always love when you just compose your own melodies for songs you find and sing. 👏👏👏 🙏 Sandra.
Comments made by Paul Lisney
This is really nice - a nice piano, pretty melody, and a good arrangement with the strings. I like the title also.
Hi Glenn, Glad you are enjoying the songs. Sorry, I don't have a facebook page but you can find me on You Tube. Paul
James, ThANKS for taking the time to comment on my songs. You are certainly a prolific writer and have so much uploaded. Isn't it a blessing to be gifted by God this way. There is tremendous satisfaction from making music! Paul
Nice voice AND MELODY.
Great performance - very talented musicians.
Very pretty!
Lovely playing - great atmosphere.
This is really good - nice production and a catchty melody. Thanks also for listening to my own songs and taking the time to comment. Paul
Very nice sound!
I like this song.
The harmonies toward the are striking!
Another good one. The strings are really nice and fit the mood of the piece so well.
Nice voice and a nice atmosphere to the whole song.