alonetone radio: Favorites


Movement To Contact's avatar
Lady Jane's avatar
Just me and my acoustic. I've just learned how to record both at the same time. I didn't know this song the day before this recording. It was done in one take, with dodgy guitar playing, wrong lyrics and sore throat :)
kirklynch's avatar
Quick recording of a new set of pipes I'm working on. Long winded explanation- prior to the late 19nth century most Irish pipes featured very small bores and finger holes and were pitched well below modern concert pitch. I've always loved them…
Lady Jane's avatar
Music: Jip Verse lyrics: Mark Goldsack Chorus lyrics: Lady Jane Lead recorder: Lady Jane Vocals: Lady Jane A wonderful collaboration that came about by Jip and Mark sending me music/lyrics totally independently and me having a eureka…
Robert Palomo's avatar
I had this on Alonetone before but accidentally deleted it. This version has been remixed and mastered with different plugins. A bluesy acoustic tune with a slide guitar and banjo. Wrote the tune a long time ago, forgot it, remembered it when…
Din's avatar
This is one of my more agressive industrial-ish tunes. There's also an orchestral version done by vaisvil; it should be somewhere in his gigantic list of tracks...I'll see if I can find it and post a link. [edit] Unfortunately, vaisvil doesn…
LimboManBand's avatar
Steady, hold your heading The landing strip's in sight Keep your wits about you Hold your values tight Storms gather in the distance Crosswinds on the ground Freedom on the glide path Will always get you down FREEDOM! There's nothing more important…
musetta's avatar
Scott Carmichael's avatar
Imagine that you are that lump of enchanted wood on the workbench.... and instead of Pinocchio you can be anything... maybe even a stratavarious... thanx to my friend Dave Edwards for the real violin trax
tab's avatar
Movement To Contact's avatar
Din's avatar
A story about waking up from a nightmare only to find you're in another nightmare. Told in a eerie, floaty downtempo breakbeat voice, shining a flashlight upward on my face for extra creepiness. Recursive dreams are really bizarre. This is…
Olga Rozhdestvo's avatar
Why do we study Russian? - Interview with Russian language teacher Olga Rozhdestvenskaya
Movement To Contact's avatar
Fyrce Muons's avatar
thetworegs's avatar
Reg is gettin it down on a Saturday night.......
Azure's avatar
Guitarist Jay Leek debuts on drums and David struggles to play keyboard bass while Sean & Gabe take a burger break. A super-rare recording; I never gave anyone a mix of it and rediscovered the master tapes after the band split up. Recorded…
brianclark's avatar
another rehearsal recording so mix is off but still fun I played harp