Comments on Reefwalker's stuff

Reefwalker's avatar
Wow, 3 months since my last upload. I need to get it in gear!! Congratulations RPM'ers, sounding good out there! re uploaded without the trap
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

HA HA! Nice one man!

Reefwalker's avatar
Wow, 3 months since my last upload. I need to get it in gear!! Congratulations RPM'ers, sounding good out there! re uploaded without the trap
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Get a Ford Tempo or a Cuban Chevy :)

Reefwalker's avatar
Wow, 3 months since my last upload. I need to get it in gear!! Congratulations RPM'ers, sounding good out there! re uploaded without the trap
Guest said

I think you have a bigger p.o.s car than I do John! Great song.

Reefwalker's avatar
Wow, 3 months since my last upload. I need to get it in gear!! Congratulations RPM'ers, sounding good out there! re uploaded without the trap
Guest said

How much for the viper? Nice as always man!

Reefwalker's avatar
Wow, 3 months since my last upload. I need to get it in gear!! Congratulations RPM'ers, sounding good out there! re uploaded without the trap
Norm's avatar
Norm said


Reefwalker's avatar
Wow, 3 months since my last upload. I need to get it in gear!! Congratulations RPM'ers, sounding good out there! re uploaded without the trap
Mike Grunert's avatar
Mike Grunert said

Nice vibe!

Reefwalker's avatar
Wow, 3 months since my last upload. I need to get it in gear!! Congratulations RPM'ers, sounding good out there! re uploaded without the trap
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

SWEET! So glad to see a new track from you up here, and it is a damn fine tune as well! love the lyrics lol.

Reefwalker's avatar
Samples used in this tune from the NY subway this summer. Inspired by Dave Dunseath 3-12, just uploaded a new version of this with guitar- and some other changes
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co said

Bluesy ... nice use of reverb in places, :) Good to see you back haven't heard you for a while.

Reefwalker's avatar
Wow, 3 months since my last upload. I need to get it in gear!! Congratulations RPM'ers, sounding good out there! re uploaded without the trap
Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

ha! thanks for the comments guys. The car passing that POS on the highway was a viper- I just love that sound. Norm, ill be hanging out with the wheels tonight if anyone cares to join me.

Reefwalker's avatar
Wow, 3 months since my last upload. I need to get it in gear!! Congratulations RPM'ers, sounding good out there! re uploaded without the trap
Norm's avatar
Norm said

PS, and yes I could hear you smoking along with the engine on smoke break. Stop that, or I will take your bull-horn away and go hang out with the wheels.

Reefwalker's avatar
Wow, 3 months since my last upload. I need to get it in gear!! Congratulations RPM'ers, sounding good out there! re uploaded without the trap
Norm's avatar
Norm said

"Late for the late shift". "The seats are out of cash". I just love that. I'm laughing at the sounds of that crappy engine attempting to turn over... it's strange to hear those sounds in the absence of some rather colorful language! Hey, and there ain't nothin' wrong with 100bpm.

Reefwalker's avatar
Wow, 3 months since my last upload. I need to get it in gear!! Congratulations RPM'ers, sounding good out there! re uploaded without the trap
Guest said

low down upbeat,Theme, Distant voice,Rpm (ha ha) yup. Drinking Gin ,you got me there,. Ok how did you know!? Excellent Track, All About every man!

Reefwalker's avatar
Wow, 3 months since my last upload. I need to get it in gear!! Congratulations RPM'ers, sounding good out there! re uploaded without the trap
The Rose Serum Sextet's avatar
The Rose Serum Sextet said

Damn, that's good.

Reefwalker's avatar
drip by drip.. I did the guitar and bass tracks first, then procured my 10 year olds cello for the main bass line :) I also tried my luck playing cello with a bow on this track- which was a new experience. The trumpet and violin bits are played…
IronAngel's avatar
IronAngel said

Wow... this is pretty interesting. It evolves and moves in ways I didnt expect. Well done!

Reefwalker's avatar
drip by drip.. I did the guitar and bass tracks first, then procured my 10 year olds cello for the main bass line :) I also tried my luck playing cello with a bow on this track- which was a new experience. The trumpet and violin bits are played…
jip's avatar
jip said

Like the groove!

Reefwalker's avatar
This song is not for everyone but I like it because its a live recording with a single instrument using infinity delay FX. (I turned on the loop delay at :09 after the guitar was flat on the floor.) All the sounds are made with an acoustic bass…
jip's avatar
jip said

atmospheric - like it

Reefwalker's avatar
Norm played the percussion first, which is a Bembe pattern; I couldnt help playing a melody and creating lyrics for this perc track. Thanks for the listen, Enjoy!
jip's avatar
jip said

Hee hee - sounds like a divorce I once went through! Like it.

Reefwalker's avatar
I have issues at my house, sometimes they manifest themselves in my tracks. In this case, the bassoon and oboe represent the mouse. The guitar is the peanut-butter.
jip's avatar
jip said

What an ace sound! nice one!

Reefwalker's avatar
This is a recording of Norm and me playing together a few months ago. I didnt have any percussion instruments so Norm was on a Roland electric trap set and I had a cello. I looped some of the stuff we did that night, and retrofitted the rest…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

That dog ain't never coming back. But she completes the trilogy.

Reefwalker's avatar
this was originally a song about breaking through paradigms but turned into a song about a girl. Keys and string samples from Korg, MIDI with the old Ensoniq, one diving board. Thanks for the listen ,enjoy... RW
Norm's avatar
Norm said

this is the worst song ever written. I will always be grateful for it.
