Rick Phillips's listening history

Gumbo's avatar
Final version Day 28 Anyone else still writing songs? this is the result of trying to listen to too many mixes in one day. Sometimes it's just easier to record something else.
Gumbo's avatar
Final Version If in doubt write more songs with Kazoo solo! and heckling! this is as close as i got to some hokum jug band
Gumbo's avatar
I'm finally happy with this track - v1 was too much of a nothing song and it's been bugging me all the way to the last night of the challenge. 1 more to mix
thetworegs's avatar
Reg was positive that she was the one until he had chat with Norm who said "Be careful remember Desirea" Norm was only trying to help but it has put doubt in Reg's mind and now hes not sure what he wants...........................thought i'd do…
thetworegs's avatar
Without the waffle..........
vaisvil's avatar
The only thing notable about this cover of George Harrison's The Art of Dying is that it is one take (of *many* blown attempts) with the only edit being adding a bit of choir at the end using the midi data from the Roland GR-20. And no I didn…
Synaptic Disturbance's avatar
Apparently I was obsessed with hammer-ons when writing these riffs...
Wildgeas Music's avatar
I haven't tried the vox pipes in a few months. I've been sickly and singing was out of the question. After 24 days of instrumental RPM, I started getting back to 99%. Might as well sing right? Better yet , let me trash the greatest song of…
Andrew Russe's avatar
A tale of keeping your head above the water, or not... Recorded Jan-Feb 2011. I wrote it many years ago, never thought I'd ever do anything with it. I intended to record this with just an acoustic and my new EDB (electric upright bass…
epimeison's avatar
Another one from the nineties. Originally pretty much 'just two distorted strings'. I hope you like and/or enjoy this quite but slow noisy one.