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2024 50/90 Challenge sing idea number 42 becomes finished song number 36.

I like this one. I think I have written exactly the same riffs on multiple occasions, including the very next song I will post. That’s okay though. I never claimed to be original. The key changes are what is most pleasing to me about this one. That and the start/stop, which has been a sort of theme with this year’s 50 songs in 90 days challenge.

All of the guitar tracks are my Gibson ES-335 Pro. All of the amps are both my Fender Bassbreaker 15 and Vox MV50 Clean running direct output with cabinet emulations built in. The pedals for the rhythm tracks are a Klon KTR into an Analog Man King of Tone. The pedals for the leads are a Wren and Cuff Tall Font Russian into the KTR into a Seymour Duncan Vapor Trails.

Verse 1 and 3
My mind is clearer now
I know it all somehow
I’ve come to see the light
I finally know what’s right

Verse 2
So can you see it through
I know it calls to you
You’re feeling overwhelmed
But you are still compelled

Come celebrate

There’s still so much that’s left to see
Come celebrate with me
