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2024 50/90 Challenge idea number 22 becomes finished song number 28.

Middle of the road. Not good or bad. Just kinda there. The chorus is okay. Not sure what I could do to improve it.

The rhythm guitars are my Gibson SG into a Klon KTR into a Keeley D&M Drive into both a Fender Bassbreaker 15 and a Vox MV50 Clean, both running direct output into my audio interface and both using built in cabinet emulation. The leads are my Les Paul Standard into an MXR Phase 95 into a Wren and Cuff Tall Font Russian into the KTR into a Seymour Duncan Vapor Trails into the same two amplifiers as the rhythm tracks.

Give me one reason
To call it treason
The turn of season
Through to completion

Verse 1 & 3
Spare the sentiment
To your detriment
Pass the time away
‘nother wasted day

Verse 2
It’s the thing to do
Know it through and through
It’s the time of year
It will reappear

Another wasted day
It’s all over either way
