Sister Savage's listening history

angie fights crime's avatar
from the album 50 vocals Tess Savigear lead guitar Dan Upton a cloudy day she starts to rain and out at sea her mystery the seagulls fly she starts to cry the sound she makes drowns out the waves and everything is wet and cold erase her…
Movement To Contact's avatar
*Remixed for volume* Watching the clouds go by....
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
W/M by Tharek Mokbul -Lyrics- When the world is in battle, It grows hard to see, The fights that occur within lines. Constant distraction dispensed From the top of the castle With oil down its sides. All of the effort now wasted…
trawnajim's avatar
Tenor sax picked up by contact mics attached to oven grilles. Submitted to Sound-In for Oct. 29 - Nov. 5/2020.
childhoodsend's avatar
Sudara sent me a guitar piece he was working on... So I added a song. And it didn't turn out at all as I expected.
Sudara's avatar
I've been listening to a lot of [hiroshi yoshimura]( This is played on my Wurlitzer. The other instruments are a prototype version of the additive synth I'm building where you can control the ADSR…
Sudara's avatar
I've been designing patches for my Prophet 6 the last couple weeks. I'm hand-playing a handful of them here... The quote is [björk](
RayBrookes's avatar
I’ve seen you crash back down into the ash Like an inverted Phoenix So delectable yet totally ineffectual Those intellectual verbal tricks I’ve tried to save ya from your bad behaviour And keep you safe within the mix I’ve been here to…
Shed Sounds's avatar
Another tune exhumed from the past... 1984 to be precise. A 15 year-old angst-ridden vocalist wrote some words that went something like "Late at night... the shadows... creep across my wall". Happily, the song is musically much stronger than the…
Shed Sounds's avatar
I acquired some amazing 80s synth plug-ins for this one - the Prophet 5, ARP2600 and Yamaha DX-7 are all over this track. It started life as a 90 second instrumental for a video I'd produced to promote my business; my wife hated it so I wrote…