Comments on Sudara's stuff

Sudara's avatar
For my friend and coworker, because he certainly deserves it. This song is friends with [song for themcgruff](
Thor's avatar
Thor said

I love your style. Great playing.

Sudara's avatar
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Lovely track!

Sudara's avatar
Short tidbit written for my boss boss.
Benjamin Wuamett's avatar
Benjamin Wuamett said

what a pretty little thing.

Sudara's avatar
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Lovely stuff!!

Sudara's avatar
Guest said

Oh...those strings...that music box guitar. Just beautiful...

Sudara's avatar
For my friend and coworker, because he certainly deserves it. This song is friends with [song for themcgruff](
Guest said

Just great!

Sudara's avatar
First draft. Dedicated to my mother on her birthday. In the outro: Trombone, Horns, Clarinets, Mouthpiece buzz by Andy Hentz (arrsuarez) and organic drum related sounds by Glu.
glu's avatar
glu said

Jefwashere and I just listened to this one. "a masterpiece" he says... a masterpiece indeed.

Sudara's avatar
The first version. This is the first and only song I wrote on [arrsuarez]('s Christmas gift to me, a mbira that he lovingly crafted by hand. ![mbira](…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

First and Only? This is too cool. More, More, More. I think this lowered my blood pressure. Kids are home.... ya know?

Sudara's avatar
Fun/Silly song. My first recording with [the Hang](\)).
omshiva's avatar
omshiva said

ooooh yeah! i love this! a beautiful melody with a moving beat.

Sudara's avatar
added a bass. added the chorus, which i'll probably redo. added a bit of an ending. oh, and a smattering of pianer.
glu's avatar
glu said

I'm still waiting for 7/8 done version :-)

Sudara's avatar
added a bass. added the chorus, which i'll probably redo. added a bit of an ending. oh, and a smattering of pianer.
glu's avatar
glu said

oh yeah, why did I not fav' this one sooner?

Sudara's avatar
David DeSoto is on the upright bass fiddle.
glu's avatar
glu said

woah I remember an earlier version of this one! This is gorgeous. The instrumentation is perfect.

Sudara's avatar
David DeSoto is on the upright bass fiddle.
Guest said


Sudara's avatar
Lalo Oceja's avatar
Lalo Oceja said


Sudara's avatar
For my friend and coworker, because he certainly deserves it. This song is friends with [song for themcgruff](
Gilbert Neilson's avatar
Gilbert Neilson said

Very nice, clear and beautiful!!

Sudara's avatar
24 hours of music making for 2008. Yup. This is a "Gaiman variation" which means that I stopped at 24 hours and this is what I've got. Not 24 min, but it is a "Noble Failure" You can see my 2007 album [here](…
glu's avatar
glu said

ahhhh another beautiful 24h album masterpiece! I'm so motivated to do one of these in a few weeks! You and Brando are my heroes.

Sudara's avatar
Short tidbit written for my boss boss.
The Red Cow Society's avatar
The Red Cow Society said

Relaxing and pensive—I dig it.

Sudara's avatar
glu's avatar
glu said

i do

Sudara's avatar
This piece is a typical example of my love for spoken voice. I used to go thrift store hopping and try and collect all tapes and records I could get my hands on that had spoken voice. I used to drive around listening to these, and to christian…
glu's avatar
glu said

oh hell yeah. 01:15

Sudara's avatar
glu's avatar
glu said

i get hooked on this one each time
