Comments on Sudara's stuff

Sudara's avatar
I do three things after waking up these days: I shower. I make coffee. I play this song and drink my coffee. Nothing complicated. Nothing fancy. Just some basic fingerpicking to test my motor skills and bring some aural sunshine into my day.
MusicManiac 's avatar
MusicManiac said

Very nice one.. I am actually using this track everyday when I drink coffee in the morning...

Sudara's avatar
24 hours of music making for 2008. Yup. This is a "Gaiman variation" which means that I stopped at 24 hours and this is what I've got. Not 24 min, but it is a "Noble Failure" You can see my 2007 album [here](…
kavin.'s avatar
kavin. said

Hell of a good "failure". Is that Brian Eno speaking in the middle? The instrumental passages after that are stunningly beautiful.

Sudara's avatar
24 hours of music making for 2008. Yup. This is a "Gaiman variation" which means that I stopped at 24 hours and this is what I've got. Not 24 min, but it is a "Noble Failure" You can see my 2007 album [here](…
glu's avatar
glu said

yeah Su, damn! You did it. Lovely. poignant, just pure and authentic all the way through. can I get a \o_?

Sudara's avatar
24 hours of music making for 2008. Yup. This is a "Gaiman variation" which means that I stopped at 24 hours and this is what I've got. Not 24 min, but it is a "Noble Failure" You can see my 2007 album [here](…
glu's avatar
glu said


Sudara's avatar
24 hours of music making for 2008. Yup. This is a "Gaiman variation" which means that I stopped at 24 hours and this is what I've got. Not 24 min, but it is a "Noble Failure" You can see my 2007 album [here](…
Hug A Turtle Today's avatar
Hug A Turtle Today said

just great. Good work! I love the concept! (I need to take part in this next year!)

Sudara's avatar
My 2007 24 hour album. I did about 18 hours and 18 minutes!
Richard Hardrick's avatar
Richard Hardrick said

YEAH¡¡¡¡¡ good work¡¡¡

Sudara's avatar
My 2007 24 hour album. I did about 18 hours and 18 minutes!
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

Oh man that was over too fast, I loved it. So many nice parts and sounds, the echoey feel of the beginning through to the warmth of the end. And kudos for including Statler and Waldorf at the end :)

Sudara's avatar
I do three things after waking up these days: I shower. I make coffee. I play this song and drink my coffee. Nothing complicated. Nothing fancy. Just some basic fingerpicking to test my motor skills and bring some aural sunshine into my day.
Scott Carmichael's avatar
Scott Carmichael said

I love this kind of guitar work... sounds like morning coffee to me... deft playing and recorded quite well

Sudara's avatar
I do three things after waking up these days: I shower. I make coffee. I play this song and drink my coffee. Nothing complicated. Nothing fancy. Just some basic fingerpicking to test my motor skills and bring some aural sunshine into my day.
Guest said

how pleasent!!

Sudara's avatar
I do three things after waking up these days: I shower. I make coffee. I play this song and drink my coffee. Nothing complicated. Nothing fancy. Just some basic fingerpicking to test my motor skills and bring some aural sunshine into my day.
jeremy's avatar
jeremy said

harvey sent this to me today. your coffee smells like jorma kaukonen's better days. lovely.

Sudara's avatar
I do three things after waking up these days: I shower. I make coffee. I play this song and drink my coffee. Nothing complicated. Nothing fancy. Just some basic fingerpicking to test my motor skills and bring some aural sunshine into my day.
OHHO's avatar
OHHO said


Sudara's avatar
I do three things after waking up these days: I shower. I make coffee. I play this song and drink my coffee. Nothing complicated. Nothing fancy. Just some basic fingerpicking to test my motor skills and bring some aural sunshine into my day.
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

awesome track. absolutely loved it. Am definitely with the others on this one! Also happened to capture my mood perfectly this morning

Sudara's avatar
I do three things after waking up these days: I shower. I make coffee. I play this song and drink my coffee. Nothing complicated. Nothing fancy. Just some basic fingerpicking to test my motor skills and bring some aural sunshine into my day.
childhoodsend's avatar
childhoodsend said

very nice and beautiful.

Sudara's avatar
I do three things after waking up these days: I shower. I make coffee. I play this song and drink my coffee. Nothing complicated. Nothing fancy. Just some basic fingerpicking to test my motor skills and bring some aural sunshine into my day.
kavin.'s avatar
kavin. said

Oh yeah, love this one.

Sudara's avatar
I do three things after waking up these days: I shower. I make coffee. I play this song and drink my coffee. Nothing complicated. Nothing fancy. Just some basic fingerpicking to test my motor skills and bring some aural sunshine into my day.
brando's avatar
brando said


Sudara's avatar
I do three things after waking up these days: I shower. I make coffee. I play this song and drink my coffee. Nothing complicated. Nothing fancy. Just some basic fingerpicking to test my motor skills and bring some aural sunshine into my day.
another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

This is magical! LOVE IT!

Sudara's avatar
I do three things after waking up these days: I shower. I make coffee. I play this song and drink my coffee. Nothing complicated. Nothing fancy. Just some basic fingerpicking to test my motor skills and bring some aural sunshine into my day.
hills's avatar
hills said

beautiful. I'm ready for tomorrow morning's coffee tonight.

Sudara's avatar
I do three things after waking up these days: I shower. I make coffee. I play this song and drink my coffee. Nothing complicated. Nothing fancy. Just some basic fingerpicking to test my motor skills and bring some aural sunshine into my day.
glu's avatar
glu said

ah yeah! my coffee stream still has a little blood in it! This will be my new morning coffee tune. Enjoy the new mic!

Sudara's avatar
I do three things after waking up these days: I shower. I make coffee. I play this song and drink my coffee. Nothing complicated. Nothing fancy. Just some basic fingerpicking to test my motor skills and bring some aural sunshine into my day.
Guest said

Sounds pretty fancy :)

Sudara's avatar
I do three things after waking up these days: I shower. I make coffee. I play this song and drink my coffee. Nothing complicated. Nothing fancy. Just some basic fingerpicking to test my motor skills and bring some aural sunshine into my day.
Guest said

Vewy noice, and super clear and crispt sound. I like!
