Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
One for the Peace Fest on the other has a touch of the Irish about it i think..... Bugger the fighting and bugger the wars make an end to maiming and being parliaments whore lets put a stop to the fighting once more cause nobody…
Guest said

now that one is fabulous

thetworegs's avatar
One for the Peace Fest on the other has a touch of the Irish about it i think..... Bugger the fighting and bugger the wars make an end to maiming and being parliaments whore lets put a stop to the fighting once more cause nobody…
jip's avatar
jip said

Riverdance going on in my lounge. Hey, it's just a dream. Fun.

thetworegs's avatar
One for the Peace Fest on the other has a touch of the Irish about it i think..... Bugger the fighting and bugger the wars make an end to maiming and being parliaments whore lets put a stop to the fighting once more cause nobody…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice one great vocals

thetworegs's avatar
I was looking through my Doors music book and this one reared it's head and i thoughti'll try the one scale i know and try some lead i dived in.........
Guest said

Nice version Trev, is this with the band or a solo job. Either way a great job.

thetworegs's avatar
I was looking through my Doors music book and this one reared it's head and i thoughti'll try the one scale i know and try some lead i dived in.........
Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

Awesome version man! One of my favorite Doors tunes.

thetworegs's avatar
Here's a demo i'm offering up for the band i'm in the Big Bad Dog...Jon is on Guitar i may add a lot better player than myself the first demo i think was Em all the way through that i played him luckly he can see what i'm trying to put across…
The Proods's avatar
The Proods said


thetworegs's avatar
Here's a demo i'm offering up for the band i'm in the Big Bad Dog...Jon is on Guitar i may add a lot better player than myself the first demo i think was Em all the way through that i played him luckly he can see what i'm trying to put across…
sluggthesickpuppy's avatar
sluggthesickpuppy said

great good to hear you with a band

thetworegs's avatar
The old hippie in me has tried to write a Christmas peace song ....I had a couple of hours today with Seb at pre-school so i just got on with it...i think the sentiment is there but the verses do need a polish but hey! ive ran out of time so this…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Thank you for your ear, throughout the year ...://and a Merry Christmas to you all.....

thetworegs's avatar
There's a producer Fest over at Songcrafters and Hook (Eric) from Miami took this song on and i think did a great job... What your thoughts?
Nick P's avatar
Nick P said

When the piano is combined with your voice, it always sounds great!

thetworegs's avatar
The old hippie in me has tried to write a Christmas peace song ....I had a couple of hours today with Seb at pre-school so i just got on with it...i think the sentiment is there but the verses do need a polish but hey! ive ran out of time so this…
Radio Roswell's avatar
Radio Roswell said

Nicely done ! Really dig the piano sound and arrangement.

thetworegs's avatar
The old hippie in me has tried to write a Christmas peace song ....I had a couple of hours today with Seb at pre-school so i just got on with it...i think the sentiment is there but the verses do need a polish but hey! ive ran out of time so this…
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

right on the money - the message is golden.

thetworegs's avatar
The old hippie in me has tried to write a Christmas peace song ....I had a couple of hours today with Seb at pre-school so i just got on with it...i think the sentiment is there but the verses do need a polish but hey! ive ran out of time so this…
The Proods's avatar
The Proods said

Great vocals.

thetworegs's avatar
The old hippie in me has tried to write a Christmas peace song ....I had a couple of hours today with Seb at pre-school so i just got on with it...i think the sentiment is there but the verses do need a polish but hey! ive ran out of time so this…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Wow! This is a great song. Such poignant lyrics and a message that couldn't ring truer. Merry Christmas and thank you!!!

thetworegs's avatar
There's a producer Fest over at Songcrafters and Hook (Eric) from Miami took this song on and i think did a great job... What your thoughts?
Radio Roswell's avatar
Radio Roswell said

oh yes some pink Floyd vibe...always a good thing ! Nice !

thetworegs's avatar
Practicing for a gig i have coming up down the local football club in a couple of weeks supporting a local band for there Christmas do....Here.s my attempt at the Who's Magic Bus...using my new line6 pod and the voicelive for the vocal...not the…
The Proods's avatar
The Proods said

Classic interpretation of a classic.

thetworegs's avatar
I 've watching and reading the news this last week with interest and i feel they have got it wrong on the fight with IS but then i am only one voice and others have different opinions but i don't know how you can bomb to stop an it all…
The Proods's avatar
The Proods said

Nice ambiance!

thetworegs's avatar
Gene sent me over this great backer and i tried to fill the vocalists shoes......this is one of two different mix's the other is over on Songcrafters ........Thanks Gene
Guest said

New genre, funk rock. Love it.

thetworegs's avatar
Gene sent me over this great backer and i tried to fill the vocalists shoes......this is one of two different mix's the other is over on Songcrafters ........Thanks Gene
slkrell's avatar
slkrell said

That's a great track, super vocals

thetworegs's avatar
another sad one from me...i seem to be stuck in the groove.... F Am F Am G Am G E7 Yesterday I had a dream I became one I was Watching the waves play around with the sun While dancing to the sweet vibe of that sunshine I suddenly felt the…
Guest said

Great...right to the Fav list!

thetworegs's avatar
another sad one from me...i seem to be stuck in the groove.... F Am F Am G Am G E7 Yesterday I had a dream I became one I was Watching the waves play around with the sun While dancing to the sweet vibe of that sunshine I suddenly felt the…
jip's avatar
jip said

Nicely sung Reg
