The energy levels were at an all time high this weekend when Bon and jimi turned up down the Cellar for a session. Here's a little something from the session........... Reg'n'Roll...other Reg really blisters the guitar on this one
You'll never guess who turned up last night but the old Baird himself ....Will....Him and Louie jumped up to do this one for the cellar crowd...........
You'll never guess who turned up last night but the old Baird himself ....Will....Him and Louie jumped up to do this one for the cellar crowd...........
Reg has been thinking he's fed up with all this celebrity crap.......the emperor is naked can't you see..........
I’ve said this once
I’ve said this twice
I don’t give a damn about the celebrities life
About who…
You'll never guess who turned up last night but the old Baird himself ....Will....Him and Louie jumped up to do this one for the cellar crowd...........
The energy levels were at an all time high this weekend when Bon and jimi turned up down the Cellar for a session. Here's a little something from the session........... Reg'n'Roll...other Reg really blisters the guitar on this one
Reg has re-leaved his inner thespian tonight in another reading........... this time........... The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge...Done in one take mistakes and all ......he hadn't come across this one since his school…
Reg has re-leaved his inner thespian tonight in another reading........... this time........... The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge...Done in one take mistakes and all ......he hadn't come across this one since his school…
The energy levels were at an all time high this weekend when Bon and jimi turned up down the Cellar for a session. Here's a little something from the session........... Reg'n'Roll...other Reg really blisters the guitar on this one
You'll never guess who turned up last night but the old Baird himself ....Will....Him and Louie jumped up to do this one for the cellar crowd...........
You'll never guess who turned up last night but the old Baird himself ....Will....Him and Louie jumped up to do this one for the cellar crowd...........
The energy levels were at an all time high this weekend when Bon and jimi turned up down the Cellar for a session. Here's a little something from the session........... Reg'n'Roll...other Reg really blisters the guitar on this one
They were Black and Blue but finally Elvis got up and did his stint in the Live in the Living room was good practice for his strumming, cause by god does he need it.....but no one dare tell him…
Reg has been thinking he's fed up with all this celebrity crap.......the emperor is naked can't you see..........
I’ve said this once
I’ve said this twice
I don’t give a damn about the celebrities life
About who…
Reg has re-leaved his inner thespian tonight in another reading........... this time........... The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge...Done in one take mistakes and all ......he hadn't come across this one since his school…
The energy levels were at an all time high this weekend when Bon and jimi turned up down the Cellar for a session. Here's a little something from the session........... Reg'n'Roll...other Reg really blisters the guitar on this one
Reg has been thinking he's fed up with all this celebrity crap.......the emperor is naked can't you see..........
I’ve said this once
I’ve said this twice
I don’t give a damn about the celebrities life
About who…
Celebrities at one time were paid to live the life the audience wouldn't dare to live. That was the real entertainment.
Its like the fake preacher at the entrance of the Renaissance fair who was on a tree stump yelling "Don't go in - it will make you a sinner! Inside is just sin! You will go to Hell if you go inside!" And I shouted back - "What if I pay you to go in and sin for me?" He stopped a moment looking thoughtful and then said "How much will you pay me?"
They were Black and Blue but finally Elvis got up and did his stint in the Live in the Living room was good practice for his strumming, cause by god does he need it.....but no one dare tell him…
Sometimes the past in which you felt successful and strong, reminds of fragility of life. It's a sign of that you are in a point of transition and you should make a choice. Or the choice will be made for you. For me.
~for Geoffrey~
This is a rough mix of a track I did with the one & only Norm Harris. I've got some vocals in mind, but it may take some time to put it together, so meanwhile here's the instrumental version. Big thanks & major props to Norm…
Out on the lawn there arose such a clatter!
Sometimes, as they say, Christmas do come early. I found Johnny Stone's "Christmas Rock In Oz" under the tree and couldn't wait until Yuletide to unwrap it. What a rockin' gift! I know a bit about…
No black no white
No dark no light
No big no small
You want it all
You go so far, you leave behind
The things you like, you’ll miss them all
On moving sands, you don’t sink
You fly so high, we’re you gonna land?
Everything, everything that…
This is one of those happy accidents that pop out from time to time - with this one, I feel less is more, although a little re-mastering might not be a bad idea....
This started as a simple piano piece from Osckilo, I took that as a beginning point and added the rest (synth, guitar, drums from Boss microBR), turning it into a prog-rock instrumental.
Aarrhhh ye scurvy sons (and daughters) of sea-rats, the pesky pluckers have been at it again.
Pin back yer lug-holes or it's the plank ye'll be hoping for!
This one has been sitting around for a while but I feel it's the best or most interesting of my most recent posts. The inspiration came from listening to an old CD I have of a great band from the 90's. If anybody can name the band that I gained…
Comments on thetworegs's stuff
I love the freedom and energy of this song.
Let's try that again ... logged in this time. Well done! I greatly enjoyed that.
This is a treat to listen to ... well done!
Wow this does it for me. Good time feel, Strong performance...I like it....Steve
As an unperfect actor on the [cellar] stage, he tried to... but... Was booed by an ungrateful public.
This would be good to play while the credits are rolling at the end of the Reg movie...
HA!! HA!!HA!!!!....ACTING.........
Master Thespian!
Now this rocks!
Good morining, thanks for starting my day with a smile
Oh that's gorgeous! I just melted! "She is beauty's queen". Sigh!!!
Whoa! How's the throat? What an amazing performance. Grrreat track man! Sounds like a bit of MTC too!
Elvis did a great job on this one. His strumming is better than mine, so what's not to like! Ooo I like it!
Love the lyrics, brilliant! great song. So the guitar playing is coming on then!
Nice bit of noodling!
this is the yarest thing I've ever heard.
freakin smokin stuff. vocal and lead guitar are crazy awesome.
Celebrities at one time were paid to live the life the audience wouldn't dare to live. That was the real entertainment. Its like the fake preacher at the entrance of the Renaissance fair who was on a tree stump yelling "Don't go in - it will make you a sinner! Inside is just sin! You will go to Hell if you go inside!" And I shouted back - "What if I pay you to go in and sin for me?" He stopped a moment looking thoughtful and then said "How much will you pay me?"
oh this is awesome with Elvis doing this!!
Comments made by thetworegs
reminds me of a cloudy cold day in Berlin
love it
Yeh! no problem lay the blues on me Reg
Gobble, Gobble, Gobble. BURP!!!!!!
like it!!!!!
i'm a fan, lovely voice
I sometimes hear voices echoe from the edge to, thanks for the enthusiasm
Brill!!!! It shivers me timbers
it tells a story i like it