Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
This was a collab i heard today on Songcrafters and was wondering wether to ask to have a go at it vocally when Tharek sent me message asking me to have a go so Thanks Tharek and Dave, i am more than pleased to give it a go. i loved this music…
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Yeah Reg-man, I love it, great job on the fantastic vocals.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was out tonight on the dance floor doing his thing and saw this beautiful women doing her thing......well if that doesn't make a song what does? YOU GOT SOMETHING I NEED (Lyrics) Baby you got something about you You got something special…
JESMIAUS 's avatar

loooooove these vocals. wow. awesome

thetworegs's avatar
This was a collab i heard today on Songcrafters and was wondering wether to ask to have a go at it vocally when Tharek sent me message asking me to have a go so Thanks Tharek and Dave, i am more than pleased to give it a go. i loved this music…
c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
c}{imps 8 my ears said


thetworegs's avatar
This was a collab i heard today on Songcrafters and was wondering wether to ask to have a go at it vocally when Tharek sent me message asking me to have a go so Thanks Tharek and Dave, i am more than pleased to give it a go. i loved this music…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said


thetworegs's avatar
Ive started to mess about on the drums while Reg has been lusting after a woman from his past who he has lusted after for years ...............
Guest said


thetworegs's avatar
Reg just doesn't want anyone to know what he did yesterday.........................
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

cool reg!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has got a kinda Bluesy political thing going on this one.....he's been reading the paper and watching the's a little too long but i think he makes a you?
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

yes I do. Nice piece!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has got a kinda Bluesy political thing going on this one.....he's been reading the paper and watching the's a little too long but i think he makes a you?
Guest said

stirring stuff regs..moving vocals!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg just doesn't want anyone to know what he did yesterday.........................
Guest said

I'm always fascinated by your ideas and lyrics. This is gutsy stuff.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has got a kinda Bluesy political thing going on this one.....he's been reading the paper and watching the's a little too long but i think he makes a you?
Guest said

What an incredible delivery.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was down the cellar earlier chatting to Elvis and he told Reg he was just having one of them days they made a song.............
Guest said

Smooth like a shell.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg just had to watch her leave was all his fault......he couldn't blame her.........
Guest said

Love the music - can imagine heartbroken ballerinas dancing in their basements.

thetworegs's avatar
Guess who came down the cellar last night......Johnny's tune was playing on the juke box and nobody could stop him.......Thanks Johnny......
A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

:) still lovin it

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was watching a documentary called the half ton man and it got him thinking...............
Guest said

that's just f*ing nuts!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was down the cellar earlier chatting to Elvis and he told Reg he was just having one of them days they made a song.............
Endicott Road's avatar
Endicott Road said

So how did you know what happened to me today? Loved the song. ER

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was watching a documentary called the half ton man and it got him thinking...............
Endicott Road's avatar
Endicott Road said

So is this the new mantra for weight loss clinics across the country? ER

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was out tonight on the dance floor doing his thing and saw this beautiful women doing her thing......well if that doesn't make a song what does? YOU GOT SOMETHING I NEED (Lyrics) Baby you got something about you You got something special…
Endicott Road's avatar
Endicott Road said

I thought Elvis was dead. Or did he just go to his home planet? Good song, sir. ER

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was out tonight on the dance floor doing his thing and saw this beautiful women doing her thing......well if that doesn't make a song what does? YOU GOT SOMETHING I NEED (Lyrics) Baby you got something about you You got something special…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Very hot track Reg.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was having another conversation with Elvis and Elvis told Reg what his Mama told him...............
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nicely done top vocals mate.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was watching a documentary called the half ton man and it got him thinking...............
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Great track mate.
