Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was at his local AA meeting last night and just had to express some truth's he had to the others there......................but they didn't believe him they thought he could stop but Reg knew better.......i mean it was the Devil that told…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

I like the reverb on this one Reg. Have you considered an exorcism?

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was at his local AA meeting last night and just had to express some truth's he had to the others there......................but they didn't believe him they thought he could stop but Reg knew better.......i mean it was the Devil that told…
Tyler Kundinger's avatar
Tyler Kundinger said

Very cool! Can't help but be reminded of Trans-Siberian Orchestra. You've got a good blues voice on this track!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was out for a stroll in town and met Jed who was homeless sitting on the pavement with his hat out in front of him. Reg stopped to have a chat with him to see if he could help. Reg expected him to have a sad story but to his surprise he hadn…
Guest said

Did you ever see the traveller with the horse and gypsy caravan who used to travel the length and breadth of the UK for years? This reminded me of him. He was very popular with everyone. Nice track! Sympathetically done!

thetworegs's avatar
Well last night none other that the headbanger Byron turned up at the cellar well him and Debussey got together and came up with little beauty............
Guest said

Lovely, clear delivery.

thetworegs's avatar
Elvis has a few questions but not any answers............................This time Elvis had a little help from the local Japanese band that hang out at the local Chinese restaurant, he frequents and they bought along there instruments,down the…
Guest said

Poor Elvis, it is not for us to reason why, I should just listen to the music if I were you!

thetworegs's avatar
Well last night none other that the headbanger Byron turned up at the cellar well him and Debussey got together and came up with little beauty............
Guest said

Brilliant spoken word stuff.

thetworegs's avatar
Elvis has a few questions but not any answers............................This time Elvis had a little help from the local Japanese band that hang out at the local Chinese restaurant, he frequents and they bought along there instruments,down the…
Newbold's avatar
Newbold said

sinister orient so so sinister! why for me is a word of anger? needing some anger management or acceptance some? =Why do you ask?

thetworegs's avatar
Elvis has a few questions but not any answers............................This time Elvis had a little help from the local Japanese band that hang out at the local Chinese restaurant, he frequents and they bought along there instruments,down the…
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

wild fun man.....wid fun

thetworegs's avatar
Elvis has a few questions but not any answers............................This time Elvis had a little help from the local Japanese band that hang out at the local Chinese restaurant, he frequents and they bought along there instruments,down the…
Sleep Walk's avatar
Sleep Walk said

'preciate the kind words, man. i like the eastern influence a lot.

thetworegs's avatar
Elvis has a few questions but not any answers............................This time Elvis had a little help from the local Japanese band that hang out at the local Chinese restaurant, he frequents and they bought along there instruments,down the…
Jason Earls's avatar
Jason Earls said

cool combination of sounds man, nice one.

thetworegs's avatar
Elvis has a few questions but not any answers............................This time Elvis had a little help from the local Japanese band that hang out at the local Chinese restaurant, he frequents and they bought along there instruments,down the…
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

Love that sound!!! Elvis goes Hungarian gypsy style!

thetworegs's avatar
Elvis has a few questions but not any answers............................This time Elvis had a little help from the local Japanese band that hang out at the local Chinese restaurant, he frequents and they bought along there instruments,down the…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Sidney is my kind of guy!

thetworegs's avatar
I heard this beat of Norms this morning bright and early an had to jump all over ilesa in my mind she was her instead of a town it was fun but it didn't last.....the same old was her fault she was too hot.......What can i say
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Did I just hear "beat that meat"?........damn man thats down with it........

thetworegs's avatar
The radio play episode 1 is introducing Thetworegs with Reg as writer performer, musician, and producer as the budget was rather low.......... They have just set sail for Germany it was time for them to leave England before they were caught…
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

quits the herbal ritual........hahahahahaha, thats a line

thetworegs's avatar
I heard this beat of Norms this morning bright and early an had to jump all over ilesa in my mind she was her instead of a town it was fun but it didn't last.....the same old was her fault she was too hot.......What can i say
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

come to daddy baby.............

thetworegs's avatar
I heard this beat of Norms this morning bright and early an had to jump all over ilesa in my mind she was her instead of a town it was fun but it didn't last.....the same old was her fault she was too hot.......What can i say
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Norm on drums.........its gonna be huge.........Reg on organ and vocals and other assorted crazyness.........well, its gonna blow my fine guys.......this is the new groove for the masses.....this is the sound that will save the world from disaster............Reg and Norn, Captains of the our souls your work for good....only for good.....

thetworegs's avatar
Well can you?...........
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Whats up Reg-man.......Time for my daily dose of all things Reg. I love your vocal here man. This is very Rock-opera concept here.

thetworegs's avatar
Well can you?...........
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Good question.

thetworegs's avatar
I heard this beat of Norms this morning bright and early an had to jump all over ilesa in my mind she was her instead of a town it was fun but it didn't last.....the same old was her fault she was too hot.......What can i say
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

Damn fine work!!

thetworegs's avatar
I heard this beat of Norms this morning bright and early an had to jump all over ilesa in my mind she was her instead of a town it was fun but it didn't last.....the same old was her fault she was too hot.......What can i say
Norm's avatar
Norm said

"I'm dancin'! Ilesa I'm dancin'!". Come to Daddy!! Let's beat it down! Love the Rhodes as always and Reg had me crackin' up with this one! Ilesa never saw him coming when she walked into that disco, but I doubt she will ever be able to forget his "classic moves".
