Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has decided he needs to lose it tonight he doesn't care if that is with drink with sex with drugs in his mind or down the road he just wants to get lost".."..........
richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said


thetworegs's avatar
Reg has decided he needs to lose it tonight he doesn't care if that is with drink with sex with drugs in his mind or down the road he just wants to get lost".."..........
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Thanks Regs :)

thetworegs's avatar
Reg decided to check on the perimeter and suddenly realised he was the only one out there and he was all alone.........
Guest said

Echoed vocals are sublime contrast to the vibe of the music. well done regge!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has realized the fun is over and the door has been closed so it must be time to come down. There is always tomorrow.................
Guest said

Those whizzles are closing in on me as i listen to this... *gypsy moments*

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has realized the fun is over and the door has been closed so it must be time to come down. There is always tomorrow.................
mee's avatar
mee said


thetworegs's avatar
Reg knows why he drinks it was to forget but what it was he was trying to forget he realizes he has forgotten.............but now he cant stop.......
Guest said

Me too. Love the Doorsy feel - awesome vox and excellent inventiveness as usual!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg decided to check on the perimeter and suddenly realised he was the only one out there and he was all alone.........
Guest said

Crazy and cool, very Regs.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg decided to check on the perimeter and suddenly realised he was the only one out there and he was all alone.........
Guest said

I love the Richard Aceves style chorale and your vocal. Poor Reg, he's in a bit of a state really!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg knows why he drinks it was to forget but what it was he was trying to forget he realizes he has forgotten.............but now he cant stop.......
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

yeh nice one mate. I forget why i drank and i have not touched a drop since january 29th 2000 And I still can not remember. dig it, got sort of a russian flavor.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg knows why he drinks it was to forget but what it was he was trying to forget he realizes he has forgotten.............but now he cant stop.......
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

.....hic........ I'm with Norm...........hic...........

thetworegs's avatar
Regs back is hurting as he reads the local paper and he notices an advert telling him that a Healer is in town so he decides to pay him a visit.........
eshar's avatar
eshar said

Simply fantastic Reg!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was talking to Elvis last night and Elvis came out with something so simple and profound "you can't hide from the man inside" and this got Reg thinking....................
eshar's avatar
eshar said

Trippy and funky all rolled into one.

thetworegs's avatar
Another one from the collaboration of Chris Vaisvil, Norm and thetworegs from the album Women and Whisky together ain't no good. We hope you enjoy...................... Reg created the lyrics, vocal melody, and sang Norm composed and played…
eshar's avatar
eshar said

Rocky blues, I'm really digging plus the bongos are a fave instrument of mine...very cool in this.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg heard Igh's track Downbeat with n upbeat and started to groove and here is the result .......................Thanks Igh
eshar's avatar
eshar said

Earth Wind and Fire and Reg lol. Groovy and Funky...Fantastic!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg knows why he drinks it was to forget but what it was he was trying to forget he realizes he has forgotten.............but now he cant stop.......
eshar's avatar
eshar said

No hesitation in adding this to my faves. This would fit really well into a musical in the west has that kind of vibe. :)

thetworegs's avatar
Reg knows why he drinks it was to forget but what it was he was trying to forget he realizes he has forgotten.............but now he cant stop.......
Guest said

Marching drunk song, well done regs~

thetworegs's avatar
Reg knows why he drinks it was to forget but what it was he was trying to forget he realizes he has forgotten.............but now he cant stop.......
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Having fun yet? You regs are very entertaining.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg knows why he drinks it was to forget but what it was he was trying to forget he realizes he has forgotten.............but now he cant stop.......
Drop D's avatar
Drop D said

EggZAKtly what Dave said.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg knows why he drinks it was to forget but what it was he was trying to forget he realizes he has forgotten.............but now he cant stop.......
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Like something you would hear in a parlour in St.Petersburg, drinking vodka and discussing Dostoevsky's the Idiot.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was flying last night he was on a real high when he bumped into Debussy down in the cellar and they came up with this little beauty...................
Guest said

Well, Reg and Debussy nailed that gorgeous piece!
