Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
Reg is in the cellar, it's early morning he is back in what seems the inevitable empty bar. To the Barman Reg sings his sad song ........................
Les's avatar
Les said

I'm gripped! Something about the rhythm that really feels like we're on an adventure! Great voice too

thetworegs's avatar
Reg is in the cellar, it's early morning he is back in what seems the inevitable empty bar. To the Barman Reg sings his sad song ........................
richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

i really like the musical underpinnings of this,, this piece has a rich full feeling,, another great story line,, like ive mentioned before, i think your a great story/word smith,,, very nice

thetworegs's avatar
Reg is in the cellar, it's early morning he is back in what seems the inevitable empty bar. To the Barman Reg sings his sad song ........................
Guest said

Absolutely captivating from beginning to end

thetworegs's avatar
Reg is in the cellar, it's early morning he is back in what seems the inevitable empty bar. To the Barman Reg sings his sad song ........................
igor's avatar
igor said

...having finished singing the Brave Song, Reg has found out that the barman here isn't present already. To whom did he sing it? To us! ~like~

thetworegs's avatar
Reg heard this one over on songcrafters and liked the tune it made him think of Elvis. so he promptly went and woke him up in the cellar as he was sleeping off the night before. He finally brought him round after a quick visit from Dr. Nick and…
lgh's avatar
lgh said

Oh Yeah, This is good stuff Reg.... Tell Elvis, for me, next time you see him, That I think this is super! LG

thetworegs's avatar
Reg is back in love the broken heart has healed and he wants to tell the world ......... ONLY YOU (Lyrics) I surrender my life I surrender my dreams I surrender my thoughts Because it’s true i love you I love only You are the sun…
lgh's avatar
lgh said

This is AWESOME.... LG

thetworegs's avatar
Reg made a new friend Norman he met him in town and brought him back to the cellar.................
Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

Lovin' this beat...It's like Fred Flintstone got into the ganja. Nice Reg eh?

thetworegs's avatar
Reg made a new friend Norman he met him in town and brought him back to the cellar.................
Guest said

Totally cool! reggs or reggae.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg is back in love the broken heart has healed and he wants to tell the world ......... ONLY YOU (Lyrics) I surrender my life I surrender my dreams I surrender my thoughts Because it’s true i love you I love only You are the sun…
igor's avatar
igor said

~ Only you can make this world seem simple Only you can make the darkness darker In order to better see ~

thetworegs's avatar
Reg made a new friend Norman he met him in town and brought him back to the cellar.................
richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

enjoyable and fun,,,, enough to make me wish i had a cellar myself

thetworegs's avatar
I had missed this one when it was first put up by Chris Vaisvil and Norm (Still waiting) i heard it today for the first time and it struck a chord so i asked Chris if i could add some words and being the generous man he is, he said yes. So i set…
Guest said

It's lovely Reg!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has been down the cellar tonight and for a Sunday night it was pretty full, mostly with beautiful women trying to impress Elvis with there moves. But this one beauty with the long Black hair really impressed Reg when she shaked it…
Guest said

Shaaaaaake ittt!

thetworegs's avatar
Well Reg has decided he's had enough of looking for love, he's always disappointed anyway. He went down to his local lap Dancing club and met Shandy who was a working girl on the side, so Reg decided to pay for sex to try and keep a lid on his…
Guest said

Enjoyed your vox Reg, very intense. Norm, great sounds as usual.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg found himself wandering around the cellar, thinking and he come to realize that he spends most of his life drifting from one idea to another,drifting.........
Guest said

Love yer vox! I think Reg needs to get out in the sun.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg is diseased but he cant believe it was the beautiful woman from the park. I mean she was beautiful ....................Now he feels he should Ring a bell or's's just wrong...........this sort of thing happens…
Guest said

All her fault I suppose, Uh, do you think you may have forgotten something Reg? Very well performed, I love the incredulity!

thetworegs's avatar
Without the waffle..........
Guest said

This is pretty, great combo guys!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has had a tough week and decided to get himself wiped clean so he has took to the drink. I had some help Vocally and with the music i must thank the Red wine....Thank you
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

cool vibe and story!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg is back in love the broken heart has healed and he wants to tell the world ......... ONLY YOU (Lyrics) I surrender my life I surrender my dreams I surrender my thoughts Because it’s true i love you I love only You are the sun…
Guest said


thetworegs's avatar
Reg has had a tough week and decided to get himself wiped clean so he has took to the drink. I had some help Vocally and with the music i must thank the Red wine....Thank you
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Nice one Reg! Here's to Red Wine!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was getting a little sentimental so he wrote this song for his eldest Daughter who has flew the nest for quite a time now.....
Guest said

Love you dad xx
