Reg once had a childhood friend that gave in to temptation and the depths of addiction, this track is about what he saw when the Black Velvet glove took control. The degradation of a poor soul who lost his grip on reality and fell to depths so…
Reg has left re-hab but now he has to fill those sober hours with something, so he has taken to people watching, but like everything in his life he has become addicted to it, listening in on there private conversation as he follows them, watching…
Reg once had a childhood friend that gave in to temptation and the depths of addiction, this track is about what he saw when the Black Velvet glove took control. The degradation of a poor soul who lost his grip on reality and fell to depths so…
Child's letter to the editor of the newspaper "Reg Herald":
Dear Reg, I'm sorry you're so worried about what happened to you. I've been thinking how to help you - and I find no answer, yet. Parents say that it is necessary to cope on their own and... Yes: never give up. Let me advise you the same thing, my dear Reg.
Sincerely yours,
Regina Scott
P.S. It isn't helped to me, but maybe it can help to you.
Reg once had a childhood friend that gave in to temptation and the depths of addiction, this track is about what he saw when the Black Velvet glove took control. The degradation of a poor soul who lost his grip on reality and fell to depths so…
Reg once had a childhood friend that gave in to temptation and the depths of addiction, this track is about what he saw when the Black Velvet glove took control. The degradation of a poor soul who lost his grip on reality and fell to depths so…
Reg once had a childhood friend that gave in to temptation and the depths of addiction, this track is about what he saw when the Black Velvet glove took control. The degradation of a poor soul who lost his grip on reality and fell to depths so…
You guys are making me feel all dizzy here with this one, wipe the sweat off my thirsty.....swirling lights....the grass is so green it is ...... breathing.......gasping...screaming....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....its enough to make a grown man cry.
Reg is back on the drink there was no escaping it. He found out that Desirea was not what he thought she was, she had been telling him lies and his hopes were dashed again.............. theres a little mess up on the Xylophone but what can you…
The other night a few of Elvis's friends came over to see him and the thetworegs were listening in by the ventilation shaft from the cellar and they took a liking to a jam that was happening with a man called Diamond Neil doing the Vocals. This…
Reg is back on the drink there was no escaping it. He found out that Desirea was not what he thought she was, she had been telling him lies and his hopes were dashed again.............. theres a little mess up on the Xylophone but what can you…
~too many lies can not exist - there are only many hopes we describes as unfulfilled, dashed, ruined... Depends on hopeless person who hoped~
...he's been drinking, he was drunk, hopes were dashed. The story, again. P.S. I think I'll drink too, you know. Ehh...
Reg is back on the drink there was no escaping it. He found out that Desirea was not what he thought she was, she had been telling him lies and his hopes were dashed again.............. theres a little mess up on the Xylophone but what can you…
Reg is back on the drink there was no escaping it. He found out that Desirea was not what he thought she was, she had been telling him lies and his hopes were dashed again.............. theres a little mess up on the Xylophone but what can you…
This was going to be a re-make of Dancing on my own but reg was too busy to participate so i have used Norms percussion track and got Chris Vaisvil to bass it up and i have added a vocal creating something new. Reg has had a lot of trouble with…
Reg has left re-hab but now he has to fill those sober hours with something, so he has taken to people watching, but like everything in his life he has become addicted to it, listening in on there private conversation as he follows them, watching…
very entertaining words. love the line about the womens clothes. addictive personalities always have their latest "thing". once again great album. regards, M.F.
I used sonar 8.5 matrix view to turn my M-audio 88es into a sampler keyboard - assigning samples to almost every key. Most of the samples are field recordings from today and yesterday - most of the others are recordings I made of a drumset I…
This is part of a microtonal tuning survey. for those of a stout constitution all of the options follow:
These are playable online here:
Here is the original harpsichord…
A layered improvisation on a M-Audio 88es
Korg MS2000 * 2 (duplicated the midi track and recorded the MS2k with two different voices serially)
Reading of his poem "We're on the Brink of Utter Befuddlement, Yellow Hanky Style…
A prototype. I recorded the banjo parts myself and the rest is all arranged in Logic. The mandolin that comes in halfway through is a chopped up loop until I can find a mandolin to record my own solo.
My first attempt at a Blumlein or Mid/Side recording. This one is actually a mid/side recording as I used a directional mic in combo with a figure 8 ribbon mic set at 90 degrees from the main mic. Thanks to Pat Broaders for the loan of the ribbon…
Short demo of my Ampeg Scrambler Fuzz/Octaver Clone with backing track. Recorded with Zoom H4n.
Pictures of the pedal:
(Lyrics posted below) A fun song I wrote with Kenneth from Its about having fun making music with friends from all over the world, connected by the internet and these great music sites that we all belong to.
I came in from…
Comments on thetworegs's stuff
dig the vocals on this one and the cool rhythm of the keys !!
cool one !!
How horrible.
Well, did he make it?
Nice keys !!
Wow! Amazing what the RPM challenge brings out of people... quite an album :)
Child's letter to the editor of the newspaper "Reg Herald": Dear Reg, I'm sorry you're so worried about what happened to you. I've been thinking how to help you - and I find no answer, yet. Parents say that it is necessary to cope on their own and... Yes: never give up. Let me advise you the same thing, my dear Reg. Sincerely yours, Regina Scott P.S. It isn't helped to me, but maybe it can help to you.
...where are the friends? where is that time that seemed so light and simple? ~was a dream once. Now is a faint memory~
Gripping stuff Reg! I thought the music was perfect for it.
You guys are making me feel all dizzy here with this one, wipe the sweat off my thirsty.....swirling lights....the grass is so green it is ...... breathing.......gasping...screaming....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....its enough to make a grown man cry.
Nice man,good shit. Sounds cool as. And thanks for listening to my shit and what not.
hey ... this is really cool!!!!
i like you stuff reg
~too many lies can not exist - there are only many hopes we describes as unfulfilled, dashed, ruined... Depends on hopeless person who hoped~ ...he's been drinking, he was drunk, hopes were dashed. The story, again. P.S. I think I'll drink too, you know. Ehh...
I don't believe it. He's imagining it. it's all those dead brain cells from too much drink.
twisted up like a fine bulging spliff.
Great little groove and totally original song. Damn this is good stuff!
Wow! loved it...wish I could play like that! Very nice.
very entertaining words. love the line about the womens clothes. addictive personalities always have their latest "thing". once again great album. regards, M.F.
Comments made by thetworegs
lovely song great voice & harmonies lets have some more please...................
Great song by the way
I couldn't agree with you more Dave it is a state of mind
Great shadow socks. A must, to be always worn when thinking outside of the box..........
just one word Beautiful.
Great beat like the delivery cool as F***K!!!!
Loving the solos Dave.
excellent track
Nice bit of nonsense. love it. great delivery
Happy funking new year
Yeah great delivery love it. I agree with Dweeb
excellent delivery
Should be renamed to the New-Year Jam Now xmas has gone. Good one keep on jamming
Yeahh!!!!! a banjo jam just what i need to lift my spirits, on this new years eve thanks....
I agree with the others Beautiful
Down and dirty excellent guitar.....
Yeahhh!!! Good one Dave it's got me feeling alright Cheer's
love the lead on this .....the rhythm has got the head nodding ...
Love it nice n crazy, good delivery